set ipsec authentication {md5 | sha1} Note: This command is not available if the security mode setting is C2. enable|disable EnablesordisablesClassofServiceontheswitch.Defaultstateis disabled. SID 0 within the MST is the Internal Spanning Tree (IST) and provides connectivity out to the CST as well as functioning as another Spanning Tree instance within the MST region. If the address is a multicast or link-local address, then you must also specify the interface to be used to contact the DHCPv6 server. Configuring the Router ID OSPF initially assigns all routers a router ID based on the highest loopback IP address of the interfaces configured for IP routing. 15 Configuring Spanning Tree This chapter provides the following information about configuring and monitoring the Spanning Tree protocol on Enterasys stackable and standalone fixed switches. If authentication fails, the guest policy is used. RMON There are only three Filter Entries available, and a user can associate all three Filter Entries with the Channel Entry. Refer to Table 2-2 for console port pinout assignments. The index determines the order in which the switch will attempt to establish a session with an authentication server. 2. C5(su)save config Saving Configuration to stacking members Configuration saved C5(su)-> 2. Optionally, delete an entire ACL or a single rule or range of rules. Stackable Switches Configuration Guide Firmware Version 6.03.xx.xxxx P/N 9034313-07. i Notice Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document and its web site without prior notice. All generated messages are eligible for logging to local destinations and to remote servers configured as Syslog servers. Configuring RIP Procedure 21-1 Basic RIP Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 3. set txqmonitor downtime seconds The default value is 0, meaning that disabled ports will remain disabled until cleared manually or until their next link state transition. Using Multicast in Your Network Table 19-1 PIM-SM Message Types (continued) Message Type Description Join/Prune (J/P) These messages contain information on group membership received from downstream routers. In this configuration, an interface on VLAN 111 for Router R1 or Router R2, or VRID 1, 2, or 3 fails, the interface on the other router will take over for forwarding outside the local LAN segment. Terms and Definitions LoopProtect Lock status for port lag.0.2, SID 56_ is UNLOCKED Enterasys->show spantree lpcapablepartner port lag.0.2 Link partner of port lag.0.2_is LoopProtect-capable. Link Aggregation Overview Single Port Attached State Rules By default, a LAG must contain two or more actor and partner port pairs for the LAG to be initiated by this device. set maclock agefirstarrival port-string enable Use either the set maclock agefirstarrival disable or clear maclock firstarrival commands to disable aging. Display the current settings for the Management Authentication Notification MIB. Set the minimum rate (in packets per second) of transmitted packets in a sampling interval. This selection will leave stacking priorities on all other units. The following port administrative states are set by default: lacpactive - Transmitting LACP PDUs is enabled. Port Traffic Rate Limiting You can mix WRR and SP by assigning SP to the higher numbered queues and assigning WRR to the lower numbered queues, making sure that the values assigned to the WRR queues totals 100 percent. Strict Priority Queuing With Strict Priority Queuing, a higher priority queue must be empty before a lower priority queue can transmit any packets. 14 Configuring Syslog This chapter describes how System Logging, or Syslog, operates on Enterasys fixed stackable and standalone switches, and how to configure Syslog. The best path is the one that has the lowest designated cost. Copying One Switch's Configuration to Another Switch Using USB Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Criteria for USB Zero Touch Provisioning; the show arp command to display the link level ARP table. The LLDP-enabled device periodically advertises information about itself (such as management address, capabilities, media-specific configuration information) in an LLDPDU (Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit), which is sent in a single 802.3 Ethernet frame (see Figure 13-3 on page 13-6). The Class of Service capability of the device is implemented by a priority queueing mechanism. User Authentication Overview devices that do not support 802.1x or web authentication. Enterasys Switch: List of Devices # Model Type of Document; 1: Enterasys I3H252: Enterasys Switch I3H252 Hardware installation manual (78 pages) 2: Enterasys I Series: A code example follows the procedure. The power available for PoE is 150W. 4. The higher priority traffic through the device is serviced first before lower priority traffic. ThisexampleshowshowtodisplayOSPFinformation: UsethiscommandtodisplaytheOSPFlinkstatedatabase. Table 12-2 SNMP Terms and Definitions Term Definition community A name string used to authenticate SNMPv1 and v2c users. If you have different switches with VLANs and want to connect them together you have to set the egress state of the ports where the switches are connect together: example: Switch A is connected with Switch B (let's say the uplink port between both is ge.1.1 then you have to: - create the VLAN : set vlan create 20 The traceroute command is available in both switch and routing command modes. Basic Switch Configuration - YouTube 0:00 / 28:31 Introduction Basic Switch Configuration StormWind Studios 53.3K subscribers Subscribe 2.1K Share 759K views 9 years ago Learn the basics of. i . On the S-Series, N-Series, and K-Series switches, you can also manually configure the maximum percentage of PoE power available to the chassis as a percentage of the total installed PoE power with the set inlinepower available command. Port auto-negotiation Enabled on all ports. Configuring Cisco Discovery Protocol 13-14 Configuring Neighbor Discovery. Hardware Installation Guide. ToenableandconfiguretheOpenShortestPathFirst(OSPF)routingprotocol. Policy Configuration Overview The following example creates a policy profile with a profile-index value of 1 and a profile name, student, that can be used by the RADIUS Filter-ID functionality: System(rw)->set policy profile 1 name student Setting a Default VLAN for a Role A default VLAN can be configured for a policy role. Using Multicast in Your Network Generation ID gen id: 1331801871 [2] via neighbor: Uptime: 66704 , expires: 0 version: 3 Generation ID gen id: 1331805217 [0] via neighbor: direct [0] via neighbor: direct direct direct Uptime: 3615 , expires: 0 version: 3 [3] via neighbor: Uptime: 66716 , expires: 0 version: 3 Terms and Definitions Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#create vlan 111 3 Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#address vlan 111 3 0 Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#master-icmp-reply vlan 111 3 Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#enable vlan 111 3 Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#exit Terms and Definitions Table 23-2 lists terms and definitions used in this VRRP configuration discussion. The terminology associated with CoS configuration is introduced in Table 17-1. System name Set to empty string. Any router with a priority of 0 will opt out of the DR election process. Router R1 serves as the master and Router R2 serves as the backup. sFlow Table 18-3 describes how to manage remote network monitoring. 22 Configuring OSPFv2 This chapter gives a brief overview of OSPFv2 and then presents several configuration scenarios. Also described in this chapter are port link flap detection, port mirroring, and transmit queue monitoring and how to configure them. The policy VLAN will always be used unless an Ether type-to-VLAN classification rule exists and is hit. This document presents policy configuration from the perspective of the Fixed Switch CLI. Configuring Authentication Note: User + IP Phone authentication is not supported on the I-Series With User + IP Phone authentication, the policy role for the IP phone is statically mapped using a policy admin rule which assigns any frames received with a VLAN tag set to a specific VID (for example, Voice VLAN) to a specified policy role (for example, IP Phone policy role). The default value of 0 may be administratively changed. [egress-vlans egressvlans] forbidden-vlans (Optional) Specifies the port to which this policy profile is applied should be added as forbidden to the egress list of the VLANs defined with this parameter. Optionally, change the administratively assigned key for each aggregation on the device. OSPFv2 is available only on those fixed switch platforms that support advanced routing and on which an advanced feature license has been enabled. Link Aggregation Configuration Example Table 11-6 LAG and Physical Port Admin Key Assignments Device LAG LAG Admin Key Physical Port Physical Port Admin Key S8 Distribution Switch 1 100 ge.1.1 100 ge.2.1 100 ge.3.1 100 ge.4.1 100 ge.1.2 200 ge.2.2 200 ge.3.2 200 ge.4.2 200 ge.1.21 100 ge.1.22 100 ge.2.23 100 ge.3.24 100 ge.1.21 200 ge.1.22 200 ge.1.23 200 ge.1.24 200 ge.2.17 300 ge.2.19 300 ge.2.22 300 ge.2. Up to 5 TACACS+ servers can be configured, with the index value of 1 having the highest priority. The process described in this section would be repeated on every device that is connected in the network to ensure that each device has a secure management VLAN. Use this command to enable or disable Loop Protect event notification. Enterasys Vlan Config - ShoreTel Forums The DC voltage can be directly connected to the modules only after the capacitors are charged to a sufficient level. Such a group, together with the routers having interfaces to any one of the included networks, is called an area. Caution: Contains information essential to avoid damage to the equipment. However, it does provide a level of authentication for a device where otherwise none would be possible. Policy is applied using the port level default configuration. Type8tosettheswitchbaudrateto115200.Thefollowingmessagedisplays: Usethiscommandtodisplaythesystemconfigurationorwritetheconfigurationtoafile. Nokia SRA -#367- and Cisco CCNP certified engineer with 5 years of experience. Terms and Definitions Table 11-7 11-16 Link Aggregation Configuration Terms and Definitions (continued) Term Definition Port Priority Port priority determines which physical ports are moved to the attached state when physical ports of differing speeds form a LAG. (These drivers are usually provided by the vendor of the adapter cable.) Enterasys Networks A2H124-24FX User Manual | 82 pages - For information about security modes and profiles, see Chapter 26, Configuring Security Features. 6. Quality of Service Overview Additional port groups, up to eight (0 through 7) total, may be created by changing the port group value. If the upstream routers outbound list is now empty, it may send a prune message to its upstream router. Using PuTTY, TeraTerm, or another terminal emulator, connect to the switch using the serial port connection. The port cost value may also be administratively assigned using the set spantree adminpathcost command. By default, RIP version 2 supports automatic route summarization, which summarizes sub-prefixes to the classful network boundary when crossing network boundaries. Configured and maintained VPN products for establish IPsec (L2L . Account Lockout User accounts can be locked out based on the number of failed login attempts or a period of inactivity. In any case, note that the stackable switch does not support the output algorithm feature. Note: The v1 parameter in this example can be replaced with v2 for SNMPv2c configuration. How RADIUS Data Is Used The Enterasys switch bases its decision to open the port and apply a policy or close the port based on the RADIUS message, the port's default policy, and unauthenticated behavior configuration. If these assumptions are not true, please refer to Chapter 1, Setting Up a Switch for the First Time for more information. Neighbor virtual link routers must have the same password. Enterasys Core Switch/Router Commands - Procedure 21-1 lists the basic steps to configure RIP and the commands used. Review and define edge port status as follows: 1. area area-id virtual-link router-id Refer to Configuring Area Virtual-Links on page 22-12 for more information. MACs are unlocked as a result of: A link down event When MAC locking is disabled on a port When a MAC is aged out of the forwarding database when FirstArrival aging is enabled When properly configured, MAC locking is an excellent security tool as it prevents MAC spoofing on configured ports. 4 - Load new operational code using XMODEM 5 - Display operational code vital product data 6 - Run Flash Diagnostics 7 - Update Boot Code 8 - Delete operational code 9 - Reset the system 10 - Restore Configuration to factory defaults (delete config files) 11 - Set new Boot Code password [Boot Menu] 2 5.
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