Get out there and start rockhounding! They can start out as pencil-thin lines and widen within a few meters to thick pegmatite lenses; then a few meters further on they can again decrease in size to a pencils-width, and nally, disappear. We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Crystal Peak lies within this area, though today most of the surrounding area is private property. Located at the mountainside in the Pike National Forest, Colorado, is Devil's Head, famous for rockhounding. crystal peak colorado rockhounding Golden, Colo. Photo by Ron Wolf. Most of the terminations took a beating inside the pocket from natural events; the collecting procedure did not damage them. The dinosaur sites now form the Garden Park Paleontological Resource Area overseen by the Bureau of Land Management. Once this happens, theres no turning back. Poppi, Luciano, Foord, Eugene E., Kile, Daniel E. (2000) Crystal chemical variations in Li- and Fe-rich micas from Pikes Peak batholith (central Colorado). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You can also check online resources like, which is a comprehensive database of minerals from around the world. When it comes to Colorado pegmatite's, most people think of the vivid and prolific smoky quartz and 'Amazonite' feldspar combinations or perhaps fluorite or topaz crystals from the Pike's Peak batholith, which can be seen in collections all over the world. Collectors Edge Minerals, Inc. had the opportunity in 1996-1997 to mine in Teller County, under a lease agreement, using mechanized equipment. Still, there are many locations in Mineral County where one can hope to find amethyst, agates, geodes, moonstone, and plenty of other minerals. Located in the Colorado Rockies near the Crystal Peak area is a mining spot that is popular for its teal blue amazonite and smoky Quartz combination of crystals. However, I have compiled a list of resources here so that you may investigate and obtain permission for any locations (found here or elsewhere) for yourself. Always be alert of your speed. The vast mountains of public lands, while daunting to some, illicit a newfound sense of exploration and discovery for others. If youre interested in getting started with rockhounding, this blog post is for you. It was formed by the erosion of sedimentary rocks. As with most states, each county in Colorado will have records of who owns each piece of property. Hundreds of excellent amazonite specimens were collected from it, many containing balls of white albite. Amethyst geodes, Agate, Chalcedony, Jasper, Moonstone, Quartz crystals. 12 cm long by 8 cm wide. One of the most common questions rockhounds have is whether or not they are allowed to collect at a certain location. While the internet is a fantastic resource to access information on rockhounding Colorado and network with fellow enthusiasts, its hard to beat the convenience, reliability, and knowledge associated with an in-depth guidebook. James says: June 10, 2014 at 2:11 pm. Its distinctive look makes it hard to miss when youre on the hunt for it in the wild. Amazonite during this time was still an oddity and was often discarded on the dumps. Amphibole, Chalcopyrite, Corundum, Epidote, Pyrite, Muscovite, Quartz crystals, Sagenitic Quartz, Sapphire, etc. However, because of the terrain and vegetation, these marked claim boundaries are sometimes difficult to see. The luster is also good, but not perfect. In the spring of 1996 the project engineering and base map were complete. My club visited an unclaimed section there a few years back. Rarely will open cavities be found, as they have either collapsed due to movement in the surrounding rock, or have filled with clay and other sedimentation. The opening uncovered the previous day was originally created when the graphic granite roof plates separated from their ner-grained granite host-rock. If you are going to be spending time exploring the rocks, gems, and minerals of Colorado; consider a guide book like Gem Trails Of Colorado. Two Point Amazonite Mine, Teller County, Colorado Follow posted signage and always get permission from the landowner to collect. Photo by John O. Buckner. the permafrost of Siberia. But what about those other treasures hidden in rocks the minerals that are at the heart of a collectors expedition? For the adventurous, hiking the mountains of Colorado with a gold pan can incite a nostalgia of the old days and maybe turn up some specimens. The discovery came after three summers of exploration, test trenching, and open pit mining. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. To determine what type of public land a particular location is on, I would recommend the Colorado State Land Boards Map Tools which keeps accurate maps of every kind of public land in the state. at least 30 cm thick, it did not bend into a vertical orientation, instead, it intersected the fault and opened into a pocket, lying in a near horizontal orientation. The broken root (left center) was followed directly into the pocket. The Key Hole Pocket, when empty, was large enough to drive a small car into. The lenses are often dome-like in appearance, and produce the crystal pockets. The many area pegmatites, old mining dumps, and area streams contain fantastic specimens of minerals such as agate, fluorite, zircon, and fluorite. Rockhounding - Greenlee Arizona Tourism Overview. On the surface, a few small fragments of deep blue-green amazonite (called color by local diggers) were lying exposed on the dump of a small hole dug years earlier. The McCullough Gulch Trailhead is our proposed primary route access point and can be reached by most passenger vehicles. In October, Graham Sutton drills, blasts and deepens Pit B, yielding nothing. (Find Of a Lifetime! In the tight connes of the pocket, the roots created extensive damage to the amazonite groups; the quartz terminations received the worst. Much additional geological information was collected from eld observations made during the 1997 work. The best of Al Ordways pieces is on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Just leave your rock pick in the vehicle, since you wont be digging here. Collectors have the opportunity to find beautiful agates, amethysts, garnets, jaspers, opals, and even the occasional nugget of gold. The areas on the east side of County Road two are the public access BLM-owned lands open to specimen collection. Access to the claim and Mine is via a 4-wheel drive road trail that is accessed from Lake George, Colorado by driving north on public roads through private property onto National Forest land. The pegmatites are not continuous structures. Thousands of years of erosion have reduced the colorful sandstone formations to rolling grassy hills. The first step in cleaning the pocket contents is a simple wash. A popular activity in these areas, where the possibility of finding a geological treasure is real. Mount Antero is the center of aquamarine collecting in Colorado. Rock/Crystal Hunting in Colorado? (Colorado Springs, Pueblo: camp, live Topaz Mountain Rockhound Recreation Area - Bureau of Land Management No kidding, this thing is around 3 feet long! You will discover this rock paradise 10 miles south of Grand Junction. Careful water ushing reveals the delicate crystal plates, which then may be removed. Care should be taken to respect private property and the claims within the national forest. The Pikes Peak granite is a 1.03 billion year old Precambrian granite which extends for over 120 km along the front range of Colorado near Colorado Springs. A good place to start is your local state park or forest service office. No kidding, this thing is around 3 feet long! By law, these claims must be adequately marked. It is theorized that because the pegmatite dikes are harder than the granite host-rock, the dikes create an erosional barrier and thus protrude from and create the hilltops. Always respect private property! The area is remarkable for those searching for rocks. The Two Point Mine, located in Teller County, Colorado sits approximately 8 kilometers north-east of Lake George, Colorado. Topaz is a common gemstone, but its not a very common find outside of the commercial claims. But there is a little-known hobby that hearkens back to the state's gold rush days still practiced today by 21st-century miners using the same hand tools that explorers used hundreds of years ago. Gem Trails of Colorado - It's a private community, and you're not allowed to collect minerals within the area. These formations often house what youre looking for, but finding them isnt easy. . Rockhounding - Colorado Prospector - Gem and mineral prospecting and However, because of the terrain and vegetation, these marked claim boundaries are sometimes difficult to see. You will find the area rich in geodes and quartz. Still, upon casual inspection of most specimens, the damage was usually minimal or unnoticeable. Walking around with your nose to the ground reopens that childhood part of us that thinks finding a pretty stone is a wondrous event. Much of the potential prospect area in recent years has been placed under claim. It is in the Tenmile Range, which extends from Peak 1 near Breckenridge south to the Continental Divide, where the same range becomes known as the "Mosquito" Range. Colorado is also host to a dizzying array of rocks and minerals. Best Sites for Rockhounding in Colorado | Moon Travel Guides This is the repair specimen shown three photos back. The color could only be determined later at the laboratory where the specimens would be cleaned. Many outstanding repairs were discovered, including this one. Further work on the Two Point Mine evaluated other potential intersection sites. Agate, Jasper, Galena, Copper, Turquoise, Rhodonite, Sowbelly agate. Once theyre clean, you can put them on display or add them to your rock collection! Each produced a few high-quality small amazonite and smoky quartz plates. So, be sure to check where in the area you can go rockhounding. However, at least two ne amazonite and smoky quartz pockets were discovered on the claims preceding the 1981 dig. The slightly decomposed host-rock did not have the strength to hold up the pocket roof. The five sites noted will offer the beginning rock collector and the more advanced collector significant discoveries to add to their collection. Salida Colorado - Travel Colorado Recreation, Business, Relocation and Restaurant Vacation Guide. All of the road construction and removal of trees and overburden for the buildings has uncovered ample ground for searching and rockhounding. Probably why it was unclaimed! They are generally lighter brown in colored mounts that line the hillside. Search for amethyst and quartz at the Crystal Hill Mine, check out the view at Douglas Pass while looking for leaf imprints and insect fossils, or head to Saint Peters Dome to uncover green, white, and purple fluorite. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; In the eld, every piece removed from the pocket was carefully grouped and marked according to pocket location. Legendary Crystal Peak holds many treasures west of Colorado Springs Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. As luck would have it, the rst day of digging revealed an extraordinary pocket. The pocket also produced 100s of single amazonite crystals and small amazonite groups. This area was filled and reclaimed. About 2 kilometers to the west lie the Clarence Coil claims on and near Yucca Hill. The area is remarkable for those searching for rocks. Our state also has a plethora of fossils including crinoids, clams, trilobites, snails, corals, and at least one dinosaur. This is a huge area. On the other hand, if youre willing to buckle down and learn whatever you need to then youll find that Mount Antero is an awesome adventure. Typically these cavities are small, rarely getting more than a foot or so in size, forming in the inner portions of the pegmatite where the volatile portion of the magma has been trapped. Box 1169 Golden, CO 80402, Phone: 303-278-9724 Fax: 303-278-9763 Send us an email, In June, 1997, a beautiful pocket of blue-green microcline (v. amazonite) specimens was discovered in the classic Lake George, Colorado amazonite mining area. [4] Hahns Peak was named after Joseph Hahn, a gold miner who, with companions William Doyle and George Wray came to the area in the 1860s. About 20 feet down, a series of 4 pegmatites, stacked one above the other, was uncovered. Elmwood mine, Carthage, Smith Co., Tennessee, USA, Killa Saifullah District, Balochistan, Pakistan, Shuikoushan Mine, Shuikoushan ore field, Changning Co., Hengyang Prefecture, Hunan Province, China, Wutong Mine, Liubao, Cangwu Co., Wuzhou Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, Tole, Wana, South Waziristan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan, Liufengshan Mine, Guichi District, Chizhou Prefecture, Anhui Province, China, 04-10 Pocket, Watercourse Raise, Sweet Home Mine, Alma District, Park Co., Colorado, USA, Wushan Spessartine Mine, Tongbei, Yunxiao Co., Zhangzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, China, Riemvasmaak, Kakamas, ZF Mgcawu District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, The Colorado Quartz Mine, Mariposa County, California, Superb, New Amethyst Specimens from Las Vigas, Veracruz, Mexico, The Stoneham Barite Locality, Stoneham, Colorado, The Mockingbird Mine, Mariposa County, California, Diamonds in Colorado! There is a huge variety of rare minerals and gems in Colorado. The quartz created a stunning association with the deep blue-green amazonites. Pikes Peak is a bucket list location for many rockhounds. Given the. Rocks are the history books of ancient geologic times. It was Mr. Whitmore who brought worldwide prominence to amazonite by debuting some of his fabulous nds at the Chicago Worlds Fair in the 1890s. Inside, the pocket may be open airspace or, if near surface, completely lled with clay. Most of the crystal group dismemberment involved the separation of amazonite from quartz. If so, how much iron out per gallon of water ratio? If you would like to read some of the source material for yourself I have listed them below. Pit A yielded one pocket of good quality amazonite single crystals without associated quartz. (2) A volcanic eruption fills the stream valley with ash, pumice, and Pogonip Group rock fragments as a rhyolitic ash-flow tuff where it lithifies into the Tunnel Spring Tuff. The property was owned by Jerry and Thelma Hurianek. Recreation Activities. During the process of mining the highwall, each pegmatite structure took turns widening into lenses and opening into pockets. Extensive lava flows cover much of the southwestern Mineral County. The relationships between these features all played a significant role in developing a mine plan. Further work would involve drilling and blasting that would not occur until 1997. As a narrow pegmatite structure approached the fault it would sometimes bend vertically into the plane of the fault and produce a small vertically-oriented pocket. Much damage was caused by this collapse. The following project review provides historical and geologic information concerning the amazonite/smoky quartz occurrence at the Two Point Mine and the efforts of Collectors Edge Minerals, Inc. (CEMI) to conduct specimen mining and recovery during the 1996-1997 season. Many pegmatite lenses contain no vug opening. Somewhere in your bag of rocks and equipment, be sure to have a proper print guide along with you. I enjoy collecting and tumbling rocks with my daughter and traveling the world with my wife seeing geologic wonders.
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