["Hmong", "Hmong", "hmn"], "url": "https://skystu.mccsc.edu/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsEAplus/seplog01.w", break; A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. CREST also acts to bridge the gap between the various communities themselves., Kreamier explains that working with the various cultures in the community has been the most rewarding part of her role as Community Outreach Specialist. $("#hp-slideshow").show(); They hope, above all, to show kids how to resist bad influences that could lead them to crime, drug use, gang participation, and violence. $(".search-dropdown").slideToggle(); } The program is free of charge and open to high school juniors and seniors who attend school within the FBI Springfield area of responsibility which includes 84 Illinois counties. var termsText = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(2) a").text(); To learn more about FLEYA - Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA), the youth program will . addFramesetTranslate(); if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7") > -1){ isMSIE7 = 1; } sliderLine.stop().animate({ left: sliderLine.data("origLeft"), width: sliderLine.data("origWidth") }); homepageTabs();
["Western Frisian", "Western Frysk", "fy"], //DOC replace mystart dropdown arrows var translateSwitch = "Frameset"; $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); $("div.sp.column.two .ui-widget-header").append("English to Yiddish ' + The Junior Special Agent Program aims to provide elementary school students the information, skills, and discipline necessary to stay away from gangs, drugs, and crime. Actually just last Sunday, a handful of people from my office handed out medals to the athletes at a Special Olympics swim meet. Community Outreach Spotlight: National Faith and Blue Weekend } }); For more information or to apply, go to FBI Springfield's webpage and look for the section titled Future Agents in TrainingTeen Academy. } var haveLinks = false; } $(".global-icon").last().addClass("last"); if('' == "") { Lynsey Wright - Community Outreach Specialist - Federal Bureau of "useTranslatedNames": true // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS - true = TRANSLATED LANGUAGE NAME, false = ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME FBI New Directions For Community Outreach }); if(!$("#footer-sitename").length) { "calendarLink" : "/Page/48",
Studentsalsolearn from special agents, intelligence analysts, language specialists, and professional staff about investigative tactics that include gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and assisting with cases. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-5 {
case "false": ["Thai", "", "th"], ["Zulu", "Zulu", "zu"] ["Sundanese", "Sunda", "su"], "text": "Canvas", Safe Online Surfing (SOS) Internet Challenge, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP), National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Justice Services, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Developing house of worship emergency plans, Charleston, West Virginia, Citizens Academy, Norfolk Future Agents In Training Session, FBI.gov is an official site of the U.S. Department of Justice. Community groups are encouraged to identify topics that are of concern or relevant to their group or organization for the FBI to discuss. ["Mongolian", "", "mn"], //DOC #swsignin-txt-username -- AUTO-FOCUS USERNAME SIGNIN FORM FIELD #swsignin-txt-username $("div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article-description").css("padding","0px"); if(showPlayPause == 'true') { pageURL = encodeURIComponent(pageURL); }); POSITION SUMMARY: Under the supervision and guidance of the Clinical Director Outreach Specialist Coordinates and performs duties of marketing and communicating the role of Vocational Instruction Project Community Service to the community. var code = e.which; $(document).off("click", ".sw-mystart-dropdown"); 'English to German ' + $(".sw-dropdown",this).slideUp("slow", "swing"); }
'English to Slovenian ' + function appView(){ 'English to Chinese Traditional ' + } // SET IE CLASSES TO BODY ["Hungarian", "Magyar", "hu"], ["Lao", "", "lo"], if($("#hp-tabs .ui-widget.app.gallery.json").length) { }); }); $(".sw-mystart-button.signin").before(" "); $("h3.sitename-tagline").show(); var pageHost = window.location.host; if($("li.sw-channel-item.active").size()) { Reach out to our Headquarters program or to your local FBI office. }); var additionalItems = {}; links.push({ "text": link.text, "url": link.url, "target": link.target }); $(".tab-right").each(function() { } No Thanks if(isMSIE10){ $("body").addClass("msie10"); } ["Danish", "dansk", "da"], ["Macedonian", "", "mk"], "target": "_self" $("#gb-logo").css("max-width","100% !important"); //DOC auto-focus username signin field "iconNum" : "5", // NUMBER OF ICONS "translateMenuText": "Translate", } function unSetChannelBarHeight() { ["Greek", "", "el"],
It is humbling to get to meet and work with these people and provides a constant sense of humility. } { ["Spanish", "Espaol", "es"], $("#sw-maincontent").css({ To this end, the officers within this program would be able to communicate directly with the public regarding their questions about the FBI and any grievances. The Community Relations Unit at FBI Headquarters and FBI community outreach specialists in field offices across the country create and strengthen relationships locally and nationally with minority groups, religious and civic organizations, schools, non-profits, and other entities. FBI Community Outreach Specialist jobs Sort by: relevance- date 289 jobs School Program Director Pacific Autism Center Of Education3.7 Santa Clara, CA 95050 $80,000 - $120,000 a year Employer est. // #gb-logo -- Checks to see if a logo has been selected, displays default logo until one has been selected. $(".ui-breadcrumbs").append("Signed Out "); ["Kyrgyz", "", "ky"], homepageTabs(); $(".sw-mystart-button.home").prependTo("#sw-mystart-right"); if($("#swlogin").length){
$.csRsMenu({ $(this).parent().css("padding" , "15px 15px 6px 15px"); He said there are subtle changes that sometimes parents don't even recognize. You can follow the FBI on. // 13 = Return, 32 = Space ["Hebrew", "", "iw"], "breakPoint" : 768, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 768, 640, 480, 320 $("#sw-search-input").focus(); Students are able to meet FBI agents at the field office, participate in hands-on simulations, learn about terrorism, cybersecurity, public corruption, polygraph exams, evidence response, SWAT and FBI operations. $(this).remove(); What is the FBI Doing in "Community Outreach"? Community Outreach Spotlight: Safeguarding Senior Communities ["Corsican", "Corsu", "co"], "advancedOptions": { }
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It was created to foster a better relationship. } } Expert Community Outreach Specialist Resume Examples - LiveCareer var tabText = $(".tab-right",this).text(); var pageURL = window.location.href; default: $("#gb-logo-container").wrapInner(""); "menuBtnText" : "MENU", The program is designed to build trust and strengthen relationships between the FBI and the communities we serve. $('.sw-dropdown a.first', this).focus(); "text": "Directory", The MCEC helpsbuildstrongrelationshipsbetweencommunitiesandtheBureau. }, function() { It goes without saying that our volunteers respect the privacy of the students and their families, and all information is kept confidential. // ********** BODY ********** // } We are seeking top-notch students from a variety of high schools in Indiana. } $("#hp-slideshow").height(imgHeight); if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length) { $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .selector, .sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .sw-dropdown-selected").text("Our Schools"); The Abington, Massachusetts, Police Department. var pinterestToggle = 'false'; Community outreach is about building partnerships locally and nationally that help prevent crime and protect our diverse nation. if($("#gb-logo-container img").length) { Students learn from special agents, intelligence analysts, and professional staff about investigative tactics that include gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and assisting with cases in an interactive learning environment. That is not us. var taglineToggle = 'false'; No Thanks For questions, contact Community Outreach Specialist Brad Ware at wbware@fbi.gov or 217-757-3542. 'English to Bengali ' + Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. } The Adopt-A-School Program puts FBI special agents and staff members into local schools to mentor and tutor kids. var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width()*.75; } appView(); We look for people within the different cultural, religious, ethnic and professional communities. $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist").prependTo("#sw-mystart-right"); 52 FBI Community Outreach Specialist $60,000 jobs available on Indeed.com. FBI Eligibility Become a special agent Our special agents have a range of backgrounds, education, and skill sets that collectively allow us to stay ahead of threats. case "false": if(twitterToggle == "true") { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {
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$(document).on("click", ".sw-mystart-dropdown", function(e) { logoWidth(); Generally, each course iteration is a minimum of eighthours but can be aweek-long program with blocks of instruction and demonstrations atalocal field office. } "url": "https://outlook.office365.com/", var swbbLogo = $("#sw-footer-outer #sw-footer-logo img").attr("src"); }); ["Chinese Simplified", "", "zh-CN"], We also work to educate tribal populations about significant FBI and Department of Justice Indian Country initiatives such those involving Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) and the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs). } $(".social-icon.dropbox").show(); Summer Opportunities / FBI Youth Leadership Academy - MCCSC The following programs are currently accepting nominations or applications: This list may not include all available opportunities. 'English to Basque ' + In general, the FBI is responsible for investigating the most serious crimes in Indian Country, including murder, child sexual and physical abuse, violent assaults, drug offenses, public corruption, and financial crimes. "text": "Email", }, if(!$(".hp.column.one #sw-content-container2 .ui-widget.app").length) { $("#hp-tabs .tabs-container").after(""); } } else { if (templateLogoPath.indexOf("default-man.jpg") != -1 || templateLogoPath == ""){ ["Albanian", "shqiptar", "sq"], ["Hawaiian", "lelo Hawaii", "haw"], } unSetChannelBarHeight(); Outreach FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation "descMoreLinkText" : "Read More", eventsByDay(".upcomingevents .ui-articles"); Candidates are nominated by FBI employees, former Citizens Academy graduates, and community leaders. } $("#gb-sitename-outer").show(); border: 5px solid #fff;
if ((code === 13) || (code === 32)) { } var districtHome = 'true'; ["Polish", "Polskie", "pl"], That is another awesome thing about the Citizens Academy. $(window).scroll(function() { if (c == kup) { $(".social-icon.vimeo").show(); function logoWidth480() { 'English to Haitian Creole ' + Students also take a course in civics and learn about the FBI and the ways in which law enforcement helps to serve and protect their communities.
//} //DOC auto click function for schoolwires calendar list view for small mobile devices $("#sw-mystart-right div.clear").before($(".sw-mystart-button.signin")); $("body").csRsPagelistMenu({ $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate .sw-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list").creativeTranslate({ $(this).removeClass("open"); $(this).addClass("open"); background: #862200; /*lighter red*/
"allThumbnailsLoaded" : function() { }, ["Georgian", "", "ka"], var kdown = 40; ["Bengali", "", "bn"], } } Outreach Specialist Job Bronx New York USA,Marketing/PR Community Outreach Specialist Resume Sample | MintResume }); var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width(); }); }, function() { subpageNavBulletColors(); var schoolNameToggle = true; $(".ui-article", container).each(function(){ function searchText() { FBI Outreach Specialist Urges Parents, Pharmacists, Coaches and Youth }); "url": "https://www.mccsc.edu/Page/48", The program will welcome high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 years old to join us on July 17-21, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Email your applications by April 2, 2023. var sliderLine = $("#channel-slider");
["German", "Deutsche", "de"], $("li.sw-channel-item").first().addClass("first"); //$("#hp-tabs .tabs-container").after($(galleryContainer)); +5benefits, Administrative Assistant Legal and Board Offices, $40,800.00 var galleryContainer = $("#hp-tabs .ui-widget.app.gallery.json").parent().parent(); For example, an Intel cybersecurity person may have access to people that want to learn more about cybersecurity and the latest trends within that arena, Kreamier says. photoGallery(); "showDistrictHome": true, //HIDE HP CONTENT REGIONS IF NO APPS EXIST div.homepage-thumb-region.region-2 {
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var slideshowHeader = 'true'; "url": "https://mccsc.instructure.com/login/ldap", The FBIs Springfield Field Office will hold the 2022 Future Agents in Training (FAIT) Academy at Lewis and Clark Community College, 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, Illinois, June 21-23. $(".sw-dropdown", this).slideDown(300, "swing").attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); A number of youth advocacy specialists are selected for the FBI CAAA since youth is such an important part of the FBI initiatives. 'English to Bulgarian ' + function pgScreenSize() { } } "menuText": "#333333", // DEFAULT #333333 To contact your local community outreach program, reach out to your local FBI field office. var useTranslate = "yes"; She hails from. ["Galician", "galego", "gl"], } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1){ isMSIE8 = 1; } $("#footer-logo, #footer-sitename").hide(); $("#footer-disclaimer").removeClass('hidden').show(); Linking community service, prevention, and law enforcement is a national trend spurred by grassroots efforts around the country, and FBI employees have joined this movement, volunteering in a. ["Irish", "Gaeilge", "ga"], $("#sp-breadcrumbs").hide(); if(!$(".hp.column.two #sw-content-container4 .ui-widget.app").length) { }); $("#sw-mystart-outer").removeClass("wrap-links"); $(this).parent().remove(); display: block;
["Pashto", "", "ps"], default: } We work with and through the youth of these different cultural, ethnic and religious communities to help bridge the gap between the FBI and older generations and spread truth about who we are and what our mission is.. "color": "#5C000A" var useSchoollist = "no"; What Is an Outreach Specialist? (Plus Duties and Salary) '
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} } 'Guidance
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Spencer, Iowa Police Reports, Ironmouse Face Reveal, Articles F