Why Did So Many Christians Support Slavery? I suspect you do not believe in signs ,wonders, healings and miracles ?? We've updated our privacy policy to include the most recent GDPR updates. ACTS 8:26-28 26 Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down Shine a little light on it. Acts 8:26 -39 (NKJV) shares the tale of Philip satisfying the Ethiopian eunuch: Currently an angel of the Lord spoke with Philip, stating, Occur as well as go towards the south along the roadway which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. This is desert. What does the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch teach us about the power of baptism? What are the idle words referred to in Matthew 12:36? If you read it in the physical sense you wont see it, but if you read it in the Spirit, it will be clear as day! Eunuchs would usually be servants or slaves who had been castrated to make them reliable servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence. Id like to believe Philip was taken away by supernatural means. Answer: He returned to Ethiopia and began preaching the gospel. It records the burial of Stephen, the beginnings of Christian persecution, and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Samaria and Ethiopia. CBYKurCT1[?).d(-e]. Instead of being occupied with the person God used to assist in his conversion, he was occupied with Christ as he went on his way rejoicing, which is much more important than Philips mode of travel. They both would have loved to kiss and say goodbye, or even exchange numbers for visits and follow-ups, but because of urgency the Spirit caught away Philip and took him to another place. It was the ancestor of Ethiopia. The word describing what happened, harpazo (Strongs #726), occurs in 14 verses of the New Testament. Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch that he could understand what he was reading if he went with him. Must the needy be forgotten 4ever? for less than $4.25/month. There are so many great practicals that we can take away from just 15 Bible verses. What do you like about the Ethiopian eunuchs story? (Strongs G726). This entry was posted on June 29, 2012 by George Hawke. Luke, the author of Acts, would have heard about this event directly from Philip as he stayed with him in Caesarea (Acts 21:8-9). Acts 8:37 Context And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? He was urgent in his response to the Gospel message. Acts 8:32-33 tells us what Philip heard the man read. How long did it take Queen of Sheba to travel to Solomon? For a man in his position as Minister of the Treasury of Ethiopia, this meant the expense of a long journey for not only himself but for his entire entourage. How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel To Jerusalem, Quick Answer: How Far Did Philip Travel In Acts 8, Question: Why Do Ethiopian Look Different, How Does The Travel Charger Work For Philip Sonic Care, Quick Answer: What Do Ethiopian People Look Like, Quick Answer: When Will Ethiopian Airlines Resume International Flights, How Long Does It Take To Renew Ethiopian Passport In Usa. Question: How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel. Answer: They were receptive and many came to believe in Jesus. Peace be unto you all! The Apostle Paul and His Times: Christian History Timeline. Sign up for our newsletter: Whyte's Bible Characters. How did the Ethiopian eunuch get to Jerusalem? Learn how your comment data is processed. How far is Ethiopia from Jerusalem by chariot? Taking A Trip during Roman Times According to The New Testament, the principal places for the ministry undertaken by Jesus were Galilee as well as Judea, with activities additionally taking location in surrounding areas such as Peres and also Samaria. CTWeekly delivers the best content from ChristianityToday.com to your inbox each week. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Bauxite mining would threaten birds, plants, and clean water. Many of their miracles are recorded in the book of Acts: many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles (Acts 2:43ESV). After getting baptized, it says that the eunuch went on his way rejoicing (verse 39). 22:16). What happened to Philip after he baptized the Ethiopian eunuch? The end of verse 27 says that the Ethiopian eunuch had gone to Jerusalem to worship and was now on his way home. However Christianity came to Alexandria, it quickly grew strong. This shows that the eunuch was the type of guy who would give his whole heart to something. According to this tradition, the Queen of Sheba (called Makeda) visited Solomons court after hearing about his wisdom. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, amazon.com, endless.com, myhabit.com, smallparts.com, or amazonwireless.com. The Ethiopian eunuch is believed to have travelled over 3000 miles from Ethiopia to Jerusalem. But the rapture seems to be like teleportation (1 Cor. Government of Ireland Masters Scholarships 2023 + MBA Entrance Scholarships at Ryerson University, Canada 2023, 2023 MasterCard Fully Funded African Scholarships at University of California, Berkeley, How Much Health Points Does A Wither Have, How Do You Donate Food And Medicine To Camp Rdr2, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. The other occasion this word is used by Luke is when Paul was in Jerusalem and the Jews accused him of speaking against their religion: The dispute became so violent that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them. Which Apostle baptized the Ethiopian eunuch? What happened to the Ethiopian eunuch in the Bible? The Ethiopian eunuch was a court official of Queen Candace. What impact did the Ethiopian Eunuch have on the spread of Christianity? When Luke describes the miraculous disappearance of Jesus, he doesnt use the Greek word harpazo (Strongs #726), which is used in Acts 8:39. In Matthew 19:12, Christ explains three types of individuals as unfit for marital relationship, particularly those that have actually been castrated (which all exegetes take as indicating eunuchs); those birthed unable (con- genital eunuchs) and those who, by their own complimentary choice and for the glory of Gods Kingdom, avoid marrying (voluntary . No Eunuch was permitted to enter the Temple. What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading when he met Philip? What did the Ethiopian eunuch do after he was baptized? Clearly the txt says, ethiopian did not see philip. Where was the eunuch baptized? It is believed that he travelled by donkey and camel and that he was accompanied by a group of servants.The eunuchs journey came to an end when he met the apostle Philip. What does history say about the first Christians of Africa? Philip, one of seven deacons chosen by the 12 Apostles of Christ to be of service to the widows in Jerusalem (Acts 6:5), the evangelist (Acts 21:8), went into Samaria after the murder of Stephen around 31-32 AD. What matters here is the Ethiopian was saved. Instead, with humility, he says, How can I, unless someone explains it to me? (Verse 31). Its about 800 miles from the court to the temple, as the crow flies. Thanks for the revelation. Since the 1995 Oslo Accords, Bethlehem has been administered by the Palestinian Authority. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In the Gospel according to Matthew (19:12), Jesus identified three types of eunuchs: those who are born eunuchs, those who are made eunuchs, and those who make themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. The angel told Philip to go near the chariot and stay with the Ethiopian eunuch. and as a lamb before its shearer is silent. This was unknown to the outside world until the 18th century, the Ethiopian believers proclaimed the message, because one man heard from God and left a revival to walk along a desert road. Analysts explain that the word desert in Lukes account can refer either to Gaza or to the roadway. Gaza is also mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the place where Samson was imprisoned and met his death. and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? Encyclopedias. Biblical narrative The eunuch had been to Jerusalem to worship and was returning home. It was filed under Answer, Christian, Spiritual and was tagged with astral travel, baptised, Ethiopian, Holy Spirit, miracle, Philip, teleport, transported. The tradition is difficult to corroborate further. Acts 8 is the eighth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Distance between Ethiopia and Jerusalem is 2564 KM / 1593.3 miles. Are you willing to prioritize him first in your life? If you continue reading it says that Philip found himself at Azotus. There he instructed and baptized the Ethiopian eunuch; next he was caught away by the Spirit and found at Azotus (Ashdod); and then passing through he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea (Acts 8). What happened to Philip is described by the Greek word harpazo (Strongs #726), which is translated above as suddenly took. WebThe New Testament gives us one example: the Ethiopian eunuch evangelized and baptized by Philip in Acts 8:26-39. WebWhen they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. But thats actually the benefit of the job that the eunuch hadit provided him with access to resources that an average person just didnt have. WebThe geography as well as distances included naturally allow the Jesus Route to be walked as a collection of day-hikes for a total amount of 4 days, with every days walk being in between 23:1; Lev.22:25) So he could not fulfill his objective; to worship God directly, as he had purposed. Think about it As was mentioned before, the Ethiopian eunuch had access to things that the average person back then didnt. But I dont ever plan on running across country to stand outside a Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant that Tom Hanks is eating at. We hope youll come back again and again! [While this post is about the Ethiopian eunuch, I do want to detour and note how knowledgeable of the Scriptures Philip actually was. The most important part about reading the Bible is actually understanding and comprehending what youre readingdo you understand what you read in the Bible? He was happy! Ethiopia (the upper Nile region) saw vibrant church growth in the early centuries after Christ, and legend links this growth to Philip's convert. It shows us that anyone no matter who they are or where they come from can come to know God. How long did it take Jesus to walk from Nazareth to Jerusalem? 7. According to the Bible the Ethiopian eunuch travelled a great distance to Jerusalem in order to worship God. (LogOut/ WebRead Acts 8:25-40. He after that was told by an angel of the Lord to go to the road between Jerusalem as well as Gaza. WebA reading of Acts 8:26-39. Philip, during the persecution of the church in Jerusalem had gone to the city of Samaria, and was engaged in Revival meetings that were accompanied with signs and wonders. So the first Missionary to Africa seems to have been this dear African Convert to Christianity. This Eunuch returned to his land, and began to spread abroad the news that the awaited Messiah had come and fulfilled the Prophetic writings and that salvation was the gift of God to all who believe in and follow Jesus. Distance between Ethiopia and Jerusalem is 2564 KM / 1593.3 miles. This actually gives us the biggest clue as to how devoted this guy was: Despite all of the hurdles, the eunuch made it a point to go to the temple to worship in person. Book of Numbers 12:1 states that Moses was criticized by his older siblings for having married a Cushite woman, Aethiopissa in the Latin Vulgate Bible version. His wholehearted devotion to God had paid off. I agree with brother George Hawke. Scripture does not comment on how or when Philip got to Azotus. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Jerusalem and Gaza is 6,069 km= 3,771 miles. And his urgency paid off. Now Gods man Philip was walking the road to Gaza; and the Spirit of God instructs him to join himself to this chariot. Where did Philip go after Baptizing the Eunuch? Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Yes i belief this because if ungodly men normally do so how much more believers. It has already been shown that eunouchos, like saris in the Old Testament, had more than one meaning, and could also mean official. A eunuch of either kind is not to be judged as a rebellious son (see Deut. Im sure there was probably some beautiful, clean bathing pool or fountain he could have gotten baptized in back at the queens palace. Pingback: A Memory from the past Moments Of The Sacred, I believe that Phillip was directed away and Phillip began his journey to Azotus. Wholly Hearted is a Christian blog that wants you to be inspired by Gods word and love Him wholeheartedly through insightful Bible studies. Azotus is the old Philistine city of Ashdod, about 20 miles north of Gaza. The Queen of Sheba appears as a prominent figure in the Kebra Nagast (Glory of King), the Ethiopian national epic and foundation story. Where did they stop once the Ethiopian eunuch had been baptized? How far is Ethiopia from Jerusalem by chariot? According to an ancient tradition, Mark was the first missionary to Africa. He desperately wishes for someone to unravel all this mystery. You can get the whole book, with fifty-two more stories. Having a wholehearted devotion to God means apply the word of God to your life immediately. Whatever the material was, we can assume it probably cost a lot of money. 39 0 obj
What about the means to travel? Required fields are marked *. 2. Answer: If he had not been baptized he would not have gone back to Ethiopia and spread the gospel. What did Philip tell the Ethiopian eunuch? For more on this subject, see CH issue 51: Heresy in the Early Church, issue 64: Antony and the Desert Fathers, issue 67: Augustine, issue 79: The African Apostles, and A History of Christianity in Africa by Elizabeth Isichei (SPCK/Eerdmans, 1995). The Ethiopian eunuchs story starts out with an angel of the Lord telling Philip to travel along the desert road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. So this eunuch travelled a round trip of 3200 miles just to stand outside the temple to worship! A castrated adult male will lose muscle but gain fat. It was an immediate departure. The Gospel According to John describes Philip as a fisherman from Bethsaida in Galilee, the same town as Andrew and Peter. After this, Philip was suddenly taken away by the Spirit of the Lord, and the eunuch went on his way rejoicing (verse 39). In the times of the Patriarchs there were historically recurring invasions between Egypt and Ethiopia (Cush). But before that, we need a Philip in our lives to help teach and train us spiritually. After she died, it is believed that Moses remarried. This is also the same word that is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 referring to what most call the rapture. It was a sudden and miraculous departure that only the Spirit of the Lord can do! It then says that the eunuch invited Philip up into the chariot to sit with him. This remarkable journey is thought to have taken place in the late 4th century BC. This is not surprising as the eunuch was traveling south towards Ethiopia, while Philip traveled north to the town of Azotus (Ashdod). Are the angel of the Lord (v.26) and the Spirit of the Lord (v.39) the same character? First, he cannot actually enter the Temple. Change). In this brief account we are told that Philip left the Ethiopian suddenly after the baptism at the direction of the Holy Spirit. WebPhilip Tells an Ethiopian about Jesus. Ive often heard people say, I dont understand the Old Testament, or I mainly read the New Testament because it applies most to my life today. Whats interesting though, is that Philip took an Old Testament Scripture and related it to the New Testament gospel message. It seems trivial, but really ask yourselfhow wholehearted are you for God? 51h 40min. Eunuch is a term used to define a male whose testicles have not created, been ruined or eliminated. Philip preached the gospel to him and he was baptised. More interesting than that, he was a eunuch he'd been castrated. Acts 8 is the eighth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Gaza is In Pauls case, they got ready at once to leave for Macedonia. We consider virtues like humility as weakness, or wrongly assume that if were humble, it automatically means that someone is taking advantage of us. The Ethiopian eunuch went on his way rejoicing. What are your initial impressions? 26, 36), as well as, after his conversion, he advances his way ( , v. The geography and also ranges entailed naturally allow the Jesus Route to be strolled as a collection of day-hikes for a total of four days, with every days walking being in between 13 as well as 19 km (8 to 12 mi) in size. (The road from Jerusalem to Gaza is 50 miles long, and also results in the primary coastal trade route mosting likely to Egypt.) One interpretation of this verse is that Moses wife Zipporah, daughter of Reuel/Jethro from Midian, was black. In the Gospel according to Matthew (19:12), Jesus identified three types of eunuchs: those who are born eunuchs, those who are made eunuchs, and those who make themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. Answer: His only companions were his charioteer and his Ethiopian Mussulman servants. What did Jesus mean when He said He would not eat the Passover again until it was fulfilled in the kingdom of God (Lk. Subscribe to CT
The name Ethiopia (Hebrew Kush) is discussed in the Holy bible many times (thirty-seven times in the King James version), as well as remains in lots of ways thought about a divine area. The eunuch, we are informed, is an Ethiopian authorities that has travelled to Jerusalem to prayer and is now going back to Ethiopia (vv. 39When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away,and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. All rights reserved. Whatever the means of transport, the eunuch wouldnt see Philip again if they travelled in opposite directions. 6. The territories of Gaza and the West Bank are separated from each other by Israeli territory. He is told by an Angel to leave immediately and go southwards along the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. It was south of Egypt and was a mercantile kingdom that brought goods from the sea trade by caravan north through Israel, Damascus, and Syria. (LogOut/ There were many reasons for making eunuchs, including that boy singers should not lose their sweet soprano voices! Following the resurrection of Jesus, Philip was sent with his sister Mariamne and Bartholomew to preach in Greece, Phrygia, and Syria. God bless u all! The eunuch joyfully accepted Philips words. Answer: That anyone can be used by God to spread the gospel no matter their background or circumstances. WebPhilip the Evangelist (Greek: , Philippos) appears several times in the Acts of the Apostles.He was one of the Seven chosen to care for the poor of the Christian community in Jerusalem ().He preached and reportedly performed miracles in Samaria, and met and baptised an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, traditionally
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