I am very new to spaCy, so my naive approach was going to be to use spacy_lookup and use both the abbreviation and the expanded abbreviation as keywords and then using some kind of pipeline extension to then go through the matches and replace them with the full expanded abbreviation + abbreviation. Pipeline:Used broadly, pipeline includes all parts of those physical facilities through which gas, hazardous liquid, or carbon dioxide moves in transportation. Fundamentally, a spaCy pipeline package consists of three components: the weights, i.e. GitHub - ICLRandD/Blackstone: A spaCy pipeline and model for NLP on The dynamic response characteristic is an important performance indicator of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), which has a great influence on the durability and reliability. WBM is pumped onto a drill or into the drill hole to facilitate the removal of cuttings, stabilize the drill hole, cool the drill head, and lubricate the passage of the pipe through the drilled hole. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Male National Pipe Thread. ensure all piping . log, CDF core contaminated by drilling fluid, CGPA Canadian Gas Processors Association, CHCNC CHCNC gamma ray casing collar locator, CHECK checkshot and acoustic calibration report, CHESM contractor, health, environment and safety management, CHK choke (a restriction in a flowline or a system, usually referring to a production choke during a test or the choke in the well control system), CHOPS cold heavy oil production with sand, CHP casing hanger pressure (pressure in an, CHOTO commissioning, handover and takeover, CITHP closed-in tubing head pressure (tubing head pressure when the well is shut in), CK choke (a restriction in a flowline or a system, usually referring to a production choke during a test or the choke in the well control system), CNFDP CNFD true vertical-depth playback log, CNCF field-normalised compensated neutron porosity, CO change out (ex. Aviva review reality can be used for reviewing PDMS generated model. Chapter 14 - Standard Drafting Abbreviations Publication 14M (DM-3) 14 - 1 CHAPTER 14 . Enter your email address to subscribe to All about Piping and receive notifications of new posts by email. Experimental research on the dynamic response characteristics of proton BB BB is an abbreviation of B olted B onnet. The oil and gas industry uses many jargons, acronyms and abbreviations. Pipe Abbreviations 3. Every engineering field has its list of abbreviations to help convey information quickly and easily. Regulations require a pipeline operator to take specific steps to ensure the integrity of a pipeline for which a release could affect an HCA and, thereby, the protection of the HCA. Suggest. Third-party Damage:Third-party damage includes outside force damage to underground facilities (e.g., transmission pipelines) that can occur during excavation activities and is caused by someone other than the facility operator or its contractors. in piping isometric drawing , what is SC? abbreviations, see standard plans es-1a, es-1b and es-1c. Locate Request:A communication between an excavator and one-call center personnel in which a notice of proposed excavation and request for locating underground facilities is processed. The end points defining the boundaries of a pipeline segment are usually determined by geographic features (e.g., mile posts) and/or features of the pipeline itself, such as welds, valves, etc. A pipeline extends from pig trap to pig trap (including the pig traps), or, if no pig trap is fitted, to the first isolation valve within the plant boundaries or a more inward valve is so nominated. Gas Transmission Pipeline:A pipeline, other than a gathering line, that 1) transports gas from a gathering line or storage facility to a distribution center, storage facility, or large-volume customer that is not downstream from a distribution center; 2) operates at a hoop stress of 20 percent or more of specified minimum yield strength; or, 3) transports gas within a storage field. Obviously, this list is not anywhere near exhaustive or definitive, but this should be the most comprehensive list anywhere. PI Pipeline Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms A substance with a high vapor pressure at normal temperatures is often referred to as volatile. See also High Condequence Area page. Thank you for every other informative web site. Your email address will not be published. Hose, Water, Valve. PIG. It patrols right-of-ways, conducts pipeline inspections, maintenance, and risk assessments, and minimizes ground disturbance. This is a pliable material that is applied to the threads of fittings before installation to ensure a water-tight and long-lasting seal. Natural Gas Liquids are not the same as Liquefied Natural Gas. Consultation Zone:An area extending from each side of a transmission pipeline, the distance of which should be defined by local governments, to describe when a property developer/owner, who is planning new property development in the vicinity of an existing transmission pipeline, should initiate a dialogue with a transmission pipeline operator. 14.1 GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS . Why it is required? This is the type of manual that needs to be given and not the random misinformation that is at the other blogs. TVDSS (true vertical depth subsea), SSD sub-sea level depth (in metres or feet, positive value in downwards direction with respect to the geoid, SSSL Supplementary Seismic Survey Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence, STOIIP stock tank oil initially in place, STOP safety training observation program, SURF subsea/umbilicals/risers/flowlines, SUT(A/B) subsea umbilical termination (assembly/box), SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, TAGOGR thermally assisted gas/oil gravity drainage, TCCC transfer of care, custody and control, TCI tungsten carbide insert (a type of rollercone drillbit, TD total depth (depth of the end of the well; also a verb, to reach the final depth, used as an acronym in this case, TDT GR TDT gamma ray casing collar locator log, TGOR total gas oil ratio (GOR uncorrected for, Thr/Th# thruster ('#'- means identification letter/number of the equipment, e.g. the corresponding abbreviations. Pipeline Integrity Management Program The company monitors and manages its pipelines through a Pipeline Integrity Management Program. NFG 'no fucking good' used for marking damaged equipment, NFW new field wildcat, Lahee classification, NGDC national geoscience data dentre (United Kingdom), NGRC national geological records centre (United Kingdom), NHDA National Hydrocarbons Data Archive (United Kingdom), NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds, NORM naturally-occurring radioactive material, NPSH(R) net-positive suction head (required), NPT Non-Productive Time (used during drilling or well intervention operations mainly, malfunction of equipment or the lack of personnel competences that result in lost of time, which is costly), NPW new pool wildcat, Lahee classification, NUBOP nipple (ed),(ing) up blow-out preventer, NUMAR nuclear and magnetic resonance image log, OCTG oil country tubular goods (oil well casing, tubing, and drill pipe), OD outer diameter (of a tubular component such as, OFIC offshore interim completion certificate, OGA Oil and Gas Authority (UK oil and gas regulatory authority), ONAN oil natural air natural cooled transformer, ONNR Office of Natural Resources Revenue (formerly MMS), OOE offshore operation engineer (senior technical authority on an offshore, OPITO offshore petroleum industry training organization, ORM operability reliability maintainability, OTIP operational testing implementation plan, OVID offshore vessel inspection database, PA producing asset with exploration potential, PACO process, automation, control and optimisation, PADPRT pressure assisted drillpipe running tool, PBR polished bore receptacle (component of a, PBU pressure build-up (applies to integrity testing on valves, PCCC pressure containing anticorrosion caps, PCCL perforation casing collar locator log, PCDC pressure-cased directional (geometry i.e. Project:An activity or task (or set of related activities or tasks) that is contemplated, devised, or planned and carried out for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Any liquid line with a diameter of 10.75" and . repair criteria to address issues identified by the integrity assessment method and data analysis (the rule provides minimum repair criteria for certain, higher risk, features identified through internal inspection). The list of 664 Pipeline acronyms and abbreviations (February 2023): 50 Categories. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2eed66ec2e0bdb For instance, a project has proposed to provide 1,700,000 dekatherms per day of capacity. Common abbreviations for the types of pipe ends are as follows. They can be liquefied through pressurization for transportation or storage. Abrasion Resistant Overlay, tough outer layer that is resistant to impact, gouge, abrasion and penetration commonly used for bores Back End Crews behind welding crew comprised of pipe gang and firing line Bead 1st pass of weld also known as the root pass A list of acronyms are defined below the glossary of terms. Piping Abbreviations - The Piping Engineering World Piping Abbreviations Every engineering field has its list of abbreviations to help convey information quickly and easily. nlp.add_pipe("abbreviation_detector") test = ["Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is an inherited motor neuron disease caused by the expansion of a polyglutamine tract within the . Pipeline Engineering Terms - The Piping Engineering World Listed below are some of the commonly used abbreviations in the piping design, but it may vary from company to company and project to project: Press Ctrl+F and then press enter to search the abbreviation ACCESS OPENING AO DEGREES OR DEG AMERICAN NATIONAL PIPE THREAD NPT DEGREE CENTIGRADE C DEGREE FAHRENHEIT F AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE API from rod equipment to casing equipment), cP centipoise (viscosity unit of measurement), CPI separator corrugated plate interceptor, CPICB computer-processed interpretation coriband log, CPIRE computer-processed interpretation report, CRP common/central reference point (subsea survey), CSI combinable seismic imager (VSP) log (Schlumberger), CST chronological sample taker log (Schlumberger), D&I direction and inclination (MWD borehole deviation survey), DDM derrick drilling machine (a.k.a. More Information, NPMS:National Pipeline Mapping System - a geographic information system (GIS) database that contains the locations and attributes of hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines operating in the United States. In every field of profession, there are some abbreviations used frequently. FPO floating production and offloading vessel with no or very limited (process only) on-board produced fluid storage capacity. Above mentioned are the reviewing softwares to review models designed already in PDS, PDMS etc. PDF U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Visit Website. (Also see Rights-of-way.). SD Pipeline Abbreviation Meaning
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