/Supplement 0 <91> <92> <2018> Q: Our system is replacing all of our meters. To Top. Systems are not required to do expensive title searches, but they should require applicants for service to provide a legal deed or ownership proof showing that the person applying for water or sewer service owns that tract of land. Again, this is an insurance issue to address with your insurance carrier. /CMapName /Times-RomanOPBaseFont0 def An LUE is assumed to represent 3.5 people living in a residence. CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop <84> <84> <201E> That availability to use that capacity should be paid for, but not by tacking the costs onto existing customers. <9C> <9C> <0153> 0000003802 00000 n
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For customers who have their homes 500 feet or more off the road, meters may be relocated to the edge of the customers property instead of at the house. [tF]JJfSHYs8n?G?#ZS^n#E|WHxt2o1BBb.el+Dijwv-7ajcn7mY 6ii>a!0Y7"9ET3 One of the main reasons for a turbine or propeller master meter to register incorrectly is improper piping configurations from the well to and past the meter location. We really need to understand the regulations and what action we need to take prior to approaching either business. Think of it this way: what if that property owner was requesting not one meter, but four new ones? As for the TCEQ 290 rules, master meters are to be calibrated for groundwater systems once every 3 years and surface water meters every year. <81> <81> <2022> This certificate should meet the TCEQ master meter test requirements for initial installation of the meter. end :SYA"e2=pmn':"^Ptvop?L`EekP)H:^OK)XNI <9F> <9F> <0178> <9D> <9D> <2022> If your engineer has not approved the use of the booster pump or sized the lines and meters to accommodate the 60 rental homes, the customer is not in compliance with the terms of the agreement and your tariff. However, if your homeowner needs a 1" or larger meter, then the requirements for non-standard service as outlined in Section F. of the TRWA Sample Tariff would apply, including an engineering study for each oversized meter. Problems also come about if a leak occurs by some accident or digging operation by the front property owner and the back property owner wants them to pay for damages, or have the system discount their water bill because they didnt know they had a leak. <9F> <9F> <0178> Hopefully the two figures are the same or within a reasonable margin of error. Further, in the past we have seen many TCEQ investigators count dead taps into the systems overall capacity requirements using the assumption that at any time in the future the system would still be responsible for supplying not only the active connections but previously existing connections also. pSaU0t}% tAkmBxJ
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You should start by notifying these customers that you have observed people living at these residences and cite them to the relevant TCEQ rules and provisions of your service agreement relating to having only one residence per connection. Billable flow (B 1 + B 5) 7. Therefore, removing the meter box completely could allow the utility to reduce its total number of connections for purposes of determining the systems necessary capacity. Check to see if this reference is included anywhere and if not, call the supplier or the manufacturer for a copy to keep in your files in case the question comes up in the future. 0000000536 00000 n
<96> <97> <2013> The capacity requirement is driven, in part, by the maximum potential amount of water that could be pushed through that meter on a peak day. end What can we do if the owner of the membership denies that someone is living at the second residence? Then a straight run of pipe at least three times the diameter of the pipe after the meter. 0000001445 00000 n As it relates to the propertys location within or outside of a city, or its participation in any government-assisted or subsidized housing programs, it will be the owners responsibility to notify any necessary authorities of the new source of water, if required, since the system is merely supplying potable water to the property from a master meter. Next, the system needs to send a copy of that policy to the entities that appear to be in violation of that policy along with a copy of the TCEQ rule requiring accurate measuring of each customers usage. Define Equivalent Single-Family Connection. Q: We have several members who have second living residences at their home, but only one meter. /Supplement 0 The Members use of the Corporations curb stop or other similar valve for such purposes is prohibited. They summarized that because there had been a meter at that location, the new applicant should not be responsible to pay for upgrades to the water mains because of new customers being added at other locations along that same water main. 1 year ago. A: This is definitely not a new question - many systems have faced this situation over the years. Turn the well control on and fill the tank or until there has been sufficient production from the well into the tank to raise the level of water or for the pump to cut off automatically. From this, they can develop a plan that best provides service to the entire development considering the wishes of the developer and the system. <86> <87> <2020> <84> <84> <201E> Then when these other services are discontinued those meters are removed by the utility that owns the meters, not the customer. These references clearly state that the meter belongs to the corporation and is to be maintained by the corporation. <89> <89> <2030> Each systems board will make the final decision on base rates, as well as usage rates and fees. 0000001388 00000 n
He does not want us to move the meter outside the fence for safety reasons. At the time of this Agreement, an ESFC of wastewater means 315 gallons per day of water and an ESFC of water means 400 gallons per day of water. Q: We have a convenience store and a chain restaurant using the same meter. In many cases, system staff were simply too timid to enforce their own policies relating to meter locations if a customer raised their voice, said they would sue the system, or used an intimidating attitude. <9D> <9D> <2022> While this may have been more of an undertaking many years ago, most counties have modernized and this research can now generally be done from the systems office. There is nothing in TCEQs Chapter 290 regulations which addresses the above scenario dealing with pre-existing taps that have been removed. startxref Q: Our system has been asked to serve two quadplexes that were until recently supplied by wells that no longer produce water. <90> <90> <2022> Prior to initial connection of any Customer other than a single-family residential Customer, the District's Engineer shall calculate . Connections may be described in terms of single family equivalent connections, living unit of equivalents, or any other generally accepted unit of consumption typically attributable to a single family household. Both of these sections clearly state that an owner of the property to be served is the only person qualified to be a WSC member and that the meter has to be installed on the property designated to be served. However, due to some political maneuvering several years ago, some exceptions were included in the Texas Administrative Code that allow the commissions executive director to permit master metering when applicable. You should review this situation with your engineers. I have visited several systems who have purchased AMR meters that are compatible with the AMI meters. :RA%_Xo($N4jKA$iH~5]_]_W_4_'MAzcbhS Gj,+ NPt%TJMvM'B!41F"#4_M}:C?o_o_Z__^_,bD-CF`s;7Qfdcq12FnfhPM4w*`Rthj7v>N2nAqNtF?ON~kEWTB}WLO'?~_Kjjv?ijpU5l%.^=8I>5jtLd%-A^XABL4"?DDDD~~/a?i{`TG{`_+IW21 ffy./HZU"L3FRCa;5.Z qa?C$;VY!v +rxO%}^F'dvwtkV~JW_k#Nq|o|!mm+DcWS62q}9jQi|:{MT'^K{Ul%kr#x~jBXDvK{!ZoI";NaZa4?AWuAR#kM4Nh0Ai#'A"""!D~" }~},Tv;R*2@YDxw4& f0OeqXYDtc/DCXt(P 4(A|;Z 0000053091 00000 n 0000000766 00000 n or ESFC- shall mean the amount of capacity allocated to a commercial customer expressed in terms of the amount of capacity used by a single-family residence, as determined by the volume and type of wastewater discharge. If there is reason to believe a dangerous or hazardous condition exists, the corporation may conduct a customer service inspection (CSI) to verify the hazardous condition and may notify the local county health office. The system needs to be aware of the potential liability issues with such an arrangement and should contact the systems insurance provider to find out what, if anything, would be covered if the person is injured while reading meters or causes an accident or damages some customers property. Our engineer says we need to remove these, as we would be responsible for servicing them, including paying for upgrades, if a customer wants a meter for that box in the future. 1616 Rio Grande
There also is a section in the Service Application and Agreement form RUS-TX Bulletin 1780-9 (05/17) that states: All water shall be metered by meters to be furnished and installed by the Corporation. How common are they compared to the traditional positive displacement manual read meters? Getting customers to understand is sometimes challenging. Over the past year Ive talked to at least a dozen systems with existing AMR meters who are upgrading or replacing them due to older meter batteries not holding up. <89> <89> <2030> xref Many times, a customer has a shut off valve installed to the second residence that can be turned off for plumbing repairs or when inspections like these are to be conducted. How do you protect the integrity of the system when you do not know the background or intent of the person performing the volunteer work? If your 1.5 inch line is already overloaded, then the WSC is responsible for paying for the difference in costs from a two inch line to serve the single applicant to the 6 inch line your engineers say is required to install. <9A> <9A> <0161> 36 beginbfrange Present Ave. Daily Flow (B 6 + B 7 ) Single family - include all single family homes, mobile homes and seasonal dwellings in this category. <00A0> The CSI inspector should make a note on the CSI form stating that the well has been completely disconnected from all the potable water lines serving the dwelling units. However, the applicant or landowner can request a single master meter if they dont want to re-plumb their entire property to accommodate individual meters. As a general rule, the only difference should be in base rates based on size of meter as indicated in the TRWA Sample Tariff. If a member purchases land other than where the original meter was installed, according to the TRWA Sample Tariff language, they have to transfer the membership to the new property owner and leave the meter in place. Sometimes multiple lines from multiple meters can become a maintenance nightmare because all the lines, meters and valves look the same. It is best to set the meters close to the structure to be served and to always obtain an easement for service lines and meters before new service is established. endcodespacerange connection (living unit equivalent) that for the purposes of this Amended Agreement shall be Six Hundred Fifty <81> <81> <2022> <80> <80> <20AC> For Tract 2, the engineer assumed 24 equivalent single family connections, and a meter connection count will be four. All usage rates per thousand gallons should be the same across all classes of ratepayers, although conservation rates, designed to encourage efficient and non-wasteful water use practices by customers, can assess higher usage rates per thousand gallons for customers using more than a specified amount each month. (x[u!WMt[~}}PNwAzJg"hK#6yot|L `
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(~x@dn for the single-family residential customer group. R02 - Single Family House (larger than 5/8 " meter). for the single-family residential customer group. Email: info@trwa.org, Water University/Utility Management Certification, TCEQ Requirement All Occupational Licensing, Wastewater Technical Assistance & Training Program, Click Here to Return to the Ask Larry Archives Homepage, Metering & One Meter per Residence Rules (Ask Larry). The wait times at the transit Schengen passport control might be a bit longer but probably not since the border police seems to be managing staff levels. The closest thing we have to a bottom line here is that a system can remove the meter, but they still need to maintain capacity at that same location in case a future applicant wants to re-install another water meter there. lF3n~m/O]w@_}!.u5Iul,CeA"Wyac. Even a temporary hose hook-up is prohibited since that is a violation of the conditions found in your customer service application and agreement. The capacity is being used either way, and these new meters and customers are utilizing their share of the systems resources. trailer a@0VZ
<9A> <9A> <0161> <9B> <9B> <203A> It is not cost effective for us to run a six inch line extension just to supply water to one new house.
<83> <83> <0192> Climb the tank and use a steel measuring tape to measure the height of water in the tank to the manway. endbfrange endstream
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While it may be difficult for them to claim the second dwelling is vacant if evidence of habitation is obvious, some people might try to claim that the habitation is only intermittent, that no water is being used at the second location, or that water there is being supplied from a separate source. The ERUs would be equivalent to what would be used by typical single-family residences, if they were using the water. <8E> <8E> <017D> After you establish a system's ERU quantity, you can use it to determine the number of ERUs for other types of service connections. each new commercial connection and $1,000 for each new residential connection. <7F> <7F> <2022> (7#~mz*B
TwIewVq_kgcQyQ4Jd/ K3E\_%9=G$#. Amstelveen is a leafy, prosperous, family-oriented suburb close to Amsterdam, which has a growing population of international residents. A: Your question is very common for all rural and some urban systems. Some of this cost will be paid by these new customers once they start paying their monthly water bill, but the previous customers not only have been paying for what it costs for them to receive water delivered to their homes, they have also been paying a bit extra toward the complete debt-service for all existing capacity. This letter should outline the PUC requirements for an accurate metering of water per connection. Ive also not heard of a system providing a water commercial permit. Use of the word commercial by a water system is typically a reference indicating that it is non-standard service and not a regular residential service location. C+vdt\?K(Pwu,Gu-=s-^|8o!$cntc}Egg=/ckY0 \
IQ-EQ | 110,749 followers on LinkedIn. According to subchapter D, rule 290.46(s)(1), flow measuring devices and rate-of-flow controllers that are required by 290.42(d) of this title (relating to Water Treatment) shall be calibrated at least once every 12 months. Not all the time, but it is usually pretty accurate unless another deed or court decree has been issued since the countys records were last updated. 0000000015 00000 n Q: A current member of our WSC has asked for a second meter on their property. Throughout my time at TRWA, I have seen too many systems that have allowed customers to dictate where they wanted their meters to be set. <8A> <8A> <0160> There are many points that need to be addressed before agreeing to this offer. <91> <92> <2018> After getting this proof of ownership, the system should at least check the countys tax rolls and property tax maps to see whose name is listed for that property. Under 30 TAC 290.38(16), "connection" means "A single-family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied" from the PWS. Would this person also have access to the system office or have keys to the water plants? <9E> <9E> <017E> /CIDSystemInfo A. But the continued headaches and future problems will not be worth the bad public relations this can cause if anything happens to the service line or meter that is on someone elses property. It is up to each customer to determine whether they must register as a business with the state or not. The meter and/or wastewater connection is for the sole use of the Member or customer and is to provide service to only one (1) dwelling or one (1) business. *
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N&?FqCe6MoA The valve shall meet AWWA standards (a ball valve is preferred). Do we have to provide water to the new meter on this line? <8E> <8E> <017D> <00A0> <96> <97> <2013> The sample tariff allows the system to estimate a bill and notify the member of the estimate if meter access is hindered or denied. Industrial 3. Check to be sure these references are included in your tariff and if so, the member would be prohibited from extending service from one side of the road/alley or across a property line to provide service to a neighbors property not designated to receive service according to your tariff. One ESFC is defined as equaling a typical detached single-family house. A4INih9'uC0\!a;OKx[TJ2 7Kie Our service agreement states that we only allow one dwelling per connection. Any correspondence you send to this regard should include a deadline for the customers to contact the system to set up a CSI so the utility can verify whether any prohibited interconnection between the two dwellings exists. He has offered to buy a ladder, but does not want it left all the time, only when the meter is read. Based on my experience, a great number of systems opt to have a single meter properly sized to meet the service needs requested by the owner instead of having multiple smaller master meters or even individual meters for each apartment. <82> <82> <201A> The original member will pay all costs associated with a new meter installation as if they were a new customer, since they are a new customer at this new location. Is this a fool-proof verification? Big problems can occur when either of the properties changes hands. 0 A: This is a common problem for older systems as they try to come into compliance with newer rules. Q: I am going to change out our master meter at the well and replace it with a new one. If not then the meter accuracy is over or under by that difference since the tank is a definite volume (provided the above calculation and tank dimensions were accurate). We think this might turn into a public relations problem. << HWn8}7vR}\d.P`! The WSC board can amend the water rates at any board meeting where rate adjustments are posted as an agenda item for action. TCEQ assesses the adequacy of a systems capacity on the number of connections on that system and takes into account the number and sizes of larger meters on that system. endobj Our engineers say the only way we can meet TCEQ standards for water distribution if we add the meter is with a six-inch line extension. <9C> <9C> <0153> 10. <85> <85> <2026> to TCEQ rules regarding elevated storage, the number of connections that are allocated to the tract will be four, because that allocation is determined on the number of meter connections. In fact, there are laws about meter tampering, damage and diversion if a person is caught or found guilty of messing with a utilitys meters. Do you have a source for best practices when planning to deal with this issue? %%EOF
endbfrange The ERUs would be equivalent to what would be used by typical single-family residences, if they were using the water. A: This is certainly a tricky situation but its one that many TRWA systems have faced when trying to enforce their tariff or district service policies.
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