New melee stances and their forced procs : r/Warframe - reddit once a mod for the respective IPS has been placed on a weapon, it will convert the base IPS, into a different name and adding the damage increase like elemental mods. The problem with scaling armor in a nutshell. Impact damage is effective at quickly draining Corpus shields, but it does comparatively less to Corpus and Grineer bodies. Elemental mods do take from the total of the added physical damage, so a +10% fire would do an extra 15 fire damage. Void damage is reserved for Operator Amps and the Xaku Warframe. That's not how the math works. that being said, on weapons that have a very high base damage in one physical type (someone mentioned jat kittag as an example. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. if they remove armor scaling as you have suggested, if they dont do something like add 10x or more health scaling, it will still be useless. It's easy! 14 Tenet Livia. Or is it similar to where you get more experience killing Grineer then Corpus and Infested? Just about every endgame build in Warframe uses Heat. Impact damage is effective at quickly draining Corpus shields, but it does comparatively less to Corpus and Grineer bodies. Tradeable Slash only shows its mettle when armor levels get high. Recommended for use with weapons that have a higher Impact damage than other damage types. User account menu. It has massive damage multipliers against flesh and has the strongest status effect in the game, multiplying all damage dealt to the target's HP. Including stuff like enemies that are affected by this or that, etc. i can kill level 160 demolysts pretty fast and they have base HP of 2500, which is 3.5x more base HP than heavy gunners. with negative impact riven, you can make whipclaw to be slash-puncture only. At high levels, Heavy Gunners are basically gods by comparison. even if they revert corrosive back to armour stripping, due to the power of viral + slashbleed now, it still makes it pointless to mod for now. 1 (Newbie) Can anyone help me understand how Slash, Puncture, and Impact work when it comes to a primary? Enemies will get tankier just by scaling health. If slash gets nerfed again, it would ruin Titania, Ash and other slash ability warframes well Titania won't be ruined as much as the other warframes since the damage input she does still do alot of damage. But, throw on even an Unranked Sawtooth Clip (+5% Slash) and now it can. (Quantity Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not), WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers, Cannot produce multiple procs in a single instance of damage alongside any other. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The only sensible choice which would bring down Slash to the level of the other damage types would be to get rid of Armor scaling altogether and only scale health. A possible 3-course menu for 6 people who don't like nuts or seafood is: Starter: Vegetable soup with gluten-free bread. These elements typically come with more potent damage modifiers and status effects. (It's weaker than pure Viral before you even pair it with Slash.). people should be welcoming to ideas that makeitsooner, if those ideas still give a decent result. (+Base Damage, +Fire Rate, +Punch-through) We already have things like Accelerated Blast and it needs to be buffed. Only to then have the community complain that they want harder content. Warframe: Every Tenet Lich Weapon, Ranked - TheGamer All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Band Aid Mod - Search At low levels, all damage types are actually quite equal and do what DE intended. You'll need to build your loadout around Electricity procs and damage multipliers to make the status effect worth using. 4) Orthos Prime This weapon was introduced in Update 9.0 and it can inflict a lot of damage. WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If I have a Fulmin (100 Impact +400 Electricity), Crash Course (+120% Impact) takes the damage to 220 Impact (2.2x / +120% on base Impact)+ 400 Electricity. If it were treated like an elemental mod*, that would be +120% on the weapon's total base damage. These are the most common damage types. For example, I wouldn't put Piercing Hit on the vast majority of my weapons, if any at all, when a regular punch-through mod will do its extra bonus part just fine and also not skew my status away from Slash. Giving it any additional critical chance-boosting mods is unnecessary, and you will have more mods slots open for other useful things. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. What ARE Slash, Impact, and Puncture? : r/Warframe that is pure and simple, OVERPOWERED! At low levels, IPS fine. people who point to DPS will say use just elementals, multishot, fire rate, and base damage (unless it's a crit build), but for practicality, I'd say you generally want some punch-through and some weapons really benefit from reload speed. Impact Damage is one of the three physical damage types. what is a good slash base AOE weapon for nekros :: Warframe General these suggestions keep getting chosen, but it is not resolving the actual issue, IPS is bad. Edited April 12, 2015 by Rakshal -DragonOfTheWest- PC Member 907 Posted April 12, 2015 (edited) Only to then have the community complain that they want harder content. Warframe - Khora Prime Slash Whipclaw Stats Stick Build It causes enemies to flinch and recoil backwards. Anything with more than 50% of its IPS damage as Slash should split bodies. Weapons like that let you make three different builds to focus on damage types rather than needing three different weapons. The physical damage mods are only worth equipping on weapons with very high base damage in that area - so say, with the Jat Kittag, sticking a +90% impact bonus on it gets a MASSIVE boost in damage when compared to something like the Cronus. This chance is doubled when the weapon's fire rate is below 2.5. Rupture is a mod that increases the Impact damage of Rifles. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Similar goes for Impact. personal preference, I suppose. Simply selecting the proper config for the occasion ~ been working well for me so far. It will never reach 0, but when armor grants 99% damage reduction, it feels like 0. Yeah though I put most of my mods towards puncture on my bows, cause at a certain point it doesnt matter, youll skewer 5 in a row sometimes and its funny as heck. Special damage types like True and Void damage are usually reserved for Warframe abilities or Operators. If armor was a fixed value instead of being scaled, then Bleed wouldn't be so much of a problem. For safety, rockets arm after traveling a safe distance. Credit to the Warframe Fandom Wiki for the IPS damage icons provided below. Corrosive used to be able to peel that scaling armor right off, but it has been nerfed with a cap. We can try nerf bleed status effectto make it no longer ignore armor, but that will attract some backlash. i can delete level 160 heavy gunnerswith 3 mods, because of slashand dont evenneed viral. It is effective against all forms of flesh, but it is less effective against Grineer armor and Corpus Robotics. its the same reason you take toxin now (used to be gas/slash) for corpus. The mod is most useful either on certain Gunblades (, Both ranged and Heavy Attacks of these Gunblades and, The mod is most useful on melee weapons with high attack speed, and on. even Gas and Magnetic was ok, not as fast, but probably due to not havingarmour reduction that corrosive has. For safety, rockets arm after traveling a safe distance. Warframe and Destiny 2 in particular stand out in the genre thanks to the power fantasy that they offer, combined with unique gameplay mechanics that haven't been successfully replicated in the. Useless on low-damage weaponry, but incredibly useful for getting an extra 90% damage out of weapons focused in that school. The game features a fantasy open-world environment and action-based combat system. Corrosive will destroy most Grineer targets you come across, and Heat will shred through Infested targets. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant. IPS: +50% Im sorry for the long post, im just trying to reply to everyone without double posting . Is Impact Kuva Nukor Really Worth It? (Warframe) - YouTube thanks for the help everyone! 4x multiplier is insane (not to mention it further overpowers melee). I thought that this was the principle idea behind having 3 seperate mod configurations with each weapon, no ? Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Sad too because I already lvled up some of them thinking I was going to need them. (so if Slash > Impact + Puncture, you should be good) For an interesting case, take the Soma Prime. That was what I was looking for. Yet, anything someone says thatregards nerffing that power, isrejected by the community. Blast is created by combining Heat and Cold. It will never reach 0, but when armor grants 99% damage reduction, it feels like 0. If you take full advantage of Warframe's damage system, you can turn your enemies into ash, bypass their defenses, or make hostiles fight their allies. The Synoid Helicor deals the most impact damage of the hammer-type weapons. Impact = Shred status reduces armour/shield/health (4sec duration), Puncture = Pierce status chance to bypass armour and shields (4sec duration), Slash = Hack status deals more damage(4sec duration) (does not bypass armour or shields), The reason for this, is to make it a contender for the other 2, and the reason it seems low is because it has infinite stacks (only based onduration and your attack speed). Introduced Puncture June 26, 2020 in Weapons first remove all stacking from base IPS statuses, including slash (make bleed status cause the enemy to take 10% extra damage), then make all IPS mods have +1 to the respective new status (like syndicate mods) and apply the new statuses to weapons that don't have base IPS statuses (since they would be taking mod space). Icon you wont be sitting for so long hitting the same target. The mods that increase the damage of a type is the percentage of that damage type, not total. Impact Damage | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Explain why my friend said not to get the Cernos bow cause it impact damage. Impact Status Effects have 35% chance to apply a Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5) General Information Type Rifle Polarity Madurai Rarity Rare Max Rank 5 Endo Required To Max 930 Credits Required To Max 44,919 Base Capacity Cost 10 Trading Tax 8,000 Introduced Update 29.10 (2021-03-19) Vendor Sources Official Drop Tables Don't warn me again for Warframe View Page Cancel Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive. Very high critical and status chance also with high attack speed. This particular Warframe is known for its powerful abilities, high mobility, and versatile play style. And impact as a base element is good against shields. Kuinka tappaa Eidolon Terralyst Warframe: Plains of Eidolonissa Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through I'm not too big on fire rate mods, but again, personal preference, Mostly only ever worth it on melee weapons. r/Warframe. Combined Element:+75%, Some ideas for the Bronze IPS mods: Melee units are unaffected by Blast's status effect. Although, people will still use the most effect damage type vs which ever enemy armour or health, it depends on whether they are status immune or not. *(Side-note / proof: Elemental mods calculate off base damage even if the weapon already has the given element. Rupture: +90% Impact, +90% Base Damage, This is probably why nobody likes my suggestion (i suggested changing Slash Bleed ). Slash is superior no matter how you look at it sadly, because that armor ignoring slash proc is just godly. 6 Forma Acceltra Build by VYXN - 460k dps viral+slash crescent slicer Learn everything about the powerful Epitaph. The simplest solution would simply be to buff the IPS mods with secondary stats. Cold is great for damaging shields and certain Grineer heavy units. It has solid damage multipliers that make it great against Infested, and its status effect makes Slash an excellent option for killing highly-armored targets across all content. Faction mods are worthwhile for consideration if you have multiple elementals and such already. Classic and satisfying dish with garlic, lemon, and rosemary. Its damage modifiers make Radiation a fantastic choice against heavily armored Grineer, although it struggles against humanoid Corpus enemies and the Infested. I am not quite sure about Serration. the armour type wont matter, viral + bleed doesnt care what armour the enemy has. This damage type causes bullets to magnetize to a certain location, making it much easier to land headshots or hit a target multiple times with a punch-through projectile. Warframe: Is Shattering Impact Worth Using in Eidolon Hunt? Reloads are faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss hands. Shattering Impact | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Synoid Helicor. Viral will multiply the damage of your Heat procs, while Corrosive will help Heat strip as much armor as possible. but the community still wants their OP status. New Impact to Slash Mods Hot or Not?! . IPS stat mods can look something like this. Toxin is the best standalone element for combating Corpus shields, as Toxin damage completely bypasses enemy shields. sooner or later, Slash will be nerffed againor become useless against enemies. When you use a puncture weapon against an armoured target you do more damage and vice versa. To do this you will have to go to Cetus on Earth, with Fisher Hai-Luk and select the "Cut fish" option. Sourced from official drop table repository. Just about every endgame build uses Viral. Sign up for a new account in our community. Chains between enemies up to 3 meters from the target. Has no effect on the other damage types, including elementals. Reloads are faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss' hands. so, what does everyone think of this idea?, some constructive feedback would be nice. Use regular expel mod if no primed version as it is still a 1.3 or 1.69x multiplier. The only I/P/S damage mod worth equipping is Accelerated Blast. Shattering Impact is a melee mod that permanently reduces an enemy's base armor by 1 per rank upon dealing Impact damage with a melee weapon. Edit:status procs, puncture decreases damage, useless; slash deals bleed that ignores everything, great & impact stuns them for 1,5 second, garbage. Its status effect, while powerful on paper, deals insignificant damage on its own. Everything falls apart against armor class modifiers (%boost and %armor ignore) and Bleed though (100% armor ignore). Edit Preferences that is why i am suggeting removing stacks from unmodded statuses, reworking bleed to only give 10% increase in damage. Each proc has its own value. Slash vs Impact vs Puncture :: Warframe General Discussion Each can be increased by use of their respective mod cards. Most endgame builds use Toxin over Magnetic since Toxin completely bypasses Corpus shields. No 1 mod should be more powerful than 2 combined mods and no base status should be more powerful than modded ones. Common Endgame builds sometimes use this element in Corpus missions to completely bypass their shields. thehotsung8701A,April 12, 2015. Endo Required To Max 2 mods, each procapplies 2% Pierce chance to deal damage that bypasses armour and shields, at 10 stacks 50% chance for your next hit and resets counter. The rest pretty much suck, and draw off a the weapon's base stat of that type (ex. A mod for +10% puncture would do absolutely nothing. i hate resetting weapons over and over again, just as much as the next player, but imo, asking for so many more mods to be changed, seems like DE may put off doing anything until they feel like doing a huge update to mods. Stormbringer (+90% electricity), on the other hand,takes the damage to 100 Impact + 850 Electricity (2.125x / 112.5%of base Electricity, not1.9x / 90%). 5p33dy_01, June 26, 2020 in Weapons. it starts becoming very complicated trying to talk about secondary effects with mods, becauseeveryone wants a mod that 'rules them all'in a way, besides that, we have so many mods that give you all the stats you want as secondary. Valve Corporation. I just feel like I have ammo issues too much with it, but it may not be the case for you), Acceltra guide by The-Simulacrum-Warriors, galvanized scope is bad (dont work on aoe or slash + too hard and cba), if no primed ammo mutation just use normal one or vigilante supplies, can use serration as primed faction mod replacement, use rime rounds over primed cryo rounds in sp (slash dont scale with elemental so more viral proc better), if have (external) fire rate buff can take vile acceleration out for smth (see below), set sprint as toggle (and keep it toggled on ofc) for permanent reload buff, viable replacements: Serration, Bladed Rounds, Galvanized Aptitude, and Hammer Shot, most consistent: Serration (amalgam version also works well with this gun, good QoL), highest possible dps: Bladed Rounds (when stacked with primary merciless, but much weaker initially), best vs high level enemies: Galvanized Aptitude (enemies live longer so can stack more viral for more damage), best secondary replacement (if one of the above is already in build): hammer shot. Warframe is a popular third-person shooter video game developed and published by Digital Extremes. Search within r/Warframe. Vaikka Plains of Eidolon avautui Warframe-kampanjan alussa, se ei ole oikea paikka uusien pelaajien viett aikaasi. You can't use it against Infested or mechanical enemies. The problem with scaling armor is that damage types that have ways to deal with it become exponentially better than the other damage types as levels scale. The Love-Hate Relationships Between Looter Shooters and their FWIW, one thing that could probably help those mods some is making their calculations like elemental mods. Max Rank Description It gives the weapons base damages no real weaknesses or strengths vs. the different factions. (Doesn't help Magnetic's case when some Corpus units use Alloy armor that Bombards do.). Where can I find a MELEE SLASH mod? : r/Warframe - reddit Enemies cannot recharge their shields naturally while Magnetized. Like Reload Speed mods, some weapons (Supra, Gorgon) get way more benefit out of them than others (Akstilettos, Bows), so I'd say level them anyway and use them wherever they give the biggest boost to damage. (I also agree with the notion that the damage system needs a touch of simplification, but I think that's separate from the mods themselves). Zetooo94 2 yr. ago Internal Bleeding | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom people should be welcoming to ideas that makeitsooner, if those ideas still give a decent result. Warm and healthy dish with various veggies and herbs. ), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. they have changed the way armour scaling works, so slash is not as important as it used to be years ago. Internal Bleeding is a rifle mod that gives a chance of every Impact status effect to produce an instance of a Slash proc. All in all - they're secondary mods, nothing more. If armor was fixed and only health scaled, then Puncture couldactually be an alternative to Slash. The only real reason to use an 120% physical mod is if it's a slash mod that you want to increase the chance of getting slash on a status proc (which for weapons you could use this on and get around the same flat damage as a 90% element, you'd already have a very high chance of a slash status effect.) 4 Forma Tiberon Prime Build by GameHasWeirdNames - Slash tiberon A +10% slash would make the weapon deal 5 more slash damage. but due to how overpowered some statuses are, DE has started reducing how effective they are on certain enemies, the Lich system is a good example, the slash on shields, gas. Other weapons (like the Plinx or Tysis) can deal a combination of physical and elemental, or combo elemental damage. The glaive prime has a guaranteed chance to proc slash damage on the target, when it's used to heavy attack. We don't need complicated mods. - Warframe Update 29.10 Corpus Proxima LeyzarGamingViews 184K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.1K Share Save 35K views 1 year ago New Impact to. Zugang! IPSshort for Impact, Puncture, and Slashis the backbone of most weapons you'll find in Warframe. Toxin is also a solid choice for fighting unarmored Grineer. it seems to me that these issues only come into play around enemy level 500+, and anyone who wants those level enemies, should have the right weapons, rather than have 1 weapon that just deletes enemies of any level. Hunter Munitions turns any critical weapon into a Slash-proccing machine while Hunter Adrenaline is a stronger version of Rage. Elemental should complement base stats, which is exactly what my suggestion does, but also makes the other stats useful if you throw on another mod. Impact Impact's effectiveness versus Shields and Machinery makes it a great damage type against the Corpus. In terms of status procs puncture causes the enemy to do less damage, slash provides an armor ignoring DOT, and impact causes a stun. Combining two elemental mods will create a combined element. You lost people the second you said Slash does not bypass armor. Only use Blast on a status primer. If that isn't enough, I tend to agree with @DealerOfAbsolutesabove: the mods could probably use some secondary effects to be made better choices. By Sawtooth Clip: +90% Slash, +90% Status Duration, Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through. Best way to damage Void Angels? : r/Warframe - reddit 2 mods = 10 stacks (retains the 5 stack bonus, but does not reset at 5 stacks, it resets at 10) +30% Impact Released for Windows personal computers in March 2013, it was ported to the PlayStation 4 in November 2013, the Xbox One in September 2014, the Nintendo Switch in November 2018 and the PlayStation 5 in November 2020. The Best Rifles in Warframe for 2021 | Warframe Today The reason for resetting counters, is so that your damage will always be fluctuating, none of this constant +325% damage, which is just OP. Electricity will keep enemies stuck in the Gas cloud and deal constant damage over time. Sourced from official drop table repository. you have 10stacks and your next hit has 2 instances, 1 hit will apply the 10stack bonus, while the other will apply 1 stack when it rolls over/resets.
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