You might see more approved CSRs in the list. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform. This plug-in creates vSphere storage by using the standard Container Storage Interface. For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses. To say that the VMCA is untrustworthy is to call into question the trustworthiness of vCenter Server as well. The automation with the VMCA is very compelling, especially for large institutions, and especially ones with heavy compliance & security burdens. Custom certificates. So I used Certificate Manger, to replace Machine SSL (Option 3). When I got the "Certificate Manager tool do not support vCenter HA systems" error the following solution worked for me: sudo /usr/lib/vmware-vmca/bin/certificate-manager. google_ad_slot = "8355827131"; Specify only if you want to override part of the OpenShift SDN configuration. // } Continue to create more compute machines for your cluster. Approving the certificate signing requests for your machines, After you complete the Operator configuration, you can finish installing the cluster on infrastructure that you provide. Creating more Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines in vSphere, 1.2.15.