Bromley GPs should use the Referrals Optimisation Tool to refer patients, although self-referral should be encouraged. The BMI is calculated by height and weight and a figure of 40 is deemed to be obese and may pose a substantial risk in pregnancy. This includes ensuring that the women have appropriate supports around her during the birthing process; to assist the woman in achieving her goals, where possible. Armadale Health Service - Antenatal Care How are hospitals in England caring for women at risk of preterm birth Whether this is your first baby or the next one, every woman needs to decide if she will have public care or private care. Antenatal clinics - Mercy Health Services As soon as possible, you need to go to your GP to have your pregnancy confirmed. If you are interested in these processes, please liaise directly with the manager of any of our departments. Registrations close 28th October. 4253 4284 (have your GP (doctor) referral letter with you) To change appointments - Ph. Prior verbal or written consent from patient is required. Being able to access maternity services directly has been recommended as a way to ensure women access care as early as possible. This gives the midwife a predicted delivery date for your babys birth and also confirms that there is a heartbeat. More information. Alternative contact numbers for the Maternity Unit. A follow up half day will occur 6 months later, where each patient will have a 20-minute case conference. . Antenatal clinic at Liverpool hospital - October 2021 Birth Club Pregnancy Care at JHH | HNE Health Please contact the Patient Finance Department for advice on costs as a private patient. Contact Liverpool Womens on 0151 702 4180or 0151 7024178. After review by an obstetrician and a consultant haematologist a plan of treatment and care will be agreed.Location and clinic times. Appointments for routine visits are in the morning and Booking in appointments are in the afternoon. Visit the Telehealth website to join these classes is listed below and the Class code will be provided to for your allocated classes. Having completed his postgraduate training in India, he joined the Feto-Maternal Unit as a Fellow in High Risk Obstetrics from 2004-2007. The changes made are solely regarding COVID-19 in pregnancy and now allows many of our COVID-19 recovered women to participate in ANSC. Tel: 0151 708 9988, Copyright 2017 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust | Midwife lead care this care is for women who have low risk pregnancies and do not need to see a Doctor for their visits. Liverpool Our maternity unit supports women to birth naturally where possible. Liverpool Hospital Womens & Childrens Health Midwives Clinic Pregnancy self-referral form for St Helier Hospital Pregnancy self-referral form for Epsom Hospital Cord blood stem cell collection Postnatal care . Self-referral often includes services for drug and alcohol problems, as well as antenatal care and improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT). Simply register with My Pregnancy Notes and follow the online instructions. Diabetes Specialist service without extra cost to the patient, Reduce waiting time for patients to access specialist care, Increased patient satisfaction with a comprehensive, integrated, and interdisciplinary management approach in the one location, Updated information on Nuvaxovid (Novavax), Booster dose information has been updated to include people aged 16 and 17 years. Booking in for pregnancy - WSLHD - Ministry of Health Module 1: Welcome! As a private patient, you will need to book into the hospital so we know you will be delivering your baby with us. Mersey Care (Halton, Warrington, St Helens and Knowsley) - 01925 275 303. If your call is relating to an urgent matter (on 8th March only) please call 0151 708 9988. This will impact on the running of a number of services across the Trust including our reception and patient appointment teams. With the new referral form also comes amended referral pathways. Special interests: Fetal Medicine, reducing obstetric intervention and normalising pregnancy and labour for low risk women. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Some women may need more visits and other women less visits. Women with neurological problems, such as epilepsy, attend this monthly clinic for review and a plan of treatment and care by an obstetrician and consultant neurologist.Location and clinic times. Your GP needs to write on the referral form if you require an Interpreter, stating the language you speak. If you are choosing the shared care option, the GP Obstetrician appointment will be at 28 weeks. Crown Street We have access to a large range of reading matter in many languages to ensure women are receiving the education suggested. In order to facilitate as normal a birthing process as possible, this facility allows women to create a birthing environment that promotes a positive experience for the women and her family. How your antenatal appointments work. At Armadale Hospital, the midwives provide the interactive online classes via Avaya Workplace. Please note we may contact and share information with other health professionals as required. Antenatal Shared Care is an option offered to all women who are assessed as suitable for the program. As a teaching centre of the University of New South Wales, Liverpool Hospital is proud to be training consultant dermatologists and doctors of the future under the guidance our consultant dermatology staff. Meet the team FGM National Clinical Group - Our Team Floor: Level 2 Your booking appointment may last around 60 minutes so there is a small tea bar, a childrens play area and baby changing facilities for your comfort and convenience. For second or more pregnancies, and if you are progressing well, you will not need to attend the 25 week, 31 week and 39 week appointments. Please review the referral instruction document to ensure you are following the new pathways. Pregnancy Care at John Hunter Hospital Our focus for maternity care is to ensure that it is collaborative, where the woman and her family remain at the centre of the care experience and are actively involved in all decisions about the pregnancy, birth and after your baby is born. Please ask them to wait for phone calls from you and/or your support people. Routine check for primiparous women (first pregnancy), Routine check. Alternatively, your GP can fax / email a written referral to one of the specialist doctors at this hospital to: Womens Health Clinic Fax 02 8890-5198 or email Westmead Pregnancy Bookings. Unison members of staff at Liverpool Womens will be taking part in industrial action on Wednesday 8th March 2023. This is a monthly clinic for women who have had kidney transplants in the past or have known kidney problems. Affiliations 1 Department of Women and Children's Health, The School of Life Course & Population Sciences, King's College London, 10th Floor North Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7EH, UK. If you are a health professional please refer to Antenatal Care and Schedule of Appointments Your antenatal care starts when you have found out you are pregnant and have filled in the online pregnancy referral form to notify your midwife. Consider how midwives can best support and care for women and their families surrounding prenatal screening, options and decision-making in a way which respects diversity as well as a womans right to make an informed choice.This course is free to access for all and equivalent to 1 CPD point. Some women will chose to see a private Obstetrician for pregnancy and childbirth care or want to continue pregnancy care with their family doctor. Your GP can submit an online referral for your pregnancy care through this website. Specialist Perinatal Service :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust They will be able to treat you if you have a broken bone, a sprain, bruise, wound, small burn, bite, or a minor eye or head injury and many other injuries. The ANSC program aims to: Provide pregnant women with flexibility, choice and continuity of care She was the co-ordinator of the pilot team which implemented Changing Childbirth at the Liverpool Women's Hospital in 1996. Contact Liverpool Womens on 0151 702 4072, This award-winning weekly service was developed for women whose first language is not English, and for asylum seekers and refugees and women with a history of female genital mutilation. Daisy Hill Hospital Antenatal Clinic on 028 3083 5000. Describe what informed consent is, and how this relates to prenatal screening;3. s referral letter for Womens health clinic by mail or fax, s initial antenatal tests, e.g blood tests, early dating scan or Nuchal translucency ultrasound. He has an interest in the diagnosis and management of fetal anomalies, antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies, growth restriction, stillbirth and the management of certain high risk pregnancies. Referral enquiries and technical support. For Information on COVID19 vaccination during pregnancy please download our fact sheet: Download covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy fact sheet, Download Childcare Resources for women with COVID19. Blacktown Clinic - - - - at Auburn: Dr Ardalic Dr Chen Dr Maravar Dr Mohan or Auburn Clinic Consultants may choose to exercise their rights to private practice. In his current role Dr Dalal facilitates care of high-risk obstetric women from the Macarthur region, including tertiary level perinatal ultrasound service at the Feto-Maternal Unit at Liverpool Hospital; with antenatal, birthing and postnatal services being maintained at Campbelltown Hospital. Antenatal clinic at Liverpool hospital - October 2021 Birth Club - BabyCenter Australia Home Community October 2021 Birth Club Antenatal clinic at Liverpool hospital Fatss1 08/04/21 Log in or sign up to post a comment! Antenatal Clinics. This should ideally be done before by 14 weeks to allow for 18 week appointment if required. Once you have your pregnancy confirmed, your GP will give you forms to fill out for blood tests and a urine sample. Ingham Health Service. Dr Hollis received his primary medical degree in South Africa. Copies of this form can be obtained by contacting the GP Liaison Midwife on 07 3163 1861; by email Completed referrals may be faxed to 07 3163 8053 or posted to Mater Mothers' Antenatal Clinic, Raymond Terrace . You must be referred by your general practitioner (GP) to access antenatal care. Visiting Information. Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113. Liverpool Specialist antenatal services for women with medical conditions (including diabetes, maternal cardiac disease, raised BMI, haematology, renal, HIV, neurology, maternal medicine) Antenatal appointments information Community based antenatal clinics Checks done at my antenatal appointments The Pregnancy Book They will be risk assessed and directed to the most appropriate professional to manage any underlying or newly developed complications and it will promote the development of a positive relationship with their own midwife. Held in the antenatal clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Wednesday between 9.30am and 11:30am. If a first trimester screen result is deemed high risk, please refer immediately for tertiary scan at King Edward Memorial Hospital. First Appointments Centre Antenatal Clinic Integrated Antenatal Service Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (EGA) Wing University College Hospital Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Liverpool Women's Hospital Antenatal Clinic Liverpool Women's Hospital Crown Street, Liverpool, L8 7SS 0151 702 4180 King Edward Memorial Hospital - Referring patients South Western Sydney Primary Health Network and South Western Sydney Local Health District are working together to enhance diabetes care in the area. Our midwives will provide assessment, management and referral to specialist doctors for women experiencing a possible miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Occasionally women may also be asked if they would like to participate in a patient journey interview, which provides us with direct information and feedback regarding the care and services we provide to you and assists us with improving our services or acknowledging the work done by our clinicians. Once stable these patients will be internally referred to the EPAS Clinic for ongoing assessment, treatment and support. Midwives clinics Held in the Womens Health Clinic Level 2. For more information on GP Shared care. The pregnancy booking-in appointment takes about 90 minutes. This is a weekly clinic for women with a history of significant mental health problems. Alternatively you can call us on 0151 702 4328 to arrange your first appointment. If you have not received your appointment within 7 working days, please call us on 020 3910 7279, 8am to 4pm. This includes providing continuity of carer by a midwife and advocating on your behalf, with access to perinatal mental health and social work input as required. Held in the Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Thursday between 1.30pm and 4pm. Download referral templates. 41/40. To see a list of the Obstetricians available at Westmead, go to Specialist Profiles on this website. In addition, the Unit offers birthing balls, bean bags, floor mats and a birth stool to assist you in your journey. Where possible, for any routine appointment enquiries, please wait until Thursday 9th March when normal service will resume. Liverpool Women's NHS - Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU Alongside the introduction of our early access service a considerable amount of work has been undertaken within the community settings to promote continuity and women having access to a named midwife. Nepean Hospital Antenatal Clinic (Penrith) Phone: 4734 2373 Blue Mountains Hospital Antenatal Clinic (Katoomba) Phone: 4784 6572 The booking appointment will take place at your local GP surgery or children's centre, in your home or in one of our antenatal clinics. The Early Pregnancy Clinic helps . Additional fees above health care insurance premiums may be applicable to this service. GP Shared Care This is shared antenatal care with the hospital and your GP. Specialist antenatal clinics - Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust Liverpool Women's Hospital Merseyside. ContactLiverpool Womens on 0151 702 4180 or 0151 702 4178, If you suffer with high blood pressure, either before or since becoming pregnant, you will attend this weekly clinic. L8 7SS Direct contact with midwives can result in earlier access to health information and screening that can help the health and wellbeing of both mum and baby. Only children to visit are your own. If your call is relating to an urgent matter (on 8th March only) please call 0151 708 9988. Check if the woman lives within the hospital postcode boundary. You will see a midwife who will take a detailed medical history and you can discuss options for antenatal care. Dr Dalal is a Staff Specilaist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals and conjoint Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney. Although we will have a limited staff presence on this date to deal with patient enquiries, we kindly ask that anyone with appointment enquiries only contacts the Trust if it is urgent. Belfast - Northern Ireland Maternity and Parenting As soon as you know you are pregnant you should contact your GP to organise your antenatal care or call us on 0151 247 4747. After you have given birth, it is encouraged that the women and her immediate family are allowed time to bond with their newborn baby, without being overwhelmed with numerous visitors. Redcliffe Hospital (07) 3883 7777. This test is done from 10 weeks of gestationand there is a cost for this blood test. Maternity | Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) For information on the status of a referral, appointment information or antenatal referral criteria please phone the Antenatal Clinic directly on 07 3163 1861. PO Box 4195. Referrals to Liverpool Hospital Dermatology can be made via post: Suite 7, Level 1 45-47 Goulburn St, Liverpool NSW 2170 or Fax: (02) 8738-4639 Patients will be triaged on a need and availability manner to ensure safe and appropriate management of all patients in the health area. Consultant-led care | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Antenatal care - Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Care is provided collaboratively by the general practitioner and the hospital-based service. Where possible, for any routine appointment enquiries, please wait until Thursday 9th March when normal service will resume. The safety notice can viewed in full via the Clinical Excellence Commission. If you are planning a pregnancy, you can visit your GP to have blood tests done that will identify any diseases or health problems which are best treated before pregnancy. LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871. Phone: +61 2 8738 3000. ADVICE FOR PATIENTS: Industrial action Wednesday 8th March 2023. Pregnancy Care and Shared Maternity Care - Peninsula Health The Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS) at Armadale Health Service provides specialised, confidential and caring support to those families experiencing issues during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. ANTENATAL REFERRAL LETTER Westmead: Fax to 8890 5198 or Email: Blacktown: Fax to 8670 5343 or Email: . Liverpool Hospital Genetics department has recently updated their referral form into the service. Please be aware that boundaries for these LGAs can cross streets and suburbs. The number of antenatal appointments you have will usually be: 10 or more, if this is your first pregnancy; 7 if you have had a baby before; Appointments may take place in the hospital with a midwife if you live outside the catchment area, or in a local clinic if you live locally. GPs must send the completed referral form for antenatal care and delivery to the Armadale Health Service Referral Office by emailing He spent 20 years in private practice in association with his father Dr Jack Adno atthe Park Lane Clinic. Appointments for the Bedford Clinic, where we care for women seeking a termination of pregnancy, are administered through a central referral system telephone 0151 702 4184. GPs with relevant obstetric experience can apply to become an ANSC provider and the care provided is structured to mirror the same level of care a woman would receive in a standard antenatal clinic. All women will have their first appointment at Armadale Health Service with a midwife at approximately 18 weeks of your pregnancy followed by an appointment with the hospitals GP Obstetrician between 20 to 22 weeks. Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) is where the antenatal care for pregnant women is shared between the local hospital antenatal care service and a local GP. Antenatal appointments should take place in a setting where you feel able to discuss sensitive issues, such as domestic abuse, sexual abuse, mental health problems or drugs. Held in the antenatal clinic at the Aintree Centre for Womens Health on a Tuesday between 1.30pm and 5pm. Held in the Fetal Medicine Unit at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Thursday between 1.30pm and 4.15pm. We are a non-government, not for profit organisation that receives funding from NSW Health, administered by South Western Sydney Local Health District. (For birth plan template see labour and birth fact sheets on W&NH website), You will be offered a vaginal examination to assess the cervix (strip and stretch), Visit done in Day Assessment Unit. Most women have normal, uncomplicated pregnancies and births. Held in the antenatal clinic at the Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Wednesday between 9am and 12pm. Antenatal Shared Care is an option offered to all women who are assessed as suitable for the program. Crown Street At the end of this eLearning course, you will be able to: GL2021_019 Care pathway for women concerned about fetal movements. GPs can make the majority of referrals to us through Choose and Book with the patient being able to choose the date and time of their appointment. To learn more about shared care, you can speak to: Your GP. Obstetrics clinic. Contact the Pregnancy Registration Hotline (1300 368 820) - when they put you through, request a GP ShareCare booking appointment. Referrals - WSLHD - Ministry of Health Doctors clinic These clinics are Monday Friday from 8.00am 12.30pm and 1.30pm 4.00pm in the Womens Health Clinic on level 2. LIVERPOOL NSW 2170. From time to time, this facility also lead or participates in research trials that women and their newborn can be involved in if they provide consent to do so. For more information and to make a booking, call our antenatal clinic on 07 4226 8760. The birthing unit discourages the gathering of additional family members that are not actively involved in this supporting process as they may not facilitate such a supportive environment for yourself and/or other women birthing in this unit. Tel: 0151 708 9988, Copyright 2017 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust | Website by Prodo Digital, Maternity Voices Partnership Liverpool (LMVP), Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Information Hub, Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine (LCGM), Supporting Patients with Additional Needs, Liverpool Womens - Maternal Medicine Centre. If Rh negative blood type, Anti-D injection will be given. The clinic benefits from interpreters as well as a telephone interpreting service. Liverpool Hospital is one of the biggest and busiest hospital's in New South Wales. Antenatal | Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust It is important to balance the need for co-administration of vaccines with delivering vaccines on separate visits, as there is the potential for an increase in mild to moderate adverse events when more than one vaccine is given at the same time. Just click on the service you're interested in, then . Clinical interests include: Fetal therapy, SGA-clinical management, Monochorionic twins-placental vascular anastamoses and clinical correlation, Rhesus disease -early onset <20-22 weeks, neurodevelopmental outcomes. Medway CCG Kent. Support people are identified as those individuals who will be actively involved in supporting women during your labour and provide direct moral support. You will need to send us a referral for pregnancy care from your Local Doctor (also called your GP General Practitioner). Where possible, visitors should be encouraged to celebrate with you in the postnatal ward. Location and clinic times. The care provided within this service is collaboration between the woman and her treating team to ensure the optimal and appropriate care is provided for the health and safety of the woman and her baby. Royal Gwent Hospital - Home - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Unwell patients (for example those who are haemodynamically unstable or experiencing severe pain and/or heavy bleeding) should be referred directly to Armadale Health Service Emergency Department. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. It is recommended to commence classes between 28 & 32 weeks pregnant for the four weekly night classes, and by 34 weeks for full weekend classes. Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust Qualifications: FRANZCOG, MD, DNB, FCPS, DGO, DFP, MNAMS, CCPU. Continuity of care and having a named midwife have also been shown to improve outcomes for women and in particular have been shown to improve womens overall experience of maternity services. John Hunter Hospital is offering a CPD opportunity on common gynaecology and gynae-oncology topics on November 4th, 2022. Patients wishing to have a referral to The Hewitt Fertility Centre can contact theunit's direct or following a discussion with their consultant or GP first. Liverpool Hospital Dermatology is a tertiary referral centre. Unison members of staff at Liverpool Womens will be taking part in industrial action on Wednesday 8th March 2023. Following referral by your GP we can provide Anti-D injections after a miscarriage if you are a RH negative blood group. Website by Prodo Digital, Maternity Voices Partnership Liverpool (LMVP), Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Information Hub, Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine (LCGM), Supporting Patients with Additional Needs, Liverpool Womens - Maternal Medicine Centre. This can also help to reduce potential complications by making sure mums-to-be get the healthcare they need to give their babies the best start in life. It can also make it harder to attribute potential adverse events to specific vaccines. physical and psychological changes in pregnancy, unexpected outcome and obstetric intervention. These weekend sessions usually start at 8.30am or 1.30pm. Enquiries. This will facilitate the child's preparation for the birthing process. Access to billing for MBS chronic disease items for case conferencing, GP management plans, Team Care Arrangements and items of Diabetes Cycles of Care, as eligible. Professional memberships: RANZCOG, ASUM, ISUOG, PSANZ, SOMANZ.
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