Luna: Dudes, we did do some pretty harsh things to him yesterday.
I have to Babysit Lily. Lori: Leni, she's only a baby, she can't talk yet. "Ready for this?" The two hug again). He is our SWEET brother! Later, he comes back inside and finds his sisters on the couch watching TV). Lincoln had put her arm around his poor girl. ", Ronnie Anne: "I can help you babysit Lily if you want. Lucy: Lincoln wasn't the one who clogged the toilet. Ronnie Anne: "What are you laughing at, Lame-o? "Thank you for the compliment", He replied and hugged her tightly. Ronnie Anne: "Alright then.
Lincoln come home - A No Such Luck AU - One Shot, a loud house fanfic Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. Ronnie Anne: "Oh, I was helping Lincoln watch over Lily. loudhouse, japan, leniloud. "I was at home looking up pictures of you and me, when those mavericks broke in and wrecked the place. #theloudhouse. Ginrai Turns Amalthea back into the Unicorn, but she is unwilling to leave Hiss side. Leni: Well, him and Bobby are friends now. Lincoln just nodded and set her down on his chest. #ronnieanne Lincoln and Ronne Anne are angered by this. ", Lincoln: "Alright, mom. They then began to sweat and a strange feeling had hit them. It's not right to take things that isn't yours, okay? Lincoln asked again, but Ronnie Anne had lost her mood to talk, so she pointed at the TV, implying that Lincoln should find out from the broadcast.
Fanfiction: Lincoln Runs Away - The Loud House Encyclopedia ", Ronnie Anne: "Wait, how do you know that's Lily's", Lincoln: "Mom imprinted Lily's name on it in case it ever ends up lost. Takes place after no such luck. ", Lincoln: "Really? (Lincoln rubs his eyes, then slowly smiles at Ronnie Anne. Without his sisters. I really need to go! [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lily smiles at what Ronnie Anne just said. Alright, you win. Lily loves the park. Ronnie then started holding him by the shoulders and started to hump him. Lincoln lightly pushes Lily on the baby swing, Ronnie Anne goes down the slide with her, then we see the play hide and Seek. Leni: We went into his room this morning, but he wasn't there! Mitchel just crossed his arms with an angry look on his face. Where's the milk? By: heavy5commando. You, me, and Lincoln. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? Wonderful! (Lincoln runs off-screen. It wasn't me! I definitely can't beat that. ", Ronnie Anne: "You bet. The two have finally got the chance to do the moment of what I can described as lovely. Woman: "I am so sorry my son gave you so much trouble.". #maverick My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. (All of the sisters are sitting in the living room, all looking depressed. Don't tell her. The closest Lucy did was shed tears down her cheeks. Lincoln tries to defend her, but is killed by the bull. It's banana flavored. Lincoln glanced at Ronnie Anne and shuddered slightly, hoping she wouldn't try to do anything to him at the party. Lynn Sr.: "Come on girls, leave Lincoln alone.". Said another in a deep, silly voice. The reason it broke was because Lincoln was upset! They hear the door knob move and the door opens, right before they broke apart from the hug. The schools resident tough girl who loves to pick on fellow student Lincoln Loud. They didn't really look like they were worried about me, they just looked like they wanted to find me so they wouldn't get into trouble. They knock at the door), (Clyde nosebleeds at the sight of Lori, then faints on the ground), (Eventually, Clyde's parents come to the front door), (Harold and Howard both look in horror, and they close the door in front of them), (It shows the girls knocking on another door. "And together, we will succeed in domination!" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO NICKELODEON AND VIACOM. 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Sorry for those I disappointed! WARNING: This chapter contains a sex scene not appropriate for younger readers. Disclaimer: The pictures or even the storyline doesnt belong to me! ", Lincoln: "Uh, okay. While Lincolnwraps the Unicorn's human form in a blanket, Ginraistates that the magic He has, not he, chose the form, and promises that he will return her to normal after the quest is complete. Before he starts down the stairs, he casts a sad glance towards the other doors in the hall. I know! Luan: *Brings out a pirate hook from nowhere and places it in her hands* Yar! He falls on the ground, as the comic books all fall onto him. A couple minutes later, Lily is finished eating and she burps. Lincoln: *jumps out the window, and bounced on a trampoline, walks out, gives his house one angry glare, and walks away* *Lincoln goes to the Santiago residence and rings the doorbell* Lincoln: *sad sigh* Ronnie Anne: "I'll get it." *she opens the door and sees Lincoln heartbroken* Lincoln: *upset* Ronnie Anne: "Lame-O? *he cries as he hugs Ronnie Anne* Ronnie Anne: *hugs Ian back* There, there Ian. At the last moment before her capture, Ginrai uses his unpredictable magic and transforms her into a human woman with white knee-length hair. Here's a fanfic I've been meaning to write for a while now. Those are sweet, too. Meanwhile, it shows the girls outside the house, next to the van). Lori: (brightens up) O-Okay. He looks at his sisters with a small glare, as all of the sisters suddenly get tears in their eyes), (All of the sisters run up to Lincoln, and hug him, tighter than they had ever done before). I guess it would taste okay with some chocolate syrup. The 6: NOT A THING TO DO!Most of the parents of the kids are then shown. Lincoln: "Wow. The pants went down first, then they stopped kissing to take off their shirts. Rita leaves the house. You know what you need to do, right? Let's see what else there is? What year would they be in the future? In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Then, Luna notices the broken family picture on the floor), (The sisters start to argue again, while Luna takes a closer look at the damage. *Stands up and grabs Luna's collar and attempts to punch it while shaking in anger* Why? Do you think she'll mind? Let's get started.". (It cuts back to the sisters walking towards their house). #lincolnloud #ronnieanne Lincoln: I saw it. Will you be able Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his previous adventure. he eventually gets up, and runs outside the door, past his sisters. (sniffs) After all of this, I don't think I'm going to put up with this humiliation anymore. Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! Lynn: Hey, where's Lincoln?
Lincoln & Ronnie Anne Vlog #15: Unboxing Special! | The Loud House (Lincoln smiles, as he and Ronnie Anne start to watch TV. (Warning: This story may contain lemon, if you're underage, do not watch it. Lincoln: Bobby, I need to ask you a favor. After a few seconds of tug of war, the little boy wins and pushes Lily back, causing her to fall. Chapter 5: The Villain Arrives And Reveals Itself, (OLD) The Loud House Lincoln x Ronnie Anne Story. While held captive, the unicorn is befriended by Ginrai and Lincoln: an incompetentmagicianin the service of a Mysertious woman. Lincoln give Ronnie Anne the baby food and a spoon. So I changed to where all of them are doing it. (As Lincoln tumbles off the stage, he knocks into a stack of comic books. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Okay, so far this morning hasn't started well. The pants went down first, then they stopped kissing to take off their shirts. #fanfiction Guess who's gonna spend time with us. Luna: So, we put the blame on Lincoln again! [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.].
Unreachable, Evil Lincoln x Life (english version), a loud house fanfic Carried on the white surf of incoming tides, the other unicorns emerge en masse from the water, causing The Burp and Burger to collapse into the Rubble as they rush past, with The Decepticons Fought Ginrai But Becomes More Bigger with Godbomber into it he Blasts The Decepticons falling to Their death while laughing. Ronnie Anne gives chase, nut after half a minute she lose him. The 6: THE SAME OLD THING!Lynn Sr is now driving, with Rita and Lincoln in front, while Clyde, Ronnie Anne, and Sid in the back.The 6: WE DID LAST WEEK!Same row as the first reappears. Lana: Ohhh. Luna: I know lil' dudette! Lincoln: "That little boy over there has it! They resumed and off went the underpants on the floor. Rita: Alright girls, we can save the excitement for later, let's just go and get Lincoln first. But I'll still get my chance at the convention! LINKY!!! Rita kisses Lily on her forehead and hands her to Lincoln. Bobby backed a little, shocked on what he just heard. ", Rita: "Oh, absolutely. The Loud House (2016-present) is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon. It's time to meet everyone's favorite superhero! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In fact, don't tell ANY of them that I'm here. . Leni: Don't run away like, ever again! The sisters had finally realized what horrible people they have become to their brother, and felt nothing but guilt and heartbreak), Lori: And now thanks to us, (between her tears) Lincoln's gone! Lincoln give Ronnie Anne the baby food and a spoon. (Meanwhile, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are on the sofa watching TV). Great job. Rita: Okay girls, I'm gonna go get the van started, can you get Lincoln?
After the Events of Cereal Offender - DeviantArt Ronnie Anne started to feel it from all the humping. The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago). I wonder where they could possibly be. [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. Ronnie Anne: "Come on, Lily. Lincoln asked. Ronnie! '(Ace Savvy appears onstage in his iconic intro, as all the kids cheer for him). Family comes first. #old Afterwords Lincoln wants to spend time with his friends and Family: however, he ends up upsetting them. As they hoped, she like it, and starts eating it. Enraged, the Unicorn turns on the Bull and forces him into the sea. Follow/Fav Helluva Loud Adventures. Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD [Lincoln starts to walk out of the room.]. I'm sure we'll find Lincoln! Luna: *Knocks at the door and waits formally* hmm Ronnie Anne opens the door carelessly and looks up to the newly found but familiar face that she just discovered Ronnie: *Thinks deeply* How May I help--- Wait, are you the rocker in one of Lincoln's sisters? Let's take a look at their friendship timeline that includes their annual. Let's check it out.". Let's see yours. You're missing out, Lily.". And remember when they kicked me out of the van? I had to make it to school on foot, and Mrs. Johnson chewed me out for being late. She immediately spits it out and it gets on Ronnie Anne's face. ", Ronnie Anne: "Wow. He answers it. is the 9th episode of the 8th season and its a two part episode and it's a crossover with Transformers Master force After Lincoln ends up feeling heartbroken and mistreated over a few mistakes he never meant to do to make his friends and family get so mad at him, he decides to run away from home, feeling like he was a bad person from the start he Teams Up . But do you have what it takes to face my arch nemesis? #romance Afterwards, Lincoln jumps outside the window, onto a tree, and slides to the ground. Ian: I do. (A collaboration with crafordbrian17) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Ronnie Anne S., Rita L. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,823 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 1h - Published: 12/18/2022 - id: 14174331 Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli En la regin de johto, Lincoln Loud por culpa del orgullo de su hermana Lynn, fue rechazado por los Loud. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. Fanfiction. Bobby: "Lori told me, that you were helping Lincoln babysit Lily. Watch Now Full Episodes Season 1 Subscribe S1 E1 05/02/16 Left in the Dark/Get the Message Subscribe S1 E2 05/02/16 I'm about to upload it to YouTube! The answer of course, was, he didn't. (Just as Luan says this, Lincoln stops walking, then turns around to the girls). Lily looks at Ronnie Anne, who has a trusting smile on her face. And with that, he grabbed Ronnie Anne's hand and the two ran out of the house. Ronnie Anne: Don't apologize dude, you're here for a good reason, and we're here to look out for you. Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. What do you say Lily? You see it Lily? Just then, a women in a green dress appears. This is ridiculous! Only time will tell! The two have finally got the chance to do the moment of what I can described as lovely. Ronnie: Okay, sit in our couch for a while just be comfy while I get you a drink. Did you enjoyed my chapter? How will the sisters react and will Lincoln be able to stay safe o After being mysteriously kidnapped Lincoln finds himself at the feet of some organization that's creating super soldiers while he gets used as a lab rat for a new experi During a fight with his older sister lori, lincoln's claws come out and he brutally injures her. Ronnie Anne: "Thanks. The notice the blanket I ripped and glair at him. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The reason why he took the blame was so I wouldn't be made fun of by all of you. Rita (through the phone): Hi, sweetie. (As Lincoln is walking to the bathroom, he walks past Bobby's room and sees him talking to Lori on his computer). When she opens the door, she sees Bobby with a wide smile on his face. What was I going to do again? Luna: No, He ran away from us, He'll never be back again! Is he supposed to be hanging out with me and Clyde? Downstairs, we see Ronnie Anne heading to the front door. She disagrees about the importance of his actions, as they helped them to restore unicorns to the world; though she is the only unicorn to feel regret, she is also the only unicorn to know love. Lori: Oh Lincoln! Ronnie Anne walks over to Lily and comforts her. The little boy appears from behind a bush. +7 more. He stepped on Lana's mud pies on accident. I'll get your blanket back.". Lincoln: "Oh, a challenge, huh? (puts the phone down) Girls, get ready, we're going somewhere. Lincoln! Glass shattered, structures crumpling, and mavericks everywhere. I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM RUN AWAY LIKE THAT? CRASH!!! (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. I want you to make up a new story! We're gonna have lots of fun together.".
Broken Mirror Chapter 6, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction (to the viewer) This happened last year as well, and I thought I wouldn't be bothered again, but considering that they were being so smug to me, I feel very annoyed. Don't think like that! "Huh?" Ronnie Anne asked. Ronnie Anne: It's alright Linc. Lana: I mean, they're not crackers. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, it'll be okay. Only we get to do that," Lori defensively told her. The odd one out.
Whatever Happened to Lincoln Loud? | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Ronnieanne Stories - Wattpad I'm sure I'll remember it in the morning. They looked back and saw destruction all around the neighborhood. I'll be here in a short while anyway! (breaks down and cries), (Lincoln could then hear Leni crying in Lori's room, and then the other sisters crying from their rooms on the computer. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. "Yeah! "Who do you have a crush on?" Lincoln: They probably would've by now. lincoln loud has always been an outcast, after all, everyone has a flaw or two, but lincoln got the brunt of it, but now he has another problem, he has discovered he ha Everything Lincoln Loud's ever done has been a cry for help. That Blanket means everything to her.". Please! Would I lie to you?". Well I lied to my family about being bad luck and they all banned me from the house and made me sleep outside. Lincoln: [Looking through Lana's bookshelf] So, which one of these do you want me to read? Lincoln: [Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose] Lemme look it up. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good" But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. See you, Ronnie Anne. Lily really likes you. After deciding to be "independent" together, they set out to seek "Fame and Fortune". Luna: Dudes! But that still doesn't explain why they're called crackers. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne blush in embarrassment and break apart from each other. Of course, that prize will belong to me. After the song ends the duo ran offon their own. When the Unicorn nears the seaside castle of King Haggard, the keeper of the Red Bull, she encounters the animal, which turns out to be a monstrousfire elemental. They arrive at said house and walk inside. Now he was worried about the person who knocked being outside with what was happening right now, so he zoomed down stairs to get the door opened. (kneels down and starts crying loudly), (Soon, Lynn starts to cry. We see Lincoln walking home from school. Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. Rita: (off-screen) Girls! ", Lincoln: "Alright then.
Escaped Chapter 1: The Escape, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction You're probably wondering why I'm upset. ", Lincoln and Lily made a better looking castle, Ronnie Anne: "Whoa.
The girls look confused at first. When he tries to leave, the blanket is stuck on the bush. Lincoln: "Your son took my little sister's blanket when she wasn't looking. (Ronnie Anne comes up behind Bobby to see what's going on). The girls being laughing with Lincoln still blushing in embarassment. Lincoln: There. If we just keep trying! He screamed out and could feel his face turn red at the laughter of his classmates. After Rita gets caught sneaking out of the house, she shows Ronnie Anne her secret playhouse, which she had since she was a kid. Luan: *Knees down and grabs Luna's shoulder* I know this is hard and all considering the fact that we have lost our brother, but we have to keep our hopes up! kamenrider. They begin to lean closer to each other with their eyes closed and lips puckered. You may be wondering why I'm packing up my stuff like this. He ruined Leni's birthday cake for Chaz's birthday party. ", Luna: "Yeah, bro. Where the heck could it be? With her in this guise, the Red Bull is uninterested and departs. We then cut to a few minutes later, when Lana is tucked into her bed and Lincoln is at her bedside.] Ace Savvy: Aha! Besides, with me gone, there'll be no one to interfere with the Sister Fight Protocol, and I know they'll appreciate that. I'm sorry Ronnie Anne but I can't talk about that but it's something I like to keep buried for right now, Ronnie Anne: I understand so why did you wait when Tony was taking down 3 years ago, Lincoln:because a man like Tony still had power even on the inside it was only after he died from a heart attack several weeks ago that I decided to come back but I didn't know until pop pop found me and told me himself, Ronnie Anne:you should really tell your sisters this I'm sure they would understand, Lincoln: they'll think I'm lying you know my sister is very well especially Lori do you want us to believe she'll believe me even for a second, Lincoln: right now I'm just trying to make up for lost time 9 years I was running when my home was here the whole time I'm hoping with his trip to Hawaii I can connect with them both the sisters I left behind and the sisters I didn't know existed until several weeks ago, Ronnie Anne:you may have changed but you're still the same lame-o I remember always having that kind heart, Lincoln: your mother is an ER nurse right tell her exactly what happened but tell her not to tell Bobby or my sisters she works hard and I want invite her to Hawaii as well I know she needs to vacation, Ronnie Anne: I'll tell her and you're right she doesn't eat this, Ronnie Anne: I still want to know about Japan one day, Ronnie Anne leave the house with a her smile on her face happy to know that Lincoln did not abandon her he just had no choice, Ronnie Anne (I still love you you know Lincoln and although it's been 9 years I hope the spark we had between us is still there), Lincoln (I still love you Ronnie Anne but I still love Sakura as well I'm such a jerk I like both the woman I love more than anything down Sakura I'm sorry I could not save your brother Ryuji and Ronnie Anne I'm sorry I left you behind), Lincoln wipes away a tear knowing that he shouldn't focus on that he had a vacation to plan and another ticket to buy, Ronnie Anne and Bobby drive home that night, Bobby: so did you get the answer you wanted, Ronnie Anne: not exactly but I forgive him and now I need to discuss something with Madre, Bobby: I guess if you can forgive him I can forgive him I just hope Lori forgives him one day I mean he's doing this for us and he's not even asking for anything he still the man I respect, the Santiago's leave on good terms with Lincoln loud now it's only Lori could forgive him will Lori learn the truth one day will she forgive her big brother all questions for another day. When they arrive home, they all approach the front door). Ronnie Anne rose from her spot on the floor.
(OLD) The Loud House Lincoln x Ronnie Anne Story - Wattpad When Lori's phone rings, she answers it). Lincoln turns his attention to Ronnie Anne. Another chorus of "Ooo's" could be heard as Ronnie Anne's face reddened.
Its okay if you don't! Then they both laughed at their own jokes that they forgot about stress anymore, so they strolled the street and went into their seperate missions, Luna went to Ronnie Anne and Bobby's House while Luan went to Clyde's house. It was me. Where the heck is he?! It is way too early to be talking about that. Lincoln Loud feels terrible, the recent misunderstandings with his family have made him doubt his value as a Loud, and, if it were no set 5 years in the Future, Lincoln is a 16 year old still living in the Loud House, which gradually downsized overtime. When they hear the knock, Bobby goes to answer the door).
Loud Stories - Wattpad Lincoln: "Look at that.
Rita's Playhouse Chapter 3: Trying To Bond, a loud house fanfic She threads the needle and begins sewing the torn blanket, while Lincoln sits on the couch with Lily. Rita: "Hello, Ronnie Anne. She was not, as some might suspect, made of stone, and she did not reject the emotions she felt, she simply kept them to herself. Lynn: I think she's trying to say that she was the one who broke the TV remote! My chance to be in the next Ace Savvy comic is finally coming to me! Ronnie Anne blushes when she hears Lincoln call her his girlfriend. Lori: Yeah, after he's done with his little convention.
The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago) - Wattpad ", Lincoln: "Hmm. I had fun babysitting her with you. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were yards away from the house. Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. lincolnloud loudhouse venom +1 more # 3 Genderbent Loud House X Reader by Taylor Markus 489 13 4 The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. We'll show you. Leni: So he did all of that for you..? "It feels so good." We've looked for Lincoln all day! "I'm a pretty little princess! #old ", Ronnie Anne: "What about Leni? Can't you tell them what happened? And whoever can perform an awesome superhero skill in front of him, will get to appear in the next Ace Savvy comic book! (Lincoln enters the comic book store as all of the kids there gather around the front stage). She then moves move to Ronnie Anne and hugs her. Characters from the Loud House/Casagrandes either shrink or grow in size. Made his classmates fail in P.E. Lana: Oh man! Lincoln: "Lily, you got food all over you.". Lincoln: Well, what about animal crackers? Rita, Lynn Sr., and the remaining Loud sisters enter the house. So whaddya say pardner? If you don't, please read with discretion. (The girls rush outside the door, while Lincoln slowly walks towards the van and gets into the front). sisters, reo, loudhouse. Lynn: Well, look who's going to the Ace Savvy convention! Lori: (sighs) Alright Leni, what's wrong? Lucy: Actually, I have a confession to make. It had been another great day for Lincoln Loud. (Lincoln, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne are already at the table they reserved. All because one time I took my sister Lucy's blame for clogging the toilet, and me making a fool out of myself at an Ace Savvy convention! You let Ronnie Anne find you.". Ronnie Anne puts Lily in her bed, covers her with her blanket and kisses her forehead. The two walk over to the carriage and put Lily in it, just before they leave, Lily begins crying. ], [Lincoln walks down the stairs with his bindle over his shoulder. Whaddye say ye walk the plank matey? Appears In a Puddle, In the End Credits Where Everybody Sing and Danced "Don't Go Breaking My Heart". SUMMARY:Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home.
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