The disagreements outcome became known as Palace Lightning, and I wound up at Kunsan AFB. Got kicked out of Thailand in December 1975 due to a disagreement between Nixon and Thailands King. LUCKY! From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraftthroughoutThailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. . Please read our Standard Disclaimer. I am looking to document the guard duties we had to perform to protect the base when we were under suspected attack. I know have ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure and borderline diabetes. Takhli was being reopened at time and the conditions were deplorable. As Aircraft Electrical I was on the aircraft Going maintenance. I have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 CANCER a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to AGENT ORANGE. I was stationed at Utapao afb. JDK-8141210 : Very slow loading of JavaScript file with recent JDK I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. Ive been in remission from cancer since 12. It would be helpful to us. Research Air America in Laos: Pepper grinder and AB-1 Missions The University of Texas at Dallas. I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. nor the airline strike when many of us returned to the states after 12 or 13 months in that hell hole. It took me 10 days to get home to North Carolina by bus. Please email me with any info, also any contact inf on LT Col Dillard or Lt Garry urbanowitz. Why is it that I do not know any of your names.Agent oj, Same time, Da Wolf Man! I am still trying to fight this though. These men went on to become the heroes of the Easter Offensive of 72. HAVE A APPEAL IN, LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT WORK IN MY SECTION. He filed Seot 2019 and died before eer hearing from the VA, I refiled and was turn down but have an appointment before a judge in sept. Several trailers congregated together and aircraft parking ramp. The VA report turned me down because According to the report, just because you stopped by to get gas, it doesnt mean boots on the ground. I think some of the reviewers like to insult and degrade people even though they are seen as ignorant by people who were there and actually served. I have several photos of Phu Mu but none to my knowledge of Mukdahon, a friend of mine may have some photos of Mukdahon. Also a problem with AFIB. I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. The first day we arrived the Red Horse group dropped off building materials next to a cement pad. I did this until returning CONUS on October 1975. I was stationed on hill nut dot with the 518th signal company providing communications for the base. Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. and Good luck! info on my precise site and barracks locations? Hope everybody else received this letter. Thanks again. a hog. Am I eligible for VA benefits? He worked as supply clerk for 809th infantry division, a construction detachment. Been fighting the VA over illnesses they claim were not service related for over 15 years even though there is documented evidence proving otherwise. (for Thailand) or have a source where I could find one. I have a claim pending with VA but not really holding out much hope until they finally admit that there should by a presumption of exposure just for being on that base. We had 2 men from the elect. He was loved by all of his students. The VA has been giving me a hard time with Agent Orange exposure and my heart, skin and COPD claims/appeals. Worked at Communication Center. A bridge. Do any of you (besides Gary) know anything about Nam Phong, otherwise known as MCAS Rose Graden? I arrived at Ubon AFB on December 24th, 1971. I returned to the States on a 30-year nondisclosure. Thanks. Does anyone live in Thailand? We left just after Jack Trimble was shot down. Through 1975 and Stationed at Ramasun Station I continued to monitor the Khmer Rouge and the Slaughter of innocence.The Genocide.From Ramasun we continued to monitor the events that happened, the Fall of Saigon and the Mayaguez incident. Places AO Found Thank you, The VA ANY IN FO WOULD BE GLADLY RECEIVED , JOHN BOYD . 47TFS. These problems didnt occur until years later after I got out of the Air Force in 1980. He died of a heart attack at 48. I was also stationed at Korat in 1972-73. I went TDY to Sattihip and other places. Battle of Phuoc Long; Part of the Vietnam War: Date: December 12, 1974 - January 6, 1975: Location I never heard that on be. I need photos showing proximity of engine shop at Ubon. Exposure to Agent Orange by Location - Public Health I was stationed there 1970-71. Good luck, when I die I hope they will remember what we did for our country. I was stationed at NKP and Udorn back in 70-71. None of which would diagnose me but give me all sorts of drugs. I the Va has told me they cna find no records of my assignment to security as a Agumentee Im diabetic have neuropathy stomach issues and severe hearing loss va has given me 30% but denied my exposure to AO as they claim i was a Photographer. Also when President Trump took office he made a big difference how the VA treated us Veterans.I will tell you not to give up and study up on how to file a claim. The squadron returned to Australia in 1971, having been deployed overseas for a total of 13 years.[13]. Looking for AF vets from that time frame. Over the years I became Diabetic, have issues with my thyroid, heart. I didnt find out that they used agent orange on our base till a few years ago. This meant I was on my hands, kness and on my back under the aircraft to get to my equipment. so that 20% had done me ALL good, Hope this gives you an idea what to do one last thing, there is a VA . We were on the southeast side of the airfield next to an engineer company. Either that or at Sattahip as our barracks was directly on the beach and we swam there for recreation. Thanks. You can read the legislation by searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section 403 covers the AO expansion for SEA VETS. Worked in the ammo dump..any buddies out there? Phan Rang Air Base 1971 long ver - YouTube Agent Orange used on Tan Son Nhut - TSNA I was the fuels guy on Operation Limelight. I have helped 3 Thailand vets get approved by sending the following with their claims I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. collections that include Unit I also have pronounced Vitiligo primarily on the backs of my hands only and from my neck upwards including my scalp. Empresas similares. I was in Takhli 68-69, Hanoi Hanna said the Cong was coming over Dec. 3, 1968 and so myself and others were training along part of the jungle and perimeter of the base and I was set along the flight line during that time. He was fighting with the VA about he could not prove he left the base while performing his duties. For me a copy of my DD214 showing VSM was all they needed. K9, I have Ischemic heart disease. I had no idea of AO at Ubon. One last thing. Can anyone help me with my research No one knows where his file is for me to see if I qualify for DIC. Younger brother served there. I am sure once 99 percent of us are dead, the VA will finally accept that we all were exposed to the chemicals and should not have to fight for acknowledgement to that fact. Exposed to AO, and diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 2004, all claims submitted to VA were denied. Why dont all the comments show up here? in Thailand under JFK, An article about U.S. operations in Thailand. His claims of exposure have repeatedly been denied since 1993. the end building of the group is right on the perimeter. My medical history includes platelets count over a million per microliter of blood, had my right kidney removed due to cancer, had heart surgery and currently dealing with skin cancer. The 101st was on the west side with the Korean White Horse division. on 1-6-66. Thank you for covering this. Agent orange was sprayed on us while doing a preflight inspection. Only proof required was any document putting you their. 1.My brother likes____TO SURF/ SURFING_____the Internet looking for new music. I know a little about the initial base as I arrived there in the summer of 1965 as the Operations Officer of the 62d Engineer Battalion (Construction) USA. I WAS STATIONED IN Danang FOR MOST OF MY TOUR. Was stationed at U-Tapao RTNB from 1974-75 with the 307 MMS. The VA is a waste of time. I have not filed as I dont live in the USA. Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used to defoliate the thick jungle in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone. mercredi 24 aot 2016, Journaux, St-Georges, Qubec :Corporation Sun mdia,2009- Public outcry and official investigations followed. I was in the 417TFS. Appealed and was denied again not service connected. Hi all I know this is a long shot but Ive tried many and every means to help me to form my family puzzle in terms of my moms side in which I can say currently. The date on the order is: 1/15/1968 and the other last names listed are:Fisher, Samson, Proctor, Mapano, Shively, Dyson, Sadler, Dorenzo, Gregory, Fountain. I wish there was a way for you to contact me but it looks like the rules dont allow for emails to be exchanged. My brother, David Chavira Jr, was a US Air Force communications specialist who served at Udorn AFB from 1969 to 1970. I was stationed at Udorn in 1967. I was with the 355TFS at Takhli AFB 68-69 as an instrument -autopilot tech. Perimeter duty station is required for AO at Tahkli. I met a lot of you folks as we took requests that ranged from the music of Chicago, Blood Sweat & Tears, etc. Does anyone know or remember how clean the camp was from weeds.} In 2005 or 2010 I received a letter from the VA stating in reference to Agent Orange, At Takhli. You can find a full copy of Operation Ranch Hand which states that all South East Asia bases will have the areas around the perimeters sprayed and and the run ways will be kept cleared for the planes, put that report in with your claim as proof of what they did. I got notified this month my claim was denied. Any help with info on units flying these missions or anyone recognizing his name, or serving during this time flying similar missions please reach out to me. I had to get my APRs for proof I was TDY at Tahkli. I said no way . I was the Deputy Fire Chief till mid term then Assistant Fire Chief. 315th Airlift Wing History: Vietnam I am now having a lot of digestive issues,I believe that are AO related,but current VA Dr.does not think so. I received a confirmation from the VA in December 2015 and was awarded two large checks, as compensation, being diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Type II and Erectile Dysfunction; In June 2016, I was directed by the Assistant Director of the Manila VA Claims Department to file a VA Claim for Peripheral Neuropathy (NOTE: I was experiencing loss of feeling in my thighs and legs) and, after having a C&P Exam at Manila Doctors Hospital (being used as a Human Pin Cushion) never feeling anything being inserted into my thighs or legs, the test results indicated to the VA, that I did indeed have Peripheral Neuropathy, which was approved in August 2016; In November 2018, while having laboratory work performed at a local Philippine Tricare Certified Hospital, the results came back as showing High Creatinine in my urine and, I was instructed to see a Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist), whom I saw in January 2019 and, did some tests of her own, which came back conclusive as Stage-3 Chronic Kidney Disease (Secondary to DM Type II) and, I was instructed to file a VA Claim, which came back approved in March 2019, at which time I became 100% Disabled; later in that same year, I started experiencing loss of feeling in my lower extremities (feet and toes of both feet) and, my Manila VA Primary Care Physician order an Arterial Scan and Venous Scan of both feet (performed at a local Philippine Tricare Certified Hospital in Ozamiz City) and, the results came back positive. Still searching, so If anyone has some evidence. One day our canteens were filled with water that was brown in color. I was in the Marine Corps stationed on MCAS Rose Garden in Nam Phong, Thailand with Task Force Delta from May 28, 1972 to April 14, 1973. I served US Army 71-74 was Deployed to a small base north of Udon (CLASSIFIED) from Nov-72 to Nov-73 There were dead plants across much of the base not just the perimeter. My you It gives a base-by-base study as to how defenses were established at every base in Thailand. I was diligent, forthright and honest with my I know I did it, I remember how dark it was out there at night. froze my buttox off there. I was in AMS working on the Defensive Fire Control System (Gunnery System) on the B-52. Dynamic Analysis of Automatic Emotion Recognition Using Generalized Additive Mixed Models Before moving on to the 1969map andexample from theAMS 1:50,000 set, it is necessary to explainthatthe U.S. governmentviewedThailand as a logical staging area for American forces because of its proximity to North and South Vietnam. Sqdrn. Due to an injury, was later assigned to Civic Action as an adult English instructor with Phan Rang citizens. Still fighting agentorange heart surgery 2007. How do I post an official U.S. government map of Udorn RTAFB on this page? Later moved to barracks next to gunship barracks. Hmm still classified? Asking for assistance with photos, locations of where he might have been in barracks/dining recreation on the beach? Once little more than a provincial airfield, the base expanded to 2350 acres (95 1 hectares) with two 10.000 ft (3048 m) asphalt runways with concrete touchdown pads, parallel taxiways, and a heliport. Having to work on the Gunships meant that I was within 200m of the perimeter. Parkinsons has come up in discussion in the last year. I had orders to report to the 13th TFS but ended up at the 14th TRS, across the road. He died April 2020, he had type 2 diabetes, heart problems and was on dailyze three times a week.Being retired and covered under tricare for life he saw civiiian doctors and no one every asked if he was expost to AO. The Navy P3 Orions operated off the same ramp as the C-130 SCOOT airlift. He leaves behind a wife and three grandchildren they were raising. is not right!!!! We were all exposed to agent orange but there is no way to substantially it because military records do not support us there or what we were doing. Even cancelled my C & P appt. 180 ".keeping the memories "Happy Valley" Phan Rang AB, RVN The History of Phan Rang AB and the stories of those who served there. Nakhon Phanom is on the map titled U.S. Worked 23 Tass Flight Line and Battle Damage Hangar where C123 AO aircraft were sometimes repaired. Never considered AO as the issue. When I retired from the Army I followed his example. September 24, 2019 at 10:58 pm We were housed in the old Army compound, Camp Friendship where they used Chemicals to eliminate all the weeds around the Hooches and perimeter. Never happened, my job title wasnt security on the perimeter.. not sure if anyone realizes if you were boots on the ground in Vietnam where they sprayed its automatically given to you. The soldiers got off the plane (deplaned), and walked on the tarmac. What was the # of your B. That knowledge helped me reconcile in my mind the illnesses and diseases Ive suffered for the past 30 years. Service officers tell me different things. Fixed Wing Losses Due to Air Base Attacks - Vietnam Air Losses I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. I wore a patch on my uniform that was the 9th logisitic command. The base consisted of a mess hall houtches and the air strip and planes that were frequently flew missions Im pretty sure that agent Orange was stored there and that the jungle was sprayed around the perimeter of the camp. Thanks. He passed away in 1997. Every one of them. Phan Rang - USAF Police Alumni Association What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. Assigned to 7th Maint Bn while in Koran. Charles L. Hall. 37. He was the in Thailand in 1970. Three buildings and two hangers received minor damage. I served in the U.S. Air Force Security Police K-9 at Korat RTAFB from October 1969 to October 1970. From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. 2 Squadron RAAF was stationed, under the operational control of the American 35th Tactical Fighter Wing. Thank you for your service and Welcome Home! 7th rrfs udorn 1969. Id also like to find out what my dad did while he was there. Hellolooking for Mike Duncan (6908 security squadron in 74-75) who made a post on 11.02.20 regarding AO. Thanks go to the Good Lord above for sending my DAV Service Officer who did a great job fulfilling her service to Veterans and going that extra mile to help get me 100% Service Connected. our base was clear of all vegatation, but surrounded by thick forested jungle. I too am fighting the VA Because of the exposure to Agent Orange. Just curious if anyone remembers him. I see nothing here, however, about the USAFF (United States Air Force Security Service). My husband was stationed at Ubon RTAF After coming home, 7 months later went to Ubon TDY with the 33rd. We went through ~16 million gallons of JP-4 a month supporting with 80% of all fuel used in Southeast Asia for supporting 26 KC-135 tankers, 55 F-105s, EB/RB-66s based at Takhli. I was told if I was in Vietnam regardless where I would receive full benefits. After the initial four months, I responded to numerous if Sac alerts throughout the year. I have contacted an attorney. Like MIKE I was stationed at Takhli Thailand from Dec.65-66. Any suggestions would help. I worked with linguists and morse intercept operators. I was a crew chief on EB 66 ECM aircraft. He was denied for the cancer drugs he needed. THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE AND HAVE BEEN DENIED DISABILITY BENEFITS PLEASE CONTACT ME. If you have any, I would love to see them. Phan Rang Beach (Phan Rang-Thap Cham) - All You Need to - Tripadvisor Stationed on Tahkli RAFB 1973, I filed a claim for my peripheral neuropathy is July of 2018, I was officially awarded exposure to agent orange by a VA doctor who was handling my case. One evening the area was looted to some degree by several industrious Vietnamese as one part of the perimeter paralleled the outside of the base and the adjoining village. The record shows I filed on 02-25-1971. My above comment forgot to mention my unit was with the 56th Field Maintenance Squadron (OPERATION RANCH HAND) NKP. Waiting to hear outcome of his claim. HI , FROM OZ ,[ DOWN UNDER]. Ive been trying to research what army inf units were in thailand at that time and where they were stationed. [19] An aircraft from the squadron responded to a distress call on 24 April 1969 and, against operational orders, bombed a site in Cambodia (the Fishhook) where US special forces were pinned down. I moved from the storage section over to the motor pool in the bomb dump. We slept in canvas roofed hootches with screen windows,before the Sea Bees built the tin roofed hootches, further away from the wire. They just do not want to part with the money. My additional duties was to go into the community and help to vaccinate people in the community.A lived of posts very new to the base. I was turned down by the VA since I was not security in the perimeter. I tip my hat to you Aussies! I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB from Nov 1968 to Nov 1969. Nkp June 67 June 68 munitions bomb dump special project seeding trails south with bomblets and used to clear diagnosed with prostate cancer. I have Been denied three different times on my claim two times denied for no boots on ground in Vietnam and then as truth came out and claims were being acknowledged my recent denial was for the timeframe after the fall of Saigon May 1975 was established as being the claim deadline no claims would be excepted for time served after May 1975. I served at Phan Rang in 1970-71. Our unit saw action at Thuy Hoa, Cheo Reo, and Nhon Co among others. Have 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one. Ive taken the AO physical in Houston to get documented, but have not put in any claims yet. Phan Rang: The Air Base at Phan Rang was originally built by Australian and British POW's under the Japanese and the Japanese used the Air Field throughout WW II. I am fortunate, but many others havent faired as well. Nakhon Phanom was a front line base during the Secret War yet you dont mention it. (NOTE: I thought that this would have to be my last VA Claim to have to file.) I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. My husband was there at the very end. Even did a day trip to Vietnam to repair and load 25k loaders on a C141 before the fall of Saigon. Hi there. Denied 3 times. we lived in the contonment area which is where i got bladder cancer from AO. Refine Your Search Vietnam Phan Rang Air Base 1969 stock footage and images - Showing 1 to 6 of 13247 results Sort by: (1) Sea of Japan (1) Seaoul Korea Kimpo Airfield (1) Seattle Washington USA (9) Senai New Guinea (2) Sendai Japan (1) But the one thing that really stands outas the POWs got off the planes the airline stewardess were in line to watch them come off. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. I remained, returning to Ramasun Station to monitor the radio communications of Pol Pot and the Cambodian Genocide. DePodesta says that for many years his eye injury qualified him for a disability rating of 30 percent and a monthly payment of under $400. Kidney cancer discovered in 2001 Right kidney removed. 10 years and going. Do you have anything on a William A. Any base names (or state) that he may have been trained or stationed: Beautiful ancient old city. Phan Rang Air Base Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Stationed at Korat RTAFB from 1974 1976. Brave Warriors, Humble Heroes by Marjorie T. Hansen | Vietnam Veterans were bombing before they did. AT Phitsonulok dec 68 to dec 69. Health Care Just an FYI thanks for the post. The location of the dwellings were 30 to 60 feet from the perimeter where all brush and greenery had been spayed with agent orange. I worked the avionics ECM shop and flight line on B66, F105, F4,& EC121 Any help would be appreciated. The story we were told was that they would ship the planes over in crates and he and others would assemble them over there. What a great touch to a horrible time!!!!! I was stationed in Korat in 1967 with the 561st. My husband (Arthur Maier) and I worked for Philco Ford in Bangkok, Thailand from 1967 to 1969. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a meansto enhance security. Our aircraft U21 LE and LJ were returned to the States. We had I am quite sure we did everything thing but devour agent with our daily meals and duties. If you worked on the flight line, as a security guard on the perimeters, electronic techs on the planes, base repairs, or construction, you need to explain your job and how it exposed you to AGENT They show their contempt for those of us who Served this country during a time of a very unpopular war. I only have a couple of pictures from that time. We are attempting to research the flight routes taken by Air Force personnel who were stationed at Udorn AFB in the Vietnam War (1968-1972). Now suffer nerve damage, terrible neuropathy and diabetes so far. Can barely walk because of the pain. Ischemic heart disease and diabetes. Mike passed away on August 5th of this yr. from Metastatic cancer which is on the Agent Orange list.hope everyone will get the help you need, we need better congressmen and women who will fight for us! Any type of work other than my assigned AFAC. Does anyone know where the Doctors living quarters were or have a map of the base showing the living quarters? Thank you for your time. I lived on the perimeter road where the Pathit Lao sappers broke through. List of U.S. bases in Thailand, I note that there was a USMC deployment during the Kennedy presidency, which likely predates the use of Agent Orange, but I cannot be absolutely certain. A bit of Aussie stuff from Wikipedia related to 2 Sqn RAAF and Phan Rang interesting that they tracked down and returned the remains of the MIAs in 2009: In 1953, the squadron was re-equipped with GAF Canberras, which it later operated from RAAF Butterworth during the Malayan Emergency, after deploying there in 1958 to relieve the Lincoln-equipped No. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Fold3 - Phan Rang Air Base I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. They are requiring proof that I was exposed to agent orange. Anybody remember the building that we built to USASUBTHIA. Korat Sept 72 to March 73 working on the Wild Weasels. You need to be within 500m to be eligible for exposure to Agent Orange. (PDF) Dynamic Analysis of Automatic Emotion Recognition - What dont they want me to know? Was among the first 55 US Airmen at Takhli 1965. Of all the various branches of service, the USAF was the most active in combat operations. I was approved for AO exposure. Served campfrindship 1967-68. All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. This progressed to bladder cancer,2 brain tumors, and a epitheliod sarcoma on his leg. I was there 70 71 315 CAM C123 OLD SHAKEY SGT ROLAND IVY ALSO AUGMENTEE FOR AIR FORCE SECURITY. Good luck to those attempting to get benefits. I would appreciate anyones input. Applied for turned down. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB in Feb. 1967 and did TDY to Korat RTAFB for 180 days returned to state side Feb. 1968. Awaiting a board review if I am around that long. I was originall stationed at Ramasun Station when arriving in country 1974. Any records on the flight routes would be helpful. AGAIN, ANY INFORMATION ABOUT AGENT ORANGE AT UBON RTAFB FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969 WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!! It was a old Golf Course up in the mountains. Would like any information that would help my cause. Just diagnosed with multiple myeloma havent filed claim yet. Probably not, they will just tear down all the monuments. Dont give up we served our country but didnt know that we would be sprayed and betrayed. Phan Rang Air Base is located 5.2 miles (8.4 km) north-northwest of Phan Rang - Thp Chm in Ninh Thun Province. I am servic connected from a non combat injury. We lived and dined in tent cities with no running water. Phan Rang Air Base. with me. He now has memory problems. My question: What are the duties my brother most likely carried out? I have type two diabetes. I had just gotten back in touch with him. I have been asked to present my Video Play at the Library of Congress this summer. After leaving Saigon, Vietnam on Feb 15, 1973, I served at Ko Kha Air Station, Thailand (Feb 15 to July 1973.) I have stage 4 kidney disease as well. Ann Myers, you need to file for DIC benefits. In order to get on mission flying status, I was sent to plus he would fly in to Vietnam but the VA couldnt find any thing about that plus they were shot down over Laos and was on the ground hiding for 12 hours. He was denied. I was at UBON in 1965. I would like the coordinates of Company C if possible. He worked for Fairchild camera. Are there any Facebook groups on Marble Mountain. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB in 72/73 and after 11 years of battling the VA I have been granted 100% disabled due to diabetes and severe poly neuropathy.
Bill Bufalino Daughter, Articles P