Respiratory Effort: Relaxed, Regular, Non-labored Pursed lip breathing Labored Blood Glucose 185, 4 units of insulin sliding scale for coverage. Impaired Comfort True Explain to her family and provide contact information. Scenario 3, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Give Me Liberty! Neuro WNL, except leg pain upon movement. The charge nurse tells you to get the Mr. Burgundy to the hallway because six more patients are inbound, and we need to clear out our trauma-bays. Needs frequent reminding due to determination to do things herself without assistance. Background Robert Sturgess the client was admitted with Metastatic cancer of Colon, with history of diabetes. Scenario 5 -Perform neuro assess Fall, Risk for True Educate about recovery from appendectomy and care to wound. Senario 2 Document results/findings He has been taking his HIV medication daily. They feel that you should share with them if he was a "real AIDS" patient or not. Sa fortune s lve 1 900,00 euros mensuels Document results Document results Mrs. Stukes is a failed laparoscopic cholecystectomy that resulted in a bowel resection with a temporary ileostomy in place. Escort patient Scenario 1 No response = 1, Muscle Strength: WNL, Flaccid, Contracted Scenario 2: 1Educate about recovery from appendectomy and care to wound. Provide a few chairs if possible for her family to also be comfortable VS: BP 158/90, HR 89, R 18, T 97.8 F. Constipation False -Elevate head of bed and place the patient on Pulse oximetry. Assess food consumption and intake and output Provide emesis basin/cloth Employ therapeutic communication: present reality You are about to call the Surgical ICU and give report. Vital signs -Temp 98.6, BP, Erma Willis, a 65-year-old woman with a history of adenocarcinoma and multiple past episodes of related secondary infections, was admitted to the medical-surgical unit this morning with a diagnosis, Reflective Journal VCBC Post work Cellular Regulation VCBC Post Work Start Assignment Due No Due Date Points 10 Submitting a file upload Please submit your post work to Canvas within 48 hours of, Typically the concept of cellular regulation Involves the study of cancer and related diagnoses.
Robert Sturgess - Swift River - Robert Sturgess Educational needs Fortune Salaire Mensuel de Ubah Kalimat Efektif Online Combien gagne t Evaluate/modify plan of care His partner is at the bedside asking, "how much longer will he have to wait until taken to surgery?" Nursing questions and answers. Ambulates with assistance. Scenario 4 Disturbed Sensory Perception False Anxiety True Scenario #3.
Swift River: Sign In At Risk, Impaired Comfort False Impaired Gas Exchange False The emergency bathroom light goes off and the nurse finds Mr. Greer on the floor in the bathroom. Scenario 3 Combien gagne t il d argent ? Senario 1 Elevate Extremity Amount: _______ Shock False -Place patient on O2 Nasal Canula Consult Social Service Document Procedure Scenario 2 You discuss this cough with Mr. Dominec to determine how long he has had it. Waist belt restraint PRN; family sitter at bedside, assist with bath. A few hours after speaking with the sitter about the patient needing complete observation, you notice the sitter outside of the room talking on the phone. -When the HCP arrives, stay in the room to determine whether you can continue care with the patient 156 terms. Deficient Knowledge False Document results. Vital signs are to be taken BID, and it is now time. Seek clarification Cardiovascular has pacer with rate of 82bpm on demand. You are told that he has intermittent chest pain with substernal burning that radiates to his mid-back. -Ensure IV is patent, Lithia Monson Anxiety True Family at beside. Senario 5
Swift River Med Surg Scenarios Answers - Homework Score Full assessment
Exam January 9 Spring 2020, questions - Studocu Determine from medical record if partner is aware of his recent AIDS diagnosis. Scenario 2 He also has metal fragments on his left side on his leg arm and torso. Disturbed Sensory Perception True The lesion was identified as Kaposi's Sarcoma. It is now the second day post op and he is given discharge information. Psychological Needs Increased acuity No Known allergies (NKA). 20 ga. Hep-Lock in right forearm, skin warm and dry, generalized weakness with recent weight loss. He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place.
Home - Swift River Breath Sounds: Clear bilaterally. Regular diet. Clinical 2. No known allergies. -Perform admission assessment Strict I&O and strain all urine, filters in bathroom. Imbalanced Nutrition True Arthur Thomason, 56-year-old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Love and belonging Dr. Brown, Educational Needs Increased acuity Educational Needs Increased acuity Educate patient Esteem Ms. Gestalt is second day post-op and has requested to get out of bed and to ambulate to bathroom. Diet as tolerated. Day 2 admission, Thomas Richardson is complaining of severe pain and is now begging you for some relief; states pain scale 10/10. She has IV access and has received a small dose of Valium to reduce apprehension. Educational needs: Increased acuity Scenario 3 Dx- urinary stones with 3 episodes/5yrs. 3. Sa fortune s lve 2 216,00 euros mensuels Remind staff that Universal Precautions are practiced at this hospital for all patients regardless of known infectious diseases. Swallowing: Intact Dysphagia Aspiration Precautions Ineffective Coping False Waist belt restraint PRN; family sitter at bedside, assist with bath. Grieving False Senario 3 Vital sign Temp 98.4, BP 136/78, P 72, RR 20, SaO2 97%. Virginia Smith, 57-year-old who has elected to have a total mastectomy based on consultation with her surgeon, a total mastectomy removes all breast tissue but leaves all or most of axillary lymph nodes and chest muscles intact. Since the finding was low-grade dysplasia and is considered the early stage of precancerous changes, the gastroenterologist recommends another endoscopy in six months, with additional follow-up every six to 12 months. The patient has a pneumothorax that requires a chest tube placement. Safety Increased acuity, Physiological Deficient knowledge: False Esteem Scenario 2 Impaired Urinary Elimination True The patient is asking you where her son is, the last place she saw him was right before the explosion. Scenario 4 Decreased Cardiac/perfusion: False Grieving: False Decisional Conflict True -Reassess patient Palliative care. Home; Our Focus; Our Legacy; Our Partners; Our People; Our Fellows; Our Investments Scenario 2 Check input/output for possible dehydration Educate patient regarding patient care Deficient Knowledge False Non-significant past medical history. -Complete head-to-toe assessment while patient is on the floor. Scenario 4 Ineffective Airway Clearance True Sexuality: True. Intermittent/Continuous Other: She shares concern about patient's wife who is now coughing and having night sweats. Therapeutic Communication Present health assessment including B/P and LOC and dressing. Acute pain: False Senario 2 Scenario 3 Last pain medicine 2hrs ago at 1300(Demerol 50mg/ Zofran 4mg IV). Pulse Ox: ___________ % on ____________FiO2; Room Air; Delivery Device Skin: Warm/dry Clammy/diaphoretic Skin Turgor: Brisk Tenting Robert Sturgess - Swift River Swift River University Nightingale College Course Concepts of Nursing I (BSN 246) Academic year2022/2023 Helpful? Her husband and children remain with her in the surgical holding area awaiting transport to the OR. Dr. Sangerstien, Viola Cumble, 92yr-old, second day post-op hip repair, Allergic to Penicillin. Shock, Risk for False Provide emotional support. He chooses to go home and see the doctor tomorrow in his office. The ER nurse reports that his cardiac enzymes were borderline, (Troponin?, CK/CKMB?) Skin warm and pale. Date of insertion: _________________________ Date of dressing: _________________________________ Notify doctor and charge nurse Robert Strurgess Auscultate peripheral pulses and ROM. He also has a history of hypertension and takes Tenormin (Atenolol) and Atorvastatin (Lipitor). Sleep Deprivation False To access your Swift River Virtual Clinicals login to ATI's Student Portal and access the Virtual Clinical card in My ATI. Respirations After washing and gloving hands, you then identify yourself and the patient, Ann Rails. Neuro WNL's, alert and cooperative. Full assessment -Have patient remain in bed, head elevated 30 degrees If family/visitors come, will need education to airborne precautions. Notify charge nurse that discharge will probably not occur today. Offer masks to visitors Scenario 2 Acute Pain: True Educational Needs Increased acuity Skin warm and dry, all vital signs in WNL except 115 pulse, which is normal for him. Educate patient You are the now the Surgical ICU nurse assigned to her. Bladder distention Pelvic pain Low back/flank pain Place call light and check bed for safety 97.4, Resp 16 and Pulse Ox 94%. 3Check surgical consent for correct procedure and make sure operative site is marked. Electrolyte Imbalance False Insertion Site: Dry/Intact Redness/Erythema Drainage Tenderness Maceration Mr. Richardson is now vomiting and shows no relief 45 minutes after receiving pain medication.
Hafencity Riverbus (Hamburg) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go Robert Sturgess 81 years old, Dx- Metastatic CA of Colon, Hx of diabetes. Scenario 5 LOC Increased acuity Notify lead nurse/doctor Place patient on PCA pump Ruth Cummings Trustee Vice Chair Audit Chair . Compromised Family Coping False Scenario 1 Dr. Altace, Educational Needs Increased acuity He has not had his BP medication today. Notify doctor His, Joyce Workman Room 303 Joyce Workman Joyce Workman, 42- year old female who presents to the Diabetes Clinic with a new diagnosis of type II diabetes. When the nurse retunes to the room the patient tells the nurse that when he went to the bathroom he became very lightheaded. Vital signs -Temp 98.6, BP 114/62, P 100, RR 20, SaO2 94%. -Start IV Several hours later, Mr. Duncan is now complaining of nausea. Impaired Gas Exchange True Impaired Gas Exchange True #ozerysnackingrounds I am so excited to be partnering with Ozery Family Bakery today. Reassure patient of options Use therapeutic communication/Active Listening Hopelessness True You also notice the patient is more difficult to orient. The nurse performs tilt test, Patient vital signs lying flat, BP 118/62, P 92, R 20, T 98.5, SpO2 97. View Swift River Reflection Questions (1).docx from NRSG 4412 at South College. Vital assessment -Ask Mr. Burgundy to lower his tone as it can be disturbing to other patients -Discuss with sitter that patient needs continual observation Include patient condition change in shift report Senario 3 Cryotherapy, which uses an endoscope to apply a cold liquid or gas to abnormal cells in the esophagus. Rapid Response team arrived including anesthesia. Assist physician in physical exam of patient Acute Confusion False Scenario 4 LUE: Non-pitting Pitting ___+ She receives the pre-op medication. He is emotionally distraught and is insisting that he be allowed to report what is going on from the ER. Skin moist, respiratory bilateral wheezes and rhonchi. He is pale, weak, diaphoretic, and appears anxious. Deficient Fluid Volume True Provide comfort in pre-surgical room Mr. Dominec. As you enter the room, Mr. Duncan is refusing to eat foods from bland diet. Scenario 1 The patient has a Foley catheter in place and is reporting 8/10 incisional pain and he is asking why his throat is sore. Wash and glove hands Our Swift River Simulations are designed to help students and practicing nurses master their skills of Prioritization, Delegation, and Sequential thinkingwithout the requirement of being onsiteor even having to download software. The cells are allowed to warm up and then are frozen again. He told the nurse that he has had some changes in his bowel habits and his stools have been very dark. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Ubah Kalimat Efektif Online en temps rel. Scenario 5 Oriented to: Person Place Time Three hours later, Ms. Getts is unsteady when standing by her bedside. Safety- Kathy Gestalt Demerol 25mg SIVP for pain, patient reports 7/10 on pain scale. Document results Ineffective self-health mgmt: False, Disturbed body: False Sleep deprivation False Evaluate understanding Disoriented, confused = 4
Swift River Medical-Surgical Flashcards | Quizlet ADA diet, intake 25%. No known allergies (NKA). Evaluate understanding Blood Glucose 185, 4 units of insulin sliding scale for coverage. IV maintenance fluids with D5 1/2 NS at 125ml per hour in left forearm. Allow for non-compliance of request Sensorium: Normal acuity, Bleeding, risk for: False Replace oxygen nasal cannula that had become disconnected Pain = 2 Use therapeutic communication/active listening Oral Mucosa: Tongue: Teeth: It was diagnosed by a portable X-ray and quickly splinted by the ER staff. Health Change Increased acuity Full assessment of patient. Nausea False Cough: Senario 3 #1: _________, No Psychological Needs Normal acuity Educate patient regarding condition Ineffective Renal Perfusion, Risk for True When the HCP realizes who he is, he tells the nurse to move the patient in the treatment room down the hall and put Mr. Burgundy in there. Bleeding, Risk for True Mr. Greer has just returned from surgery. Palliative care. Upon assessment, you determined that she is confused to person, time, and place but is easily directable. The Swift River Nursing Simulation involves artificially representing real-world processes with sufficient fidelity to enable learning through immersion, practice, reflection, and feedback without facing the risks inherent in a similar real-life situation. Awaiting diagnostic labs. -Assess for fall risk Sitting, BP 109/60, P 114, Standing the patient becomes very lightheaded and the nurse has them lay back down. Impaired Mobility True Mr. Thomason appears now better oriented and MD arrives unexpectedly to examine him. Remain with Patient, Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic Renal Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia (5.9, Eq/L)/hyponatremia (128mEq/L). Suprapubic Insertion site: WNL S/S Infection : ____________________ Offer bedpan Document results After two hours, Mr. Dominec is alert and cooperative, nauseated and concerned about impending surgery this evening. Decreased cardio tissue perfusion: False Scenario 2 Imbalanced Nutrition False Sensorium Normal acuity, Physiological Scenario 3 Document results/findings Dr. Roopes, Estelle Hatcher, 31yr-old, r/o appendicitis, 1st day post-op appendectomy; No known allergies (NKA); Vital signs - Temp 101.2, BP 108/74, P 92, RR 20, SaO2 99%, alert and cooperative. Mr. Greer has returned from the radiology where a CT scan was done after his fall and while no injuries were noted there were some suspicious areas noted making concern that the cancer may have spread to the bone.
Najvyia ponuka (2013) | Filmotka | The patient tells the nurse that yesterday he was, "concerned about having an erection, and now they want to cut off my testicels". Scenario 2 -Continue to observe urine for hematuria and document findings Request sitter/family member to bedside Estimate the length of the Neptunian year given that the Earth is 1.50108km1.50 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{km}1.50108km from the Sun on the average. Take vital signs before leaving the hospital again. Compromised Family Coping False Pain Level Increased acuity Swift River Medical-Surgical. Do not disturb
Swift River Nursing Simulation - Homework Writing Services Ms. Monson has been in restraints for the past two hours with a nursing assistant remaining with her. Safety Kathy Gestalt, 33yr-old, Dx- second day post-op open right Tibia/Fibula fracture, plaster cast in place on right lower leg. 2. No known allergies (NKA). Don Personal Protective Equipment Scenario 2 Failure to Thrive False. Health Change Increased acuity Deficient knowledge: True The nurse identifies self to the nurse triaging patients and is directed to trauma room 4. -Place patient on 100% O2 Scenario 1 No known allergies (NKA). Impaired Skin Integrity, Risk for True Impaired Mobility False Notify family as to when they may come and visit. This will treat any cancer that may have metastasized to the bone. Your notice Mr. Thomason is lying supine, appears slightly cyanotic in his lips, is exhibiting more effort to breathe, and is increasingly restless. Esteem Re-assess patient Acquire daily weight and food intake -Recheck Tilts after the NS bolus is complete.T Scenario 3 50% intake. Scenario 1 Dr. Anderson, Educational Needs Increased acuity Taking HIV Meds prophylaxis. Scenario 2 Scenario 4 Scenario 4 He is questioning the nurse as to why he has been admitted for heartburn. Sa fortune s lve 10 000,00 euros mensuels Failure to Thrive: True. In the interim, start an IV and start infusing Ringers Lactate. -Evaluate patient's understanding of teaching Endoscopic resection, which uses an endoscope to remove damaged cells to aid in the detection of dysplasia and cancer. Impaired Mobility, Risk for True Call Rapid Response protocol initiated Sa fortune s lve 2 216,00 euros mensuels Full assessment He insists that he is not hungry and refuses assistance with his meal. Yes Cross), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Week #7 Assignment - Incentive Spriometer . Sensorium Increased acuity, Physiological Administer PRN constipation medications
Swift River Clinical Practice Chamberlain University - Homework Score John Duncan, 56yr-old male, Dx- Gastroenteritis, returned yesterday from Cancun, c/o intractable diarrhea, weak, pale, and refusing to eat. LOC Normal acuity Re-assess patient
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