Structures or actions that compensate for undesirable impacts. Any such prohibition must be prospective and shall not apply to a mobile home previously legally permitted and used or occupied as a residential dwelling within the city. The applicant shall provide the City Administrator with a completed application together with a permit application review fee required by the City and two (2) copies of any documents applicant is relying upon to establish vested rights. Landscaping, Interior. A. CONSTRUCTION SALES AND SERVICES. Outdoor display and storage shall be allowed in nonresidential districts provided that the storage does not result in a safety hazard to subject property, adjacent property, pedestrians, or vehicles. To approve an application for an administrative exception, the Board of Adjustment must determine that the following criteria are met: 1. If an abandoned supporting structure does not have a can, frame, or similar part of the supporting structure that would hold the sign or to which the sign would be attached, the supporting structure shall be removed or made to comply with the provisions of the Section. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL USE TYPES, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF INDUSTRIAL USE TYPES, PARK AND OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION SERVICES, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL USE TYPES, Dwelling, Multiple-family (also multifamily), Motel, Motor Court, Motor Hotel, Lodge, or Inn, Nursery, Commercial and/or Gardening Supplies Sales, Planned Development or Planned Unit Development (PUD), Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND). Zero lot line development allows single-family residential buildings (including town homes and garden apartments) as part of a subdivision to be built to the side property line. If the City Administrator certifies in writing that such a cessation of activity would cause imminent peril to life and property, the development may proceed, unless a stop order is issued by the BOA, or a restraining order is issued by a competent court of record. Member City Website: Region: 10-Highland Lakes-Austin Area County: Williamson Address: PO Box 1920 Liberty Hill, TX 78642-1920 Phone: (512) 778-5449 Council Date: (2 & 4 M 6:30 P.M.) Year Incorporated: The notice will contain the time and place of such public meeting or hearing and a description of the agenda items that may be considered or reviewed. Anything constructed or erected, other than a fence or retaining wall, which requires location on the ground or if attached to something having a location on the ground, including but not limited to, buildings, advertising boards, poster boards, mobile homes, manufactured homes, gas and liquid storage tanks, garages, barns, and sheds. Development and permit application fees shall be established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. A district that is fixed on the base zoning area only upon City Council approval of a specific development application meeting the requirement of this Ordinance Code [sic]. The Planning Department provides comprehensive land use services, both to the public and to the City, in support of the preservation, assistance and regulation of development in the City of Liberty Hill and its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Offsets. A street which, in addition to providing access to properties abutting thereon, carries traffic to an activity center or higher classification street. Commercial use types include the sale, rental, service, and distribution of goods, and the provision of services other than those classified as Industrial or Civic Uses. Typical uses include wholesale distributors, storage warehouses and moving and storage firms. Lots have an Impervious Cover limitation that is part of the Max Lot Coverage. Ongoing consideration of an application beyond the standard review period allows a review body or the final action authority to work in good faith with the applicant to make changes, modifications, and corrections in order to continue consideration of an application that might otherwise be disapproved without the changes, modifications, or corrections. Landscape. Transfer Station (or see also Waste Disposal Services). A house that is used as a lodging facility for paying guests. G. All findings and conclusions necessary to the permit or appeal decision (crucial findings) shall be based upon reliable evidence. The City Council may also reduce the buffer width along a property line by an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the width of a public utility easement if the easement is located on the property line and in the same location or orientation as the buffer yard. Any sign that is directly lighted by an external source. PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICES. Accessory Dwelling Unit. The mediator will coordinate the mediation or other alternative form of resolution with the parties, including the date, time, and place of meetings. Establishments or places of business engaged in retail sale for consumption off the premises of alcoholic beverages. Exemptions from the provisions of this section shall be as follows: (1) Any resubdivision of land that does not increase the allowed number of dwelling units; (2) A subdivision for which a preliminary plat was approved on or before the effective date of this article, and which preliminary plat has not expired prior to approval of a final plat; or. 2. Development Requiring Multiple Approvals. All such terms shall be considered interchangeable. The City shall record the complaint, investigate within a reasonable time, and take action thereon, as provided by these requirements. F. Any water storage device existing at the date of this adoption would be non-conforming and would be precluded from restoring any type of signage upon repainting of the water storage device. Accessory buildings on residential lots shall meet all front and side yard requirements for primary structures. A use engaged in the basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products predominately from extracted or raw materials, or a use engaged in storage, or manufacturing processes utilizing flammable or explosive materials, or storage or manufacturing processes which potentially involve hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions. The application for appeal shall be made in writing and shall contain the applicants factual and/or legal rationale for the appeal. The stop order or restraining order stopping development must indicate the reason for stopping the activity. When a vehicle is towed, the owner shall be liable for the wrecker and the storage fees in addition to the fine for the violation of this Code section. Class 3: Neighborhood and other local commercial and service activities, including but not limited to retail operations, restaurants (without drive-up windows), banks (without drive-up windows), convenience stores (without gasoline sales), offices (over three stories), multifamily and manufactured housing. Residence. Net Site Area. TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL. J. It is the intent of this Code that parks and recreational facilities are located and constructed to provide adequate capacity and functionality to the residents they serve and provide safe, healthy recreational opportunities to the community. B. Transfer Station (or see also Waste Disposal Services). Minimum requirements. . Natural Vegetation. Design Guidelines The Historic District Design Guidelines were written to assist property owners when planning an improvement project, to ensure that the proposed work will help preserve the historic character of the property and the neighborhood. The purpose of These standards exist in order [sic] is to achieve a minimum level of quality, compatibility and environmental protection in new and existing developments while maintaining significant flexibility in site layout and design. A. Nothing herein would prohibit any applicant from the voluntary compliance with any future ordinance, regulation or incentive. To promote and protect the safety of persons and property by assuring that signs do not create traffic hazards or impair motorists ability to see pedestrians, other vehicles, obstacles or read traffic signs; B. 5. A summons or notice to appear in answer to a charge of parking, standing or stopping in violation of this section must specify the location of the fire lane or accessible space in which the violation occurred. B. On-premises signs should have size and height restrictions, and signs in the downtown should be regulated differently from the signs on Hwy 29 and Hwy 183 in order to preserve the small town/quaint village concept of the old town area. Recommendations regarding Preliminary Plat approval shall be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 1. B. The City assumes no project design or engineering responsibility. Compatible with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The City Administrator is responsible for final action on Administrative Plat Reviews. Historic Resource. Accessory Structure, Building or Use. A condominium is not a type of structure per se, but rather a form of ownership. Generally a PUD is understood as a parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land of a size sufficient to create its own environment, controlled by a single landowner or by a group of landowners in common agreement as to control, to be developed as a single entity, the environment of which is compatible with adjacent parcels and the intent of the zoning district or districts in which it is located; the developer or developers may be granted relief from specific land use regulations and design standards, and may be awarded certain premiums in return for assurance of any overall quality of development, including any special feature which that [sic] will be of exceptional benefit to the community as a whole and which that [sic] would not otherwise be required by this Ordinance Code [sic]. Upon written receipt of an application requesting an Administrative exception or adjustment, the City Administrator may request the BOA to consider an administrative exception or adjustment. A map or plat designed to illustrate the general design features and street layout of a proposed subdivision which is proposed to be developed and platted in sections. A. All land generally to the west and upstream of the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone that provides drainage into the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The Park zoning district covers publicly and privately-owned parks facilities. C. Modifications to nonconforming lighting fixtures shall also comply with this Chapter. In the case of a conflict between two standards, the more restrictive shall apply. D. All Nonconforming Signs shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. F. The City Council shall serve as the final action authority for all development-related applications listed in Section 2.03.07(B) above, and as indicated throughout this Code. CONSUMER REPAIR SERVICES. For the purposes of these regulations, a minor plat subdivision is defined as a subdivision: Involving not more than five (5) lots fronting on an existing approved street; and, Not involving any new street or prospectively requiring any new street for access to interior property; and, Not requiring extension of public sewage or water lines to serve properties at the rear; and. RESOURCE EXTRACTION. Gas and cable television service and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, shall be installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. The permit will not be approved unless the lot has direct access to an improved public street, private street, or an approved public way, and connected by improved public street to an improved public thoroughfare. All new roadways shall be built in accordance with any the Transportation Plan Element of the City of Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan, the Citys thoroughfare plan as may be adopted by the City Council, and any TxDot standards that may apply. The Planning and Zoning Commissions authority extends to and includes review and recommendation of the following: 8. Also, the area between the lot line and the building setback line. Simple majority. The TIA will follow the criteria outlined in the City of Round Rock Transportation Criteria Manual, Section 2, as amended. Bed and Breakfast. That portion of a building having more than one-half (1/2) of its height below lot grade elevation. All land lying within an area which that [sic] drains into a river, river system, or other water course. A Wireless Transmission Facility (WTF) is permitted in accordance with Table 4-4. Mining. Any interpretation of the requirements of this Section shall be made in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A general restaurant may include live entertainment with amplified sound. The following are prohibited as Home Occupations: 1. Boarding, breeding or raising of horses not owned by the occupants of the premises or riding of horses by other than the occupants of the premises or their nonpaying guests. Typical uses include monument and stone yards, grain elevators, open storage yards, and petroleum products storage and distribution. A minor plat is any plat for five or fewer lots and that does not require any dedication of land to the City of Liberty Hill. Adult Service Business means an adult encounter parlor, adult retreat, nude modeling studio, or a commercial enterprise that holds itself out to be primarily in the business of offering a service that is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. Temporary real estate signs (commonly referred to as bandit signs) are permitted Friday, Saturday and Sunday only, and must be removed by Monday morning, per TxDoT regulations. City of Liberty Hill PPC Rating is a split 5/5Y classification. Because zoning only applies to areas within the City limits, these standards are nonbinding guidelines for development in the ETJ. A. Minor Collector. The application fee required for all policy or legislative applications is not refundable. Q. Lot Depth. All lots must be numbered consecutively within each block. All vehicular use areas in any site development shall be designed to be safe, efficient, convenient and attractive, considering use by all modes of transportation that will access the site including, without limitation, cars, trucks, buses, bicycles, pedestrian, and emergency vehicles. C. Responsibility for Final Action. If the accessory structure is greater than two hundred (200) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height, then it shall be set back one (1) additional foot from the property line for each one (1) foot in height up to the minimum setback for a primary structure. Surface coordinates may be provided, but should include a scale factor and convergence to reflect grid coordinates. Arterial. Failure to comply with Consent Agreement. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to City Council the approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of waivers of the standards required for plat approval, by using the criteria for consideration of Variances in Section 3.08.06. This Code shall become effective and be in full force and effect immediately following its passage and approval by the City Council, as duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. Home occupations are permitted provided the occupation meets the following provisions: 1. FINAL . Lot Depth. Chapter 6 contains general standards applicable to all land development, standards applicable only to nonresidential site development, and standards applicable only to residential development. A side yard that is located immediately adjacent to another zoned area or to an alley separating such yard from another zoned area. H. A preliminary or final plat, Conditional Use permit, zoning map amendment, or variance request will not be recommended for approval until the application is complete and the information contained within the application is sufficient and correct so as to allow adequate review and a decision on a recommendation by the appropriate review authority. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward their recommendation to the City Council who is responsible for final action on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. B. The appeal will then be heard and decided at the next BOA meeting. A public or private right-of-way which that [sic] affords a primary means of vehicular access to abutting property, whether designated as a street, avenue, highway, road, boulevard, lane throughway, or however otherwise designated, but does not include driveways to buildings. Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District. A. Applicability. The maps, drawings, and specifications indicating the proposed location and design of improvements to be installed in a subdivision/site plan.
Minor Plat Checklist Lot. Some of these procedures may be followed concurrently, while some procedures require pre-approval of other procedures. Establishment or places of business engaged in the preparation and retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, including taverns, bars[,] cocktail lounges, and similar uses other than a restaurant as that term is defined herein. Any future development permits must comply with the final approved development ordinance. P. Specific criteria for considering Administrative Exceptions are provided in Chapter 3. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of repair services to individuals and households rather than firms, but excluding Automotive and Equipment Service use types. Side Yard, Interior. Clinic - Medical or Dental. The permitted sum of the area of all individual signs on a Zone Lot shall be computed by applying the formula contained in Table 6-3, Maximum Total Sign Area per Zone Lot by Zoning District, to the Lot frontage, building frontage, or wall area, as appropriate, for the zoning district in which the Lot is located. An application may be made to the City Administrator for recognition of vested rights for a particular project by completion of a form provided by the City Administrator that indicates which permit or permits are being relied upon by the applicant for establishment of vested rights. Until the Commission has been given final action authority by the City Council, appeals shall be made to City Council. An electrical sign utilizing lights going on and off periodically to display the current time and temperature in the community. G. Multifamily Residential (MF2). A. F. The City Engineer may not approve a Construction Plan that does not adequately represent construction of the approved infrastructure and public improvements included in the approved administrative or preliminary plat, or that he knows does not comply with this Code or other applicable law. Included under this use category is townhouse and condominium. Typical uses include bowling alleys, billiard parlors, ice and roller skating rinks, penny arcades, electronic video games, and indoor racquetball courts. E. A plat submitted for consideration as a final plat must have an area or signature block for any endorsement and approval by the City Administrator, as required to file the final plat with the county clerk. Construction that involves paving or other impervious surface alteration of seventy-five hundred (7,500) square feet or more, or modifications to a drainage channel or storm drain or pipe or other storm drainage feature with a drainage area, whether on site or off site, equal to five (5) acres or more, and that does not join or abut a public right-of-way requires a site development permit. R. A person aggrieved by a final action on a BOA procedure may appeal to a competent court of record within ten (10) days of the final action (see Texas Local Government Code, SS 211.011). In the case of a request of a Demolition of a Historical Site, the Front Facade of said historic building may remain after demolition as an easement to protect the facade in perpetuity. A site development permit shall be required for all site developments as described or exempted below: A. In cases where a proposed development is not in accordance with these policies changes to policies must be made by the appropriate review entity (either the City Council or Board of Adjustment for Policy- and Legislative-related applications and permits before any subdivision or development not in accordance with existing policies may proceed). C. Uses Not Allowed (-): indicates that a use is not allowed. Typical uses include television studios, telecommunication service centers, telegraph service offices, film recording, sound recording, and cable television operations. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES. Occupancy. The next whole number beyond fifty percent of all members authorized to vote, including those not present or present but not voting. lot area per living unit in multifamily and duplex development. The use of site for two dwelling units, within a single building, other than a mobile home or modular home. 12. Consideration of development or permit applications shall be sequenced so that when an approval occurs, it will provide any requisite requirement for a subsequent related approval. E. The City Engineer may develop and implement additional procedures or technical criteria to clarify implementation of this Code, provided that such procedures or criteria are approved by the City Administrator prior to their implementation and enforcement, and provided further that the additional procedures do not violate any other provisions of this Code. Window Sign. A. Unobstructed vehicular access to and from a public street shall be provided for all off-street parking spaces. In order to have the review period officially changed, the City Council must adopt a resolution establishing the extended review period at that meeting. The total number of units permitted by the City for a tract of land. Effect of Appeal. Industrial use types include the on-site extraction or production of goods by methods not agricultural, and storage and distribution of products.
The use of a site for only one dwelling unit, other than mobile home or modular home. 5. A more or less self-contained biological community together with the physical environment in which the communitys organisms occur. Substantial improvement occurs when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences. Parking of motor vehicles on a temporary basis within a privately owned off-street parking facility, other than accessory to a principal use. A condition where the principal structure of a historic resource has become unsafe as a result of 1) the deterioration of the foundations, exterior walls, roofs, chimneys, doors, or windows, so as to create or permit a hazardous or unsafe condition to exist, or 2) the deterioration of the foundations, exterior walls, roofs, chimneys, doors, windows, the lack of adequate waterproofing, or the deterioration of interior features which that [sic] will or could result in permanent damage, injury, or loss of or loss to foundations, exterior walls, roofs, chimneys, doors, or windows. The growing of horticulture and floricultural specialties, such as flowers, shrubs, or trees intended for ornamental or landscaping purposes, but excluding retail sales. A determination whether an application is complete will be made by the City Administrator within fifteen (15) working days of submittal of the application. Duration. Seasonally Flooded Water Regime. Dwelling, Detached. This district is intended to provide for a wide range of commercial and retail goods and services.
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