Ill look out for your commentary on Harry and Russia. If this is true it seems a bit of a coincidence that Harry was given the name Henry when he was born. If they are randomly stumbling through years of disruption affecting the polls on a republic; the unity of the Commonwealth; the Special Relationship between the US and UK then they are doing a marvellous job. Hi Jessica, A daily mail columnist wrote today that she she was contacted by researchers for Harrys book about Dianas death and the possibility that it was not an accident. Another body language YouTuber I like, who sometimes refers to Neil Sean, is Jesus Enrique Rosas. Sad. The Vladimir was The Queens favourite. Thank you. You would not buy a home with a council you know is bullying in nature, or move into an apartment with a flatmate who feels like a Plutocrat. It all adds to the rich tapestry being woven before us. So I thought that she may be sabotaging herself in order to make Harry leave. He, therefore, benefits from Meghan's Air Sign influence. of the wedding. British psychic Roxanne Furnival, who said she knew the COVID-19 . His astrological chart suggests the thrill of Russian America, and American Russia, disappears in 2026. I dont think either of them showed any consideration for Dianas feelings and while it is certainly not the first time two people have had an affair and also hurt the third person in the situation greatly, they can never truly be an example to the world in the way Queen Elizabeth II was. You might also allow Reverend Bingo Allison to appear on television and in newspapers in his lipstick and earrings, knowing full well that the bishops do not approve of Holy Matrimony between two men. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). The whole thing is a bit scary; seems to be higher up goings on. And while some of the things they have done, may have shocked royal fans, there was one woman who correctly predicted much of their future . While they of course had everything materially, William and Harrys home was completely chaotic. Her Choices seem very calculated, and these colours are the exact ones the Queens jockeys wear. Ive never heard about it until this week when one of the biggest newspapers here in Sweden wrote about it opening in Stockholm ,and how the rich and famous wanted to join it. Monarchy comes with Shakespearean levels of drama; Elizabeth I knew that and so did Shakespeare. Not many answers. Gosh such a long time ago You then have to wonder who the production company is, never mind the writer and director. The curtain went up and on the stage, sitting at a large desk, was HM the Queen. A big reason is certainly his own childhood. The prediction was made in 2017, three years before it came to pass. Town and Country magazine, November 14th 2022. It is about Meghan and the photo shoot of her baby bump, a week before the eclipse. The cover-up which normally comes with an eclipse may have actually made her a target; the photographs may have been distorted. The Church of England has a constitutional crisis with the monarchy on its hands, if we join the dots together. I know this whole saga has another level of intrigue and control added with the USA/ Russia connection but I think it has also shone a light on M&H. There was a flash and a large explosion. I saw the Arab Leaugue being mentioned in a few of the comments. Wow. Which would then mean any ceremony committed in a house of religion a blessing with no legality what-so-ever. Like all good astrologers, I know when to work and play, and this is my hard work cycle. They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. Psychic reveals shocking details about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal feud. The Archbishop at that time was Thomas Cranmer, who was much a politician as a member of the clergy. You know what would fix so much of this? Harry is the more practical sibling, thanks to his Virgo sun, Taurus moon and Capricorn ascendant. This day, January 14th 2019, was when Meghan showed the worlds press pack she was expecting the baby who would be born as Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor on May 6th 2019, so four months later. This is what I have: (1) Charles will not be king (2) by default Camilla will not be queen and will get her karma (3) Harry and Meghans marriage goes through an irreversible position which may include 2 houses not sure if this meant a split? This cycle runs to July 2023. You gain in flexibility and adaptability what you lose in self-assertion or in pragmatism. I agree that its about time that the truth about Diana and Dodis death should be revealed and I hope that Harrys book will eventually trigger a healthy motivation regarding that mystery. This is an amazing thread. Gas can be subtle. The internet with all its anonymous people and trick photography is of course a great place for all kinds of leaking gases. Jessica, I find this all so fascinating. I realise The Firm has to hide things just as much as any other company, but its wayward branches (Harry and Meghan) seem so deliberately obtuse and downright deceitful. Actually, one of her medium had told her before that she saw Dodi having a car crash but Diana didnt take it very seriously And she didnt think she would be in the car accident with him anyway Claire mentioned another man whom she was in love with (Khan), but it didnt work out; with Dodi, on the contrary, they had eventually find a kind of balance and she was happy. The astrology chart for Harry supports what you say. The scales are unbalanced. They were actually enlightened by the public, in dribs and drabs. Anyone with a podium should inform herself. We are fortunate indeed to have you to put it all in its astrological context. The issue with the Welby horoscope as well as the Anglican church, is Aquarius and Leo. The C of E would hardly want to shoot itself in the foot. When she mocked the curtsey to our late Queen she was performing, but why? So the question is was Meghan manipulated or recruited? Very sad. Have you read Spare? But will being an Oprah be enough for her? Prince Harry responded to an email sent byVladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who told the Sun that none of his advisers checked if they were genuine. That is huge ask and it should not be left to these ancient ideas. This post on your blog has been fascinating. Mars is the Roman god of war, as you know. Thank you for putting it up and lots of thank-yous to all the members and readers who have contributed, near 400 replies now. Its a fair question. She died in 1995. I agree the death was an unlawful killing, as did the courts, but I do not believe the standard explanation. With regards to David Foster, he is certainly chummy with Yuri Milner, who is well worth the research. Both were also Sun Leo women and of course, divorce played a role in their destinies. What was Harry Styles first word? Doesnt exclude any other considerations though. Now were told H is consulting lawyers as hes angry about Sasha invading his privacy and that the focus of his book (how he feels aggrieved by the RF) is not the one in the public mind as the sex/frost bitten body part etc has taken over no surely that rumour cant be true- yet with H we can almost believe anything these days however ridiculous. The Special Relationship between the US and UK is partly at stake here, which is why there is global interest. My mother asked why he thinks that and my father said she was pregnant with a Muslim and that there is no way the Royal Family would let the future king have a Muslim brother. Im not religious and I believe people should be able to marry whoever they love, so makes no difference to me. The Astrology of Harry Styles. 11, "Born on a Tuesday afternoon". The plot certainly thickens and Meghan has gone very, very quiet. An Express article by Sophie McCabe 21/02/23 suggests the future of UK monarchy could follow the Norwegian model, which seems to match the republican feelings in that country in harmony with a monarchy. What this does by 2044 when the cycle ends will transform the monarchy we know now. A lot of people can see that she is not Diana and never will be. I feel the same when I read your site there is no hidden agenda with what you do, you are just trying to help as much as you can. 7) Venus, Mercury, Moon together in any house can make one a very famous writer especially if aspected by . I think this book has not only exposed the lies that the British press have told but also the lies M&H have told as well. Is The Arab League involved in the Andrew and Harry story? Disruption has been the result of Andrew and Harry, again and again. Strange also that Dianas words/voice being heard right now about her security fears/ divorce pain through the letters/cards from her that are up for auction. Some things never change, do they? Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. I am up late transcribing dates from your blogs into my 2023 calendar.I need calendars for a few years ahead, too, because you supply us with many vantage points!! Rules and good behaviour constraints do not apply to them, it seems. What you read on this website on 16th December 2017. You are also picking up on the Commonwealth. He has sympathised with Harry in the press, so one wonders if they may compare DNA. For her part, Meghan and her mother spent the night before the wedding at Cliveden. Why he again does not name the Russian who sold them (at a discount) their American mansion. Very, very suddenly, the weather changed to a squall. We will be in a 300-way conversation soon, so thank you for contributing. You can predict strain. I am astounded and horrified at the nastiness in the ( especially British) media Jeremy Clarkson /Piers Morgan etc shown to Meghan Markle and that people can be so critical of someone they have never met. Curiously, the Mutiny on the Bounty has a part to play in all this, as its protagonist is buried just near the palace. Interested in your thoughts. I am not sure about the truth of the infamous moon bump photo shoot, but the fact that Welby abandoned the Synod to perform Archies christening instead, having already gone behind the backs of the bishops to hear Meghan and Harrys secret vows will have stayed with many Anglicans. Also the clothes Meghan was wearing for their first date at SOHO house was a black sweater and jeans according to Harry but according to Meghan in an interview close to the wedding it was a blue dress because she had a piece sewn into her wedding dress as her something blue. With best wishes to you and everyone else on the blog This is what all the psychics are picking up. Skulking in the undergrowth too funny. As a Sun Cancer myself I know that in life family brings the greatest joy but also can bring the deepest emotional pain. The reason we are feeling it in January 2023 is the Aquarius weather which precedes Pluto in Aquarius, up ahead at the end of March. We are being played Thank you for publishing this. Christine Keeler swam here, mistress of a suspected Russian Spy. The latest report (in last 24 hours) "It's a variation of a seven-year itch and takes seven or eight years of willpower, if they're going to make it." When the Church of England formed its American branch it was called the Episcopal Church. Predictions by the Chinese zodiac expert for Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle for 2022 have been revealed as today marks the Chinese New Year. The nagging feeling that were being hoodwinked or spun a story that suits anothers endgame is something I havent been able to shake and is probably part of the reason why this constant drama winds me up. TBC, I guess. So by demoralising the Royal Family they loose their popularity that leads to more countries in the Commonwealth leaving therefore reducing/weakening the commonwealth. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Relationship Isn't "Smooth-Sailing," But "They Are Certainly in Love," Astrologer and Body Language Expert Says. Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde's Relationship Timeline I certainly feel this around the Andrew saga. I have found that he does seem to unearth interesting information & connects dots in an original way, in my opinion. Wow!!! Perhaps both are responsible for peddling variations of truth or alternative facts. Thank you. Perhaps Charles is taking a leaf out of Queen Margareta of Denmarks book and trying to sort things out so that William wont have to? 2812' add Harry Styles to 'my astro' Harry Styles photo: Eva Rinaldi, license cc-by-sa-2.. Ive just been asked by the Daily Express to look at Harrys chart, so I wont spill the beans about the rest of the chart here.
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