No scrubbing necessary.Spray your tub with a capful of Formula 101 mixed with water, give it a wipe, rinse, and then you will see an unbelievable shine!Want to see what else Formula 101 works great on?Visit to see powerful natural cleaning in action. Make use of a bristle brush to collect debris in the crevices and along the borders of the bathtub. You can use a dishwashing or liquid laundry detergent. Rinse the soiled sponge in the water many times throughout the cleaning process to avoid spreading dirt back onto the bathtub. 1. Give it at least sixty minutes to an hour to mature. Diluted bleach is another great option for cleaning bathtub surrounds. Spray the lemon water on the tub and leave it there until evening, or for a whole night. Try the cleaning method that is recommended by Home Depot for stubborn stains on fiberglass before you give up on attempting to scrub away the stains: Put on a layer of a paste made from baking soda and water, then cover it with a cloth that has been soaked in vinegar. Additionally, acrylic is warmer to the touch than fiberglass, and the surfaces of bathtubs made of acrylic are smoother than those made of fiberglass. Head to your pantry and pull out a natural-cleaning classic white vinegar then follow these simple steps: Fill a spray bottle with a half-and-half solution of vinegar and warm water. Two different BKF products are used by our supporters to remove stains from the plastic containers they use.The traditional powder cleaner known as Bar Keepers Friend, as well as our MORE Spray + Foam.A recent study at a science fair demonstrated that BKF materials are safe to use on a variety of surfaces; nevertheless, it is important to note that both compounds have the potential to etch or dull some plastics. Step 3. Pesky, caked-on stains in your plastic bathtub got you down? If the stain still has a white, chalky appearance, spritz it with white vinegar diluted to the maximum amount. How To Clean A Plastic Tub? - Nationwide Plastics By doing this, you can create a paste that you can use to scrub your bathtub. Step 3. Step 1. Check the bathtub for any mineral deposits or soap scum that may still be there. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Step 3. Let the baking soda paste sit for five minutes before using a soft sponge or scrubbing brush to lightly rub away any residual dirt or grime. Vinegar is commonly used to clean tubs because its acidic properties soften soap scum, allowing it to be easily brushed away. When you're applying the bead, use a constant, steady speed to avoid an uneven finish. Here's how to clean a plastic bathtub using a few tried-and-true methods and ingredients. Spray the floor of the cage after beginning at the top and working your way down. Vinegar is an all-purpose cleaner that can easily eliminate dirt, grime, hard water stains, and odors. 6 Tips: How to Dispose of Fireworks Like a Pro! They are highly absorbent and can easily collect dirt, dust, and grime without leaving behind streaking or residue. How to Remove Rust Stains on a Plastic Tub Surround | Hunker Scrub all of the surfaces of the bathtub using a scrub sponge or a stiff nylon brush that has been dipped in the bucket. In particular, it could be used to remove mildew from plastic bathtubs. Its effective at removing grease and grime without harsh chemicals. Spray . They advise that you use the magic eraser with an oven cleaning to get the best results. They have more texture which allows them to break up dirt easier. Mix 1 tsp hand dishwashing soap in 1/2 gallon warm water. Wet a clean cloth with the soapy solution and use it to wash your newly whitened tub surround. Plastic is a popular material for bathtubs and shower enclosures as it's known for being durable, making it ideal for daily use. The key to keeping it that way is through daily shower maintenance. Then add 1 tablespoon of dish soap followed by three parts hot water. Rust stain-approved cleaners often stain fabrics. Baking soda and vinegar are both common household ingredients. Acrylic or plastic bathtubs and tub surrounds call for nonabrasive cleaning products only. How to Clean a Bathtub (Homeowner's Guide) - Bob Vila You don't necessarily need to rule out use of enamel or fiberglass tub cleaner and polish nor heavy-duty bathtub cleaners, as there's a chance they are safe to use on plastic too. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, How to Clean a Really Dirty Plastic Bathtub, How to Remove Yellowing From Plastic Bathtubs. Yellowed plastic can be whitened by using cream peroxide or tartar. Cleaning liquid 9. Apply this paste to the affected areas of your tub or shower enclosure and then leave it for around an hour to really work at the limescale. Use a bucket or a pitcher to rinse your tub. Wearing protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and masks will decrease the chances of your skin getting irritated or damaging your vital body part such as the eye. Step 1. Apply a light coat of white auto cream wax to the entire surround with a cotton cloth. Wait until the plastic tub surround is completely dry before you start using it again. How To Clean A Plastic Bathtub Surround? - Nationwide Plastics Soft sponges are also useful for cleaning plastic tub surrounds as their shape makes them ideal for reaching into corners and other areas that might otherwise go uncleaned. How to Clean Vinyl Tub Enclosures | Home Guides | SF Gate Lemon remains to be an excellent natural cleaner. Create a paste by adding 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide to a bowl. Combine one teaspoon of hand dishwashing soap with half a gallon of warm water and mix thoroughly.Wash the newly whitened tub surround by soaking a clean cloth in the soapy solution and then using the cloth to scrub the surface.Both the hydrogen peroxide and the laundry booster solution will be eliminated from the plastic by the soapy solution.After giving the surround of your tub a rinsing with lukewarm water, dry it off with a fresh towel. The third step is to spray the mixture. Plastic tub surrounds often have a smooth surface that is easy to clean with a damp cloth since there are no grout lines to trap debris in the surface. Video of the Day Step 2 Fill a spray bottle with a bathroom cleaner approved to treat rust stains. Baking soda paste is also an excellent choice for cleaning a plastic tub surround. To clean your tub, start by flushing it out with hot water. Allow this to sit for ten minutes, or for the amount of time that is specified on the label of the box. Copyright 2023 Clean This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any soft, nonabrasive cleaning tool, such as a microfiber or terry cloth towel, and a sponge, rag, scrubber or brush labeled "nonabrasive" can be used to clean a plastic tub surround without risk of scratching it. Baking soda has strong de-greasing properties that can be used to clean oil or grease stains. Use a cloth to scrub the tub and finish removing the stains. These scuff marks are difficult to repair and could end up making your bathroom look even dirtier. Then, rub or wipe the surface of the tub with some rubbing alcohol on a wet paper towel or cotton ball to remove stains or mildew. Make a paste using baking soda and water, the consistency of which should be comparable to that of toothpaste. However, Acrylic is a preferred choice for bathtub surrounds, and for a solid reason. All-purpose cleaners are a great option for cleaning hard stains on plastic tub enclosures as they contain ingredients that remove grease and other stubborn stains efficiently. Allow the vinegar to sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing it away with a microfiber cloth or soft sponge. The use of a paste made of dish soap and baking soda, which should be kept on the stain for at least an hour before being washed out with vinegar and hot water, is recommended by a number of specialists. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. A Guide to Cleaning an Extremely Soiled Plastic Bathtub First, take a pail and fill it with half a gallon of hot water. Step 5. Plastic bathtubs are durable and long-lasting. Here you will learn more about how to clean a plastic bathtub. Abrasive cleaners include any commercial products that are not clearly labeled "nonabrasive" or as safe for acrylic or plastic as well as DIY cleaners, such as baking soda scrubs. Step 1 Fill a spray bottle with 3-percent hydrogen peroxide, which is found in drugstores or convenience stores for a minimal price. Start by spraying your cleaner directly onto the affected area of the plastic tub surround. Combine 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with 1 quart of water in a spray bottle. Your email address will not be published. Just make sure to choose a cleaning liquid made for plastic bathtubs, in case the chemical in the cleaning liquid is not compatible with plastic. Scrub with a brush to loosen the stains, then flush all of it off with water. Manage Settings After you've used your usual bathroom cleaner on your plastic tub, you may wish to do a second cleanse using white vinegar. How to Caulk a Tub Surround (DIY) - Family Handyman Using a scrubbing brush, scrub the tub until its cleaned. Harsh chemical cleaners: Harsh chemical cleaners like oven cleaner or drain cleaner are also not suitable for plastic material. Chlorine is very harmful if its not handled properly. Remember, Its important to know the right way of using chemicals. A mixture of water and vinegar. Its acidic substances can help to remove stubborn dirt, soap scum, and other debris from the surface. Required fields are marked *. But it should be used carefully as it can damage some surfaces if not handled properly. Do not use abrasive cleaners or solvents on a plastic tub surround, as they can permanently damage it. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, choosing the right type of bathtub for your home, How to Restore Shine to Plastic Bathtubs and Shower Enclosures, How to Clean and Restore Shine to a Fiberglass Tub. Your email address will not be published. Another tip of how to clean plastic bathtub is using your home ingredients. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How To Clean Plastic Shower Surround? - Nationwide Plastics Proper maintenance ensures that your plastic tub will stay in perfect condition. Make sure all of the surfaces that you want to clean are wet. Apply this paste to the affected areas of your tub or shower enclosure and then leave it for around an hour to really work at the limescale. How To Clean Textured Fiberglass or Plastic Shower Floor - YouTube Step 1 - Heat vinegar. Rub the surface of the tub as thoroughly as possible. Moisten the brush with fresh water as needed. How to Clean Your Surround Tub and Make it Shine! Chlorine 3. Dishwashing detergent. Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or stiff bristle brushes to clean fiberglass surrounds. A mixture of water and vinegar. Steer clear of steel wool, scouring pads, and melamine sponges can scratch the surface. Utilizing Peroxide to Restore the Original Color of Yellowed Plastic A container should be filled with straight peroxide. The coating provides protection against discoloration from ultraviolet rays. If you're dealing with a dirty tub, you've come to the right place. By emptying the tub first, you will be able to access all the corners of your bathtub and clean it thoroughly. It works to gently exfoliate away dirt and grime while being safe for use on most surfaces. Required fields are marked *. 3 Ways to Remove Paint from an Acrylic Tub or Bath - wikiHow To loosen grime and remove oils from the skin, scrub the entire bathtub with the soapy nylon sponge. How to Whiten a Yellowed Plastic Tub Surround - Pinterest Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. How To Clean A Plastic Shower Stall? - Nationwide Plastics Doing so will loosen soaps and other products, facilitating the cleaning process. Solvents, which you should never use on plastic tub surrounds, include mineral spirits, turpentine and acetone. Cleaning your bathtub is easy with hand sanitizer. Rinse with clear water and wipe dry. Step 1 - Remove Excess Dirt From Fiberglass. Scatter baking soda on all of the surfaces of the tub. Wear your protective gear If required, carry out the procedure once more until the stain is removed. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Fill the tub with hot water and pour in 2 cups (470 mL) of vinegar. After waiting an hour, use a towel or sponge to massage the area. Spray the area, then wipe it off with a sponge, reserving the remaining solution to use on mirrors, windows, and other surfaces. Let us share all the details on how to keep your plastic tub looking as good as new. Avoid steel wool, scouring pads, melamine sponges, and commercial abrasive cleaning products, along with solvents. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. How To Paint a Tub & Shower Surround | BEFORE & AFTER FIBERGLASS REFINISHING @DIYPowerCouple Subscribe for more DIY! Rinse and dry. How to Clean Your Surround Tub and Make it Shine! - YouTube How to Restore Shine to Plastic Bathtubs and Shower Enclosures That said, you'll want to try using baby shampoo and warm water first, as this is usually the most effective cleaning method: If you're tackling tough stains, it's important to have baking soda in your cleaning arsenal. If the dirt is particularly stubborn and difficult to remove, it may be wise to use something more abrasive like a terry cloth towel. With the addition of moisture, the powder will take on a thick, foamy consistency. Put two tablespoons of dish soap and a half gallon of hot water in your bucket, and then fill the bucket with hot water. Spray a large amount of a bathroom cleaner that contains bleach and is advertised as being effective against soap scum on the fiberglass or tile that is found in the shower enclosure. Cut through your drywall along the edges with a Sawzall. All-purpose household or bathroom cleaner. This will help to effectively remove the yellowing from the plastic and leave it with a white finish. So what products can and should be used on acrylic plastic? Hydrogen Peroxide 4. 5. Dish soap 8. Acetone or turpentine. The use of a magic eraser, according to a number of individuals, is the only approach that is capable of effectively cleaning a fiberglass shower. Step 1. If you have an acrylic tub, you can use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath without worry, but you should avoid using bleach. The question arises of how you can safely scrub away dirt and soap scum without damaging the material. Lime Away TSP 6. If your acrylic tub is heavily stained or dirty, consider filling the tub with hot water and vinegar. Jeffrey Dmytrowich 102 subscribers Subscribe 29 23K views 8 years ago See a detailed demo at Cleaning the tub is one of.
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