Here are some additional key points to think about when looking at the pros and cons of a 4-day school week. Shorter school days should be used in the United States education system since they have several advantages. To avoid this issue, many school districts have considered shifting to a 4-day school week. Wildbit, a company based in the US, a portion of whose workforce works remotely, tested the 4-day week to see whether the shorter working hours will affect employee productivity. It can help teachers and students better manage the process of learning. Our general school hours run from 9 am - 2 pm, with extra . With short school days, students can devote a fair share of time to other meaningful areas in their life, such as socializing and simply being a kid. Reasons Why the School Day Should Be Shorter - Synonym Con: School districts across the U.S. are struggling to make ends meet. Some districts have seen their disciplinary issues decline by more than 70% in the first two years of implementing a 4-day schedule. Ages. Other concerns with early school start times and the resulting insufficient sleep include: Increased likelihood for participating in risk-taking behaviors, such as bullying and fighting. Most schools, when Year Round Schooling: Should it Be Implemented? The length of the school day in China varies from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With a shortened school day, the amount of instructional time would be reduced. What we envisage may not be the most straightforward or the most conventional ideas. Shorter class durations allow students to enroll in a variety of courses. Teachers will have more leisure time to spend with their family as a result of the reduced school days. When a school opts to go with an early start time, then students are spending less time sitting in traffic as they head to class. A switch to a 4-day schedule gives teachers more time to use teaching styles that are more effective. The school day could be shortened to give children and teenagers more time for movement, brain breaks, and other activities that have been shown to increase learning outcomes. Savings on school buses and long-term building wear and tear have also been reported. Many recommend that teens get at least eight hours of sleep to feel well rested and . A 4 day work week would promote an equal workplace as employees would be able to spend more time with their families and better juggle care and work commitments. The class periods would probably be over an hour long but longer school days is a must if you for sure have four day weeks. 2. Most school districts are sticking to the 5-day schedule. Obesity, anxiety and stress, as well as lower grades, can all be attributed to a lack of sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The Agrarian calendar is rooted in the past. This leads to added costs that some families, living paycheck to paycheck, may not be able to afford. Suffolk Public Schools went with a 7:25 am start time for their district and are saving almost $700,000 per year. In 2006, a study by Yarbrough and Gilman found that teachers working in a 5-day school schedule reported that they have a lot of wasted time. It would also be beneficial to reduce the week in order to promote activity participation. If school doesnt get out until 4pm, then the student makes it home at 5pm. Staff recruitment is easier with the 4-day school week for school districts. There are 21 states that have four-day school districts. Shifting to this schedule does have certain disadvantages, especially for working parents. One is that students might not have enough time to receive all the instruction they need in a particular subject. 6. Spread the loveThe Talent Search Initiative has as its aim; the identification of high-performing students by organizing specific tests. More teaching: Covid-19 has resulted in a lot of disruption in teaching. Students feel less pressure because they have more time to study at their own pace at home, especially in the later grades. Better sleep: Delayed start time could help teens sleep during . schedule, the district adds 40 or so minutes to make up for the time lost on Long school days can cause eating problems for students who don't eat at school, or who use up all their energy while learning. The four-day school is a phenomenon that has been sweeping across the U.S. Out of a budget of $5.5 million, they saved $206,000. Many break times have been incorporated in the calendar, such as morning recess, afternoon recess, snack time, and so on. Rural school districts and small school districts benefit the most from a 4-day schedule because of their natural isolation. In 2007-2008, the United States had an average school day of 6.64 hours per day, and an average school year of 180 days. In They can explore and discover various hobbies and interests, maintain their stress levels and get more sleep. Dr. Kelly S. Meier - Updated May 03, 2019, Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, Explore state by state cost analysis of US colleges in an interactive article, NavajoCode: Unbiased Longer School Days Pros and Cons. Employment opportunities with a 3-day weekend are increasing. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days. As a result, learning is less effective due to budget constraints. 1. Why did they switch to 4-day school weeks? It changes the holiday schedules for the school district. 10 Noteworthy Benefits of a Shorter School Day - Tenney School Financial problems is was most of a four day school week is about. that the flexibility of the 4-day work week helps them get more done. Underperforming schools and the lagging performance of U.S. students in comparison to other countries is a concern. recess is not only ineffective but also harmful to students who may feel that the punishment is excessive. There are a few reasons why shorter school days could be beneficial. Long summers are known to cause "summer slide," or the decline of academic skills and knowledge over the course of the extended vacation. It's almost the end of the first semester, and realizations are starting to set in. 1. Easier to recruit employees. The benefits are many. When properly implemented, extended learning time programs have the potential to increase students academic progress as well as their social and emotional development. Shorter school days that start later in the day could alleviate this problem, promoting healthy habits and the many benefits that go with a solid sleep routine. As a result, kids will be less worried about time management and will be less likely to fall behind on such rewarding activities. 1. They do have a full day free for a job in some instances, but trying to find work on the weekends only, especially in a rural community, is never a guarantee unless you dont mind working on a farm, that is. The requirements for total education time do not change just because a school district goes to a 4-day school week. In many cases, it is in the best interests of students to reduce costs and have minimal impact on instruction. 6 Ways to Implement a Real Multicultural Education in the Classroom, Understanding Letter Recognition and Its Role in Preliteracy, The Advantages and Limitations of Homeschooling, 7 Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education, How Dumbed Down Education Is Creating a National Security Crisis, 21 Inspirational Quotes That Nelson Mandela Made About Education, The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 7: How Digital Age Teachers Can Win Over Parents, The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 6: 8 Ways That Digital Age Teachers Avoid Burning Out, The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 5: The Archetype of a Great Teacher, PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment): Everything You Need to Know, How International Baccalaureate (IB) Programs Work, Globalization: Everything You Need to Know, So You Want to Attend Graduate School: The 411 on Grad School Admissions Tests, 20 Ways to Teach Kids to Take Care of Their Personal Property, 13 Ways to Teach Students Appropriate Mealtime Manners, 20 Strategies to Encourage Students to Take Care of their Personal Property, 14 Strategies to Teach Students Appropriate Mealtime Manners, 22 Strategies to Help Students Who Cannot Fasten Their Own Clothes, Homogeneous Grouping: What You Need to Know, Merit Scholarships: Everything Your Need to Know, The Importance of Mentoring Young African-American Males, 7 Ways That Black Students are Discriminated Against in U.S K-12 Schools, The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 4: How to Create a Culturally Responsive Classroom, 6 Steps to Data-Driven Literacy Instruction, Four Keys to a Modern IT Approach in K-12 Schools. Staying at school for the majority of the day isn't allowing me . There are several major pros and cons of a 4-day school week which must be considered by school districts looking to make this kind of change. One of the biggest concerns of a 4-day school week is the length of seat time that younger students must complete. By having more instruction in class, students can not only get better test scores, but they can also get better grades. The move toward a shorter workweek is gaining momentum. Why weekends should be longer for students? Increasing the length of school days may result in attention deficit and exhaustion, rendering the additional class time unproductive. While some research has shown that increasing the amount of time spent in class can boost student accomplishment, these findings have been influenced by factors such as the classroom atmosphere, the quality of instruction, and students prior knowledge and abilities. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. Taking only one class is practically a . Potential for juvenile crime to increase. The Benefits of Shorter School Days | Case Study Template Weekend sporting events make it easier to get students to them, especially when they are an away event, because the school day doesnt interfere on a Friday. The Pros and Cons of the Four-Day School Week - LINQ Kids that go to schools with the 4-day week are often happier, stay happy throughout the school year, and look forward to going to school each day. There are positive outcomes that may occur, but there are negative outcomes that must also be managed. In-depth consultation between all constituents reveals the pros and cons of extended school days. Overall, a shorter school schedule resulted in a 7% increase in math scores and a 3% gain in reading. 4. This issue occurs at all grade levels. They question the value of a continuous . Pros & Cons of Lengthening the School Day - Synonym Schools across the country offer extended learning hours. Class runs Monday- Thursday with an added 40-60 minutes each day to compensate for the lost time by not having the schools run on Fridays. When students are too tired or mentally exhausted to concentrate at the end of the day, the last hour becomes meaningless. List of Cons of Implementing 4-Day School Weeks 1. When teachers are more effective and efficient, student performance follows a similar pattern. Teachers report NEA Today: A 9 to 5 School Day: Are Longer Hours Better for Students and Educators? Spread the loveThis term refers to the grouping of students by mental capability, aptitude, or hobbies. Students with less sleep have difficulty paying attention in class and are likely to have lower grades. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. If schools only had one day off per week, millions of dollars would be saved. So it is illogical to think that a four day week will help other grade levels. That reorganization, though, and the underlying effort, will have much to do with reviving the American education system, and reviving a national love of learning. After physical activity, children with or without ADHD appear to perform better at attention, memory, and mood. Do students learn better in shorter classes? districts think they will save tons of money by cutting operational costs on In return, the number of disciplinary measures can also be reduced. Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to encourage students to take care of their personal property? The trade-off for a shorter week is a longer school day. This extra hour can make the day pretty long especially for younger students, which can often lead to a loss of focus later in the day. Students spend less time on the bus. Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. Finally, some parents worry that shorter days could mean that their children would have less . They found out that seven school districts saved money under the new Spread the loveGlobalization is the growing interconnectedness of countries around the world. After-school jobs are a common way for teens to make money. Pro: An extended school day provides more flexibility for parents, eliminating the need for after-school care. As a result, students dont have to miss school to help out. The standard requirement for schools is 180 days or an average range of 990-1080 hours. For school districts following the 4-day school week, the Thanksgiving holiday usually receives a full week off instead of the final two days of the week. The ability to offer a 3-day weekend, every weekend, is a powerful motivator for school districts that are recruiting for quality employees. 1. For school districts struggling with funding issues, the potential savings here could save the budget. Over the last century, humans have acquired a staggering amount of knowledge and understanding. Approximately 1,800 schools in the U.S. have extended learning hours, but there are many pros and cons of extended school days. The Pros and Cons to Longer School Days A longer school day would involve substantial funding for teacher salaries and facility maintenance. In Alabama, the school year lasts 180 days and the school day lasts 7.03 hours. Copyright (c) 2023 Matthew Lynch. The school districts may operate classes Monday-Thursday on a 4-day week (or Tuesday-Friday in some instances), but they are still operational from an administrative standpoint on the off-day. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. The Edvocate plans to be one of key architects of this revival, as it continues to advocate for education reform, equity, and innovation. What Are the Pros of a Longer School Day? Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to help students who cannot fasten their own clothes? The Pros and Cons of a 4 Day Working Week - Change Recruitment Harvest times were set in the old way and still are when most school calendars are set up, when the United States was a farm country. The University of New Mexico Newsroom: Research Study Yields Unexpected Conclusion About Longer School Years. Adds flexibility to teachers schedules. Pros of the 4-day School Week. disabled students may also find it difficult to participate in extracurricular activities and socialise with their peers. Increasing the length of school days may result in attention deficit and exhaustion, making the additional class time inefficient. What Grades Is Elementary School? Public school everything for schoolchildren and students. As you can see, there are a lot of pros and cons to the 4-day school week, but in terms of its long-term effect on academic outcomes, the jury is still out. Shortening the School Day | Education - Seattle PI The school days are spread more evenly over the year, with more frequent short breaks and the absence of a 10-12 week summer break. Having well-rested and happy employees can increase their overall work engagement and productivity. In some situations, a single teacher may be responsible for over 100 students. If so, keep reading. Students attending a 4-day school schedule may have requirements for their education that fall outside of the normal work schedule for their parents. While small gains were made in reading, math and writing, there were no statistically significant results for children in the areas of receptive language, social skills or vocabulary. teams may need to practice, professional development sessions may convene, etc. Finalists and Winners of The 2022 Tech Edvocate Awards, Finalists and Winners of The 2021 Tech Edvocate Awards, Finalists and Winners of The 2020 Tech Edvocate Awards, Finalists and Winners of The 2019 Tech Edvocate Awards, Finalists and Winners of The 2018 Tech Edvocate Awards, Finalists and Winners of The 2017 Tech Edvocate Awards, 21 Ways to Teach Students to Use Learning Materials Appropriately, Classical Idealism: Everything You Need to Know, Good Research Topics about Womens Movement, Most Interesting Wine Essay Topics to Write about, Most Interesting Walmart Essay Topics to Write about, Most Interesting W.E.B. 19 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of the 4 Day School Week My main concern is that most kids will not be able to focus by the end of the day because the school days will be longer,and so there would be no point in trying to teach at the end of the day. Some school districts have reported saving Longer school days would provide students with more time to focus on core subjects or classes where they need more instruction, which would be a huge benefit. We must ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn by improving the effectiveness of our schools and ensuring that all children have access to them. Shortening the school day by even an hour or two can allow a district to save dramatically on its utility costs. In 2009, there were 3,000 schools in the United States operating on a year-round basis. Defining Moments Are What Make Good School Leaders Great, Year-Round Schooling: How it Affects Students, Why you need a multi-tiered behavioral support approach, Understanding Strategy and Strategic Leadership, Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters DIA-DIG, First-Year Teachers: 4 Reasons You Need a Mentor Right Now, 18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing, The Top 5 Unexpected Benefits of Early Childhood Education. Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week Though some people say that four days in a school week will help students in certain classes especially in math, this test only worked on 4th and 5th graders. This got me thinking about the pros and cons of longer vs. shorter trips. If no other elements are in place, it is highly unlikely that extending the school day would result in increased student learning. But slowly over the nation, schools are switching to a four day school week. Over the course of their first year on this new schedule, they reported that the frequency of discipline referrals for their students dropped by 73%. Accidents, absences, and absences all fall on the decline, and students academic performance rises. So what are the pros and cons of 4-day school weeks? Not only would this give everyone a 3-day weekend to enjoy, it would also limit the pressure on students and teachers to have a diversified learning experience in a compressed time period. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. There are various school days in the United States. If something goes wrong . Going to the 4-day schedule can create scheduling conflicts with other districts, particularly with sporting events, performances, and groups like 4-H. Longer school days may have some positive impact on student achievement, but research on their effects is lacking. What Are Reasons to Have Shorter School Days? - Reference Should school hours be shorter? How do longer school days affect students? Pros and cons of a four day working week. Just 11 of the districts had enrollments of more than 1,000 students. After analyzing Colorado schools operating on four-day school weeks, (Dam) reports that transportation costs can be reduced by 20%. But recently, there has been a move towards shorter weeks across the United States. The school districts in New Mexico are one of the best examples of this benefit. This has been a hot topic especially the states that dont have as large of an economy. Increase Engagement and Productivity. More than 80% of people in the UK would prefer a four day working week, according to a survey in 2021 by recruitment company Reed. The Edvocate was created in 2014 to argue for shifts in education policy and organization in order to enhance the quality of education and the opportunities for learning afforded to P-20 students in America. Why Should School Days Be Longer? (Best solution) But others are worried about when kids should be in school. How a shorter school day affects students - That is because larger districts offer more activities, manage more student events, and operate essentially 7 days per week during the school year anyway. Teachers in Seattle are deciding how to use an additional 20 minutes on top of the usual school day. Spread the loveAre you looking for ways to teach students to take care of their personal property? Data from the National Association of Year-Round Education . Should the school day start later pros and cons? The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. If young kids are too weary to concentrate or perform well in class, they may experience weariness or fall asleep during class time. 2 Students Should Be Getting More Rest In addition to students having more time to focus on important activities, a shorter school day would give them more time to rest. (Solution). Schools are able to switch to a four-day week by simply increasing the length of their school day. It might help school districts save money. The Pros of Longer School Days More Time for Instruction The number one reason for lengthening the school day is to provide teachers with more time for instruction. It is critical to avoid producing a longer school day and instead produce a healthier, more balanced, and more engaging one. The list just gets longer. "I get really tired throughout the day and I would love shorter school hours." Bisbee Unified School District (AZ) saved $154,000, Duval County Public School (FL) saved $7 million, and Lake Superior School District (MN) $200,000. Other schools are worried about academic performance.
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