Blueprint Cost: 500 Credits Mycelium Harvesting - The USS Discovery's Mycelium harvesting speed is increased by 1,860%. : When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases damage by 45%. Level 1: 35% Time: 19h 7m 24s Best Team in Star Trek: Fleet Command To assemble powerful crews, you need to know the basics. Furthermore, you will also need a level 17 shipyard. 2023 Star Trek Fleet Command Wiki. "Grade 2 Ship Research" lets you get one blueprint for every ship in this class. The slim hull allows for an increased chance of evading torpedo fire while on an attack run. Cargo Capacity The next time we heard called Intrepid, it was as the ship that responded to the Khitomer massacre that killed Mogh (Worfs father) in The Next Generation episodes Sins of the Father and Redemption. Farming Blueprints : r/startrekfleetcommand - Reddit Gas Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Gas is increased by 420%. Owner/Creator Paramount Picturesand/orCBS Studios, Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated), Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command. Level 24: 39,000 Youll need an Associate reputation with the Klingons to unlock them. The only way to get those epic ship blueprints is with rare and epic Armada packs in the faction store. Level 10: 44%, Build Time Looking at the battle log, you can see that this ship and crew took only about 15% hull health damage each round. It doesnt mean that you cant use it as a base-cracker, but dont be surprised when its not the monster you might hope it would be. I am very disappointed in the Intrepid. I managed to grind mine out while I was working on building my Romulan reputation in the Wolf and Sirius systems. When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases damage by 70%. Save the mats/rss for research and buildings on the way to 34 then get an Augur or Enterprise. For more information, see Scopelys Fan Content Policy. Upgrade: Enhanced Hull - The Maximum Hull Health of the ORION CORVETTE is increased by 10. So, let's go through the basics of grinding ships! Play Star Trek Fleet Command on Bluestacks. Captain: Yuki Sulu Officer: Alexander Marcus Level 39: 73% Protected Cargo So not only does each of the weapons do quite a bit of damage, but they fire often. The time it takes to get its weapons charged means youre going to take a lot of damage before inflicting any, especially in shorter battles. Click the plus icon to open up more information. When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases damage by 60%. I ground out a our 60 bps took me weeks .. far easier just using your Borg probes to make faction credits takes half the time . Latinum Mining - The D'Vor's Mining Bonus from the Mining Laser is increased by 12,000% when mining Raw Latinum. Revenge - When defending the Station, The BORTAS increases the damage of all the other ships and Defense Platforms by 10%. Try farming in Nelvana. They are a very rare drop starting with lvl 40 reds. Seconds: 1,987,200 **, Repair Time Upgrade: The smaller ones will populate based on your responses. USS Intrepid - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command Thank you in advance. Base: 2,010 Romulan Tactitian When the ships Hull Health goes under 70%, Charvanek has an 80% chance of Burning the opponent for 3 rounds. The firing pattern is the Achilles heel in this regard. A Lot of people ask about faction ship blueprints..I think I've covered just about every way possible..correct me if I have missed something#StarTrekFlee. Level 45: 80%, Build Time Does this and the other content on Carnacs Guide help you? Best way to get a gladius (on top of rep) : r/startrekfleetcommand - Reddit Total. Yep, never had any epic bps drop. Total: Protected Cargo Upgrade: The Klingon Bird of Prey shows up in Star Trek Fleet Command as the BRel. The Gladius class interceptor is a classic Romulan design, built for increased mobility and rapid change of direction. Relentless Hunting - As long as the opponent has a Hull Breach, The D4 Increases its Weapon Damage by 1% every round (cumulative). Total: Level 21: 29,000 When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases damage by 55%. The tables on this page are searchable and list out all ships in the game. Greetings In this video I'm going to show my crew how to crew up thier away teams more efficiently. Star Trek Fleet Command Guide - Botany Bay Blueprints You could send a small donation through Paypal. * Trit & Dil rewards are based on upgraded components. The right ship with the right crew for the right task can overcome stronger ships or defend your station against overwhelming foes. ace-2112 2 yr. ago. Star Trek Fleet Command : Away Team Store, Away Team & How To - YouTube The information will be constantly updated as updates come out. Some missions are more rewarding than others, but on average you are looking at two or three blueprints permission. Though up to Ops 33, you can still get lower level faction ships, so it might be worth waiting on that until level 34. Cargo Capacity Related: Star Trek: Fleet Command: All Swarm Locations Once you have all the resources and blueprints, you will be good to go to build your brand new Orion Corvette. Gladius vs. Intrepid : r/startrekfleetcommand - Reddit For those that don't have the Amalgam yet (F2P coming soon *TM*), here is your first look at how it works,. Crystal Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Crystal is increased by 120%. There, you will find level 9 to 11 enemies that will grant you easy blueprints. Level 34: 95,000 I normally dont open my chests immediately so it's no telling where they came from. Time: 1d 12h 5m 48s Level 30: 64%, Build Time Star Trek: Fleet Command is a fun space strategy game for mobile devices. Level 43: 176,000 The USS Intrepid is the 3rd Federation warship available (after the Mayflower and Saladin) in Star Trek Fleet Command. Seconds: 1,344,000 **, Repair Time Level 45: 200,000, Captain: Yuki Sulu There's also a new research tree with awesome buffs, rewards and cosmetics. This ability only activates if the Amalgam has available empty Cargo Space before attacking. Our Rewards program is up and going now! I dont have either of those ships, but Ive heard that the intrepid has a bad firing pattern so its easy to kill pvp, but good for hitting hostiles. They cost 500 Federation Credits in the Faction store. Owner/Creator Paramount Picturesand/orCBS Studios, READ LATER - DOWNLOAD THIS POST AS PDF >> CLICK HERE <<, The B'Rel Takes Flight - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Launching the Augur - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Battle for Glory - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Christopher Pike - The Most Important Officer in STFC, The Bortas - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Liviana Charvanek - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, 7 Off-Label Ship Uses in Star Trek Fleet Command, Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated). The Augur is an awesome ship. Level 7: 2,900 I managed to grind mine out while I was working on building my Federation reputation in the Gyahan, Mempa, and Beta Penthe systems. The Intrepids Ship Ability is Frontline Defender, which increases the ships armor, shield deflection, and dodge by 40% right out of the box, and gets up to 130% when youve maxed it out at level 45. Seconds: 77,454 **. Well I'm here to answer @everyone and their inquiry with this video! If you have any game mechanic questions, feel free to drop those questions in the comments!Join the Twitch Family!***********************************Sick merch is here! Joy in Vengeance At the beginning of each round, if the opponents ship is Burning, Nero increases the Damage of the weapons by 40%. You can also get them in Rare and Epic Armada chests. Youll need 120 BRel Blueprints, and a level-32 Shipyard to construct the ship. If youre going to spend money on an Augur, I recommend going with the Ultra Romulan Recruit Pack, if available, as opposed to the Augur ship pack. Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 20% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. Impulse Speed Cargo Capacity Next, the USSVoyager was an Intrepid-class starship, and finally, there was the Intrepid from the Enterprise episode, The Expanse (pictured below.). Below deck focus crew on balanced stats. And its good in close-quarters PvP. Level 37: 71% Its stunning to look at, and it packs quite a wallop. Officer: Alexander Marcus Carnac | July 15, 2020June 15, 2020 | Federation Ships, Ships. Cargo Capacity Upgrade: 276,920 Secret Weapon - When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases damage by 35%. (Scroll down past the ship tables to see additional ship information. Here's the Amazon wish list! Time: 23d 8h Feel the Heat At the beginning of each round, if the opponents ship is Burning. So its really designed for use with the Neros Crew or Romulan Patriots groups, which are all about burning. Time: 1d 15h 34m 24s This is the best faction rep grinders Ive used so far (just a hair ahead of the BRel, which has other advantages). The slim hull allows for an increased chance of evading torpedo fire while on an attack run. A Gladius starting crew against PvP and Yellow hostiles. Don't go intrepid, for two reasons. Its a good ship, but takes a boat load of cry, which nobody ever has enough of. 33 to __ @ Tier 9 There you have to build your ship and make the best crew to win in space battles. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, Scopely, CBS Interactive, or any Star Trek franchise. See the Flaws Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. "You're playing with fire right now, and pouring gasoline over everyone you talk to." The first part of Rules of Acquisition (RoA) includes: Base: 128,530 You can also get them in Rare and Epic Armada chests. M0untain37 2 yr. ago. You will receive a public thanks on my Facebook page. From a mission, you can buy them in the Romulan store, and they can drop from the chests you but with Epic Armada credits. Burning Vengeance Every time the ship gets hit,Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponents ship for 1 round. Scopely is not affiliated with this content nor has it endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved it. Star Trek Fleet Command - Gladius - Most of the time, Im in Federation space, ironically farming for Romulan rep anyway, in systems level 39 or below. Star Trek Fleet Command: How to Get Ship Blueprints - Twinfinite Carnac | December 12, 2020June 24, 2020 | Romulan, Romulan Ships, Ships. You can also get them in Rare and Epic Armada chests. These are player-specific based on buildings and research. Level 8: 3,900 I'm told they can drop in Deep Space, once you're way too high level to still need them. Be sure to check out our other guides to find the best crew, blueprints and mining locations! As the great powers stay fixated on the conflict, the plight of the common people goes unnoticed. Its a 3-star rare Klingon explorer. Scopely is not affiliated with this content nor has it endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved it. Close-Quarters Combat - When attacking or defending on a capture or mining node in an active Takeover, the Sarcophagus' Weapon Damage is increased by 86,000%. Base: 86,900 Star Trek Fleet Command Ship Guide Dark Space Missions Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated) USS Franklin - the Swarm Killer Stella Scrapping for Scoundrels Stella! Owner/Creator Paramount Picturesand/orCBS Studios, Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated). During various events, Jellyfish blueprints appear quite often as a reward. (That means it's cool!) As long as the opponents ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all damage by. Level 4: 1,400 The amount of damage increases by level. You could get this cool Shield or Share Mask from my Gearbubble store, and save two bucks with promo code Augur. Star Trek Fleet Command on PC: Ships Guide | BlueStacks Seconds: 114,126 **. Fed is intrepid then enterprise. Event stores will have them every couple of months. Federation Killer - The LEGIONARY's weapon damage is increased by 30% against Federation ships. Base: 57,360 Giving what she's got - As long as the ship has Morale, the USS ENTERPRISE heals the Shield Health by 5% whenever it gets hit. There are several ways to get them. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, Scopely, CBS Interactive, or any Star Trek franchise. Get $65 off your first month with code APPLY65 Sign Up Today! It was never seen on screen, but we know from Sergey Rozhenko that it was an Excelsior-class ship. Level 29: 63% I used faction credits and armada chests. Seconds: 2,016,000 **, Repair Time Parsteel Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Parsteel is increased by 15%. Tritanium Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Tritanium is increased by 15%. All information about the space ship Centurion in Star Trek Fleet Command including how it can be unlocked, what type and tier it is, how much resources are required and how long it takes to build. Base: 1,720 Interceptor Hunter - If the opponent's ship is an Interceptor, the TURAS increases its Weapon Damage by 10%. After completing certain missions, you can get a maximum of 25 blueprints. The slim hull allows for an increased chance of evading torpedo fire while on an attack run. A lot of players are curious what ships can the grind and where should they do it to unlock some of the ships in the Star Trek Fleet Command universe. Total: Protected Cargo Upgrade: Basically you get i think 1 (?) Level 44: 183,000 Gas Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Gas is increased by 120%. Watch the World Burn As long as the enemy ship is Burning, Kumak increases the Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of the ship by 40%. Total: Level 11: 7,000 Seconds: 4,368,000 **, Repair Time Upgrade: Youll be able to use the Romulan Credits to get just about as many Augur blueprints, and youll get officer badges. You can farm faction rep/credit to get them in the faction store, though. keep us on the air! Interceptor Rare Interceptor Time: 38d 21h 20m Pinpoint Targeting - If the opponent's ship is an Interceptor, the VAHKLAS increases its Accuracy by 10%. Powered Armor As long as the ships Hull Health is under 70% of its value at the start of combat, Arix increases its Armor by15%.,, Federation Killer - The LEGIONARY's weapon damage is increased by 30% against Federation ships, Total: Protected Cargo Seconds: 403,200 **, Repair Time Ability: +35% Damage against Hostiles: When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases Damage by 35%. You'll need an Associate reputation with the Klingons to unlock them. Best crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command - JeuMobi Its even good at overcoming the Saladins massive defensive bonus. Drop 5 dollars a month on Patreon? Star Trek Fleet Command - Scopely 100% Level 6: 40% Level 2: 36% I have received Augur bp's from a drop and dont know where I got them from. Level 14: 11,000 Base: 1,200 Level 15: 49%, Build Time Build powerful ships, including the USS Enterprise, the Romulan Warbird and Klingon Bird of Prey. Like the Intrepid, its great at killing hostile ships, with its Ship Ability: Cloaking System, which, for the first round of combat, reduces the enemys armor-piercing, shield-piercing, and accuracy by 25%. Rather, its a stripped-down version of the Newton-class, which appears in the 2009 film. Level 15: 13,500. Advanced Cloaking - When defending, at the start of each round, the Valdore increases the Shield Deflection, Armor and Dodge of all ships and Defense platforms by 30%. Centurion - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, James T. Kirk - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command, Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated). Drain of the Empire - When fighting Hostiles, the Sanctus decreases Hostile Shield Health by 10% at the beginning of each round for the first 5 rounds of combat. It looks like a combination between the Dderidex class and Valdore-type ships from TNG and Nemesis. Its also a great ship against Armadas because unlike the Rare Faction Ships (Intrepid, Gladius, and BRel) its Ship Ability actually works against Armadas. Level 9: 4,600 Actian Corrupter - Mantis Damage is increased by +62,000% against Actian hostiles., Healthy Mining - The mining rate of 3 Gas, Ore and Crystal is increased by 0.1% per total Officer Health point of all Officers on the ship(0.20% of 1000 total Health gives a mining bonus of 200%),, Universal Mining Laser - When mining 5* Crystal, Gas and Ore, The Nova's mining speed is increased by 150%, Mining Bonus The B'Rel Takes Flight - Carnac's Guide To Star Trek Fleet Command Commanders, The Romulan-Klingon war has torn the galaxy apart. The best and cheapest way to get the USS Franklin is by completing the occasionally held Franklin events. gladius Archives - Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command My tier 3 gladius with carol Marcus on it is killing stuff thats half a million str higher. * Scrap time will depend on the level of your Scrapyard. It's the worst of the 3 32 ships and if you're getting an Augur you won't have the ore for that when you need it. Star Trek Fleet Command Galaxy Map v2.4.1 By: Originator: JoeCrash; New: TaggedZi - Server: [71] SoongOriginator: JoeCrash; New: TaggedZi - Server: [71] Soong Cybernetic Augmentation - The Vi'dar's Damage is increased by 24,000% against Borg hostiles. Level 25: 59%, Build Time The Augur itself would seem to be an original creation for Star Trek Fleet Command. Combat Scavenger - After winning a battle, if the target has more resources than the Amalgam's available Cargo Space, the Amalgam fills its Cargo Space and then takes an additional 0.01% of the remaining resources. Star Trek Fleet Command Ships are the second most important part of the game. Lastly, a new Prime Node focused on improving station combat. Level 22: 31,500 It fires off its two photon torpedoes in round two, and theyre some pretty powerful guns. Level 42: 76% Level 23: 36,000 Level 5: 39%, Build Time Level 20: 25,000. Total: Protected Cargo Cargo Capacity FREE SHIPPING every day on orders over $35! The Mantis will be available for commanders level 33 and above. Should you max a ship in Star Trek Fleet Command? It requires 60 blueprints to build the Botany Bay. Upgrade: And you can grind them out in level 32+ Federation space. Total: Level 31: 72,000 Carnac | August 11, 2020June 16, 2020 | Klingon, Klingon Ships, Ships. Patch 39 - Release Notes | Star Trek Fleet Command Play Star Trek Fleet Command on Bluestacks. Gladius. Overview. Romulan Tenacity If the ship survives an attack that depletes its shields and is destroyed in one of the following attacks during the same battle, the battle is lost but Vemet heals 5% of the Hull Health and the ship survives. Gladius Requirements Blueprints: 120 Shipyard: 32 Blueprint Cost: 500 Credits Total Cost: 60,000 Credits Gladius Build Info Expansion This is going to be the hammer in your toolbelt. From the following missions (30 blueprints) - each of these missions reward 6 blueprints - they can be picked up in Amador or Midnight 3. Crystal Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Crystal is increased by 420%. I'm fed/Klingon but I get the rar drop of rommie ship blueprints killing level 33+ f.e. Cargo Capacity Level 8: 42% Star Trek Fleet Command is having a busy day and that means we gotta be busy to. Time: 9d 8h Press J to jump to the feed. | Privacy Policy. Concentrated Latinum Mining - +35,000% Mining Bonus for Concentrated Latinum. Star Trek Fleet Command 52 - 5 Ways To Get Faction Ship Blueprints Shatter Defenses As long as the opponents ship is Burning, Djaoki decreases the opponents crew Health by 20%. Galaxy Class - As long as the ship has Morale, the USS Enterprise-D increases the Weapon Damage by 85% each round (cumulative). The below feature from the Star Trek III DVD gives a great history of the design of the Bird of Prey. For more information, see Scopelys Fan Content Policy. Klingon is 32 brel 34 d4. Ship Ability Ability: +35% Damage against Hostiles: When fighting Hostiles, the GLADIUS increases Damage by 35%. Level 3: 37% The edge that the BRel has over the Intrepid is its firing pattern. They cost 500 Klingon Credits in the Faction store. Gas Mining Laser - The Mining Rate of Gas is increased by 70%. Time: 17h 32m 24s It duplicates the half-saucer section, and nacelle configuration, but loses the dual lower hulls. Star Trek Fleet Command 2018 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Shop the Rev Deuce store 5 Tips/Things Everyone Should Know & Do in Star Trek Fleet Command | For Beginners &. Best Crew Combinations in Star Trek: Fleet Command
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