Enterprise architecture (EA) is a business function concerned with the structures and behaviors of a business, especially business roles and processes that create and use business data. Organizations that are outsourcing their mission-critical applications and hosting to third parties have no need for enterprise architecture. Engineering a. So how do you explain what Enterprise Architecture isto someone whos never even heard of it? Obviously Ive taken a slightly different version of the same metaphor, but Ill still claim that great minds think alike! Pros And Cons Of Political Polarization, Hear from our partners and learn how Ardoq added value to their business projects. The Enterprise Architecture The Zachman Framework The Enterprise Architecture Cycle Maintaining an Enterprise Archi-tecture How to Create an Enterprise Archiecture 1. <>
That expectation can, more or less, be measured like a metric. Yesterday, an Old friend came with his new girlfriend to pend the weekend to my summer house. List the six value areas for Enterprise Architecture: Identify three areas of potential risk for EA programs: Change the strategic or tactical direction. d. All of the Above. endstream
Thanks for the necessary corrective Peter.
How to Explain What Enterprise Architecture Is to Non-EAs Second, always remember when you talk to other people ( not EA people) that they are not architects and might dont give a damn about it. How To Shrink A Dixxon Flannel, With the city-planning metaphor, the key deliverables are the following: The city plan document defines the vision for the evolution of the city and is driven by the most important strategies for the city. The Clinger-Cohen Act requires that every Federal agency develop an Enterprise Architecture (EA). To be competitive, an enterprise architecture strategy needs to focus on business outcomessolutions that are valuable to senior management and that respond to specific business needs. All Views, Technical Views, System Views, and Operational Views. Remember he is not an EA architect and that he does not want to be. firewall: A firewall is a network security system, either hardware- or software-based, that uses rules to control incoming and outgoing network traffic. And any application development and programming tools that are needed to create or modify EA Components such as for example: Webservice development tool, General graphics tools. 9. I need to understand the needs of my clients. As soon as we set off, I turned to them and asked, So guys, who here knows what Enterprise Architecture is?. A type of EA component that is contained within one line of business.
what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? 16 0 obj
or enterprise human . The first step in designing the navigational aids is to decide what pages are linked together. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? <>/Metadata 277 0 R/ViewerPreferences 278 0 R>>
I explained my post and idea to my partner, and she said: no youre not like an investment banker or financial adviser because they have bad reputations exactly the sort of missing the point/distraction reaction you can get with a metaphor. <>
A city planner sets building codes and plans common services such as roads and water. 5 0 obj
In the 80s and 90s, a movement calling itself enterprise architecture arose in the information systems discipline. Q:l#$Zh@Y1K0xS$8Z7X{:6~+vvzqglns:EAQK7V^ml*zq*y8`'u~gi^,(fz;zw%>-H`={K It may involve the manufacture of certain products, the provision of services, or internal administrative functions. I make recommendations as to how they might invest to address those risks, how they might change their portfolio in order to better take advantage of current or future market conditions. Corporate Governance COMOSA. List four areas of impact resulting from the immediate access to information on a global basis: Personal - dealing with information overload (Single) 1. It is also too easy to get carried away with the metaphor. jL(Kd[5Zoi2v/2- a. Conversely, city planning provides a model of the physical world and entails activity similar to the enterprise architecture process, yet more familiar.
Week_1_3_for_quiz.docx (1).pdf - TESTS FOR LECTURE 1 Virtually everyone on the organization is a stakeholder in the architecture of the enterprise. Several points here: Below are ten examples of metaphoric architecture: 1. Again, you are right on the money. Oxford's English dictionaries are widely regarded as the world's most authoritative sources on current English. EA planning Strategic level - set Goals & Initiatives Read it here. Real Estate Contingency Clause Example,
City Planning: A Metaphor for Enterprise Architecture <>
Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. To be on the ball: another baseball metaphor. Step 2 do that. This article offers an overview of issues in the philosophy of architecture. A documentation product, such as a text document, system specification, application interface information, diagram, spreadsheet, briefing slides, and/or video clip. The architecture viewpoints govern the architecture views. These sources include, among others, a pretty well-known article of Roger Sessions presenting four leading EA frameworks, Zachman, TOGAF, FEA and Gartner, whose influence can be noticed even in the latest industry publications, as well as a rather famous book 'How to Survive in the Jungle of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks' discussing 14 EA Most people understand the role of the building architect and the city planner and can make at least a rough association to what enterprise architects do. A website development tool There are various types of frameworks that are used for the development of websites and appli. - Review technology solutions. A database For effective change management, Enterprise Architects need to use actionable data and strategic agility. We build systems. A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way. The zoning plan specifies the guidelines for the city's evolution, identifying which areas will be for residential use, for retail use, and for industrial use or for parkland. "City planning" is an easily understood metaphor that architects can employ to communicate more effectively the nature and value of architecture by relating the "unseen" enterprise architecture to real-world concepts that are well understood. c. Corporate governance defines the mechanisms by which the people elect representatives to enact legislation. False, Intro to Enterprise Architecture - INF4883 -, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. There is architecture in and across every stack, layer, pillar, platform, and data set. %
The result? Think about it: I need to form opinions about the current state of the technology market and where it is going. An EA practice involves mostly IT managers and subject-matter experts 2. endobj
A problem architects face (even within the team) is the level of abstraction that is inherent to architecture. Global 2000 companies are increasingly using a "city planning" metaphor to define the processes and deliverables of the architecture program. It turns out that Enterprise Architects themselves often struggle to find. You see building architects? yes she said. I need to make careful choices about what they should invest in to get the best return. It is also useful for applications that need to be built quickly and for enterprise applications that need to adopt traditional IT processes.
What is Enterprise Architecture (EA)? Best Practices? - ThousandEyes Architecture governance 2.
Avoiding the Standard Metaphors for Enterprise Architecture Note: any discussion along the lines of the above areas area acceptable. There are three different styles as formalized by the 3T hybrid operational architecture. A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two non-similar things. In particular, companies are focusing on "building codes" that define the principles and guidelines for architecture and on "building permits" that are granted to change initiatives that have been deemed compliant through the architecture review process. The plan also includes standards for the type of buildings that can be used in a particular area (for example, single-family dwelling, apartment, warehouse). Enterprise Architecture looks holistically at an organization's IT resources. In the digital era, the lines between the digital and physical worlds have been blurred. In this enterprise architecture definition, a business is able to design IT projects and enact policies meant to help the business reach its goals. The city-planning model helps architecture stakeholders - IT managers, line-of-business (LOB) managers, and corporate managers - understand the role of architecture. Agility helps. I need to look at my clients current investment portfolio to understand their risk exposure. The purpose of enterprise architecture is to optimize across the enterprise the often-fragmented legacy of processes (both manual and automated) into an integrated environment that is. Goals are not specific to a particular application but to the enterprise as a whole. Use and Maintain the EA. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. See Appendix 1.1 for a more formal definition. The advantage of the city-planning metaphor is that it represents processes and deliverables that are broadly understood, enabling communication that leverages common knowledge while avoiding introduction of entirely new concepts. Capital Planning Board The approved building-materials list for the enterprise architecture is the "formally approved hardware and software products, configurations, data, information, and processes used to guide the engineering of information technology solutions for a given enterprise." I recently read another thought-provoking article from Anna Mar (aka @simplicableanna) entitled How to Explain Enterprise Architecture to Your Grandmother.
PDF Enterprise Architecture Modelling Using Elastic Metaphors - Western Sydney Hence, the merit of the metrics. Using a business-focused architecture reduces complexity and aligns IT with strategic goals. Metaphor is a means of asserting that two things are identical in comparison rather than just similar. A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. a. EA integrates such practices as business process improvement, scenario planning, security and portfolio management into a single program that incorporates an understanding of the structure and function of the enterprise. . This greatly speeds up the preparation for and response to compliance audits.
what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? Avoiding the Standard Metaphors for Enterprise Architecture, How to Explain Enterprise Architecture to Your Grandmother. The process of moving an application program from one environment to another. are bombas socks ethically made; difference between cybex sirona s and z Enterprise Architecture - what is it and what is it not, actually. In order to achieve enterprise architecture program success some key enterprise architect best practices outlined by Gartner Research include: Charter the EA program. Communication medium 4. The beliefs, customs, values, structure, normative rules, and material traits of a social organization. 3-overlapping-circles model The overlapping-circles model of sustainability acknowledges the intersection of economic, environmental, and social factors. It's not a formal framework . Most of the people thought that the prisoner was innocent, so they fulminated when the judge Enterprise Architecture = STRATEGY + BUSINESS + TECHNOLOGY. Thinkagain. 10 0 obj
This metaphor does have a respected lineage, the most noted example I have come across being this very good article from McKinsey: The Paris Guide to IT Architecture (free registration required to read the whole thing). Conversely, city planning provides a model of the physical world and entails activity similar to the enterprise architecture process, yet more familiar. Corporate governance deals with the ways in which suppliers of finance to corporations assure themselves of getting a return on their investment. - Cable Plants. We can depict dependencies, decomposition or other architectural relationships using the process blocks, and how they relate to objects like capabilities, applications, data, and so on. methodist physicians clinic women's center, RED TIC, 3e tage, Imm.
IT 317 Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet eTOM also presents a set of standardized process building blocks for enterprise architecture. Nor are most enterprises in a position to dictate systems design at a detailed level: increasingly, packaged software is likely to form a substantial part of an enterprise's systems portfolio. EA is a management engineering discipline presenting a comprehensive view of the enterprise, including strategic planning, organizational development, relationship management, business process improvement . Level 5 Which sleep pattern benefits spatial and declarative memory? The advantage of the city-planning metaphor is that it represents processes and deliverables that are broadly understood, enabling communication that leverages common knowledge while avoiding introduction of entirely new concepts. The most important part of .
Intro to Enterprise Architecture - INF4883 - Assign 2 Unfortunately, although these interactions are real, they are not sensorial - it is not possible to truly see, smell, or touch them. Sjeq3+Ovh,RhWyV6[. 7 0 obj
d. EA is a replacement for older practices such as business process improvement, scenario planning, security and portfolio management. s& $DHi9! The city-planning approach does not imply a radically new approach to architecture.
a building, a sport, a river or city planning? - FischerJordan Architecture is an appropriate metaphor for the assembling of complex multidimensional information spaces shared by many different users and readers, where the underlying structure of information must first be framed out before more specific disciplines such as interface and graphic design can operate effectively. More specifically, technology architecture often is the specification of the interaction of data between systems, systems with networks, and systems with users. Documentation artifacts 5. bobbi brown foundation palette discontinued . The current metaphors for EA can be useful at a conceptual level to help non EAs understand what all the fuss is about. Which of the following is not typically an outcome of an enterprise architecture program? NASCIO toolkit - Portfolio Management and Investment Decision-Making )9|i{s)z
The EA was undertaken in South Africa's Electricity Distribution Industry in the context of a huge restructuring exercise to merge more than 100 different local entities into a consolidated . Which EA framework explicitly recognizes the distinction between an "Architectural Continuum" and a "Solution Continuum". Architects provide businesses with a roadmap for making this change happen, but they also show them exactly how much better they will operate afterward. Unfortunately, although these interactions are real, they are not sensorial - it is not possible to truly see, smell, or touch them. First of all, Doug you have written a very good post here. Are traditional enterprise architecture metaphors valid? Organize the Existing Material 6. First of all, we have to accept that we cannot explain the whole thing about EA to not EA people. Enterprise Architecture is a funny beast. An Enterprise Architect is at the top level of the architect hierarchy. <>
C'k~6Q DzZR8|MVD/yE! Load Balancing. They also play an important role when we speak of designing and using application systems. Which of the following most accurately describes the perspectives of CEO and CIO with respect to Enterprise Architecture? Architecture repository 6. An EA. ]pjj+_1:j The management and decision-making process associated with the planning, selection, control, and evaluation of investments in resources, including EA components such as systems, networks, knowledge warehouses, and support services for the enterprise. 3. 13 0 obj
True We raised $125 million in Series D funding.
Enterprise Architecture: Frameworks, Goals and Benefits