6 Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Easter eggs that tell us about the future Knowhere is still being rebuild after Thanos' attack, meaning it must have been derelict during the Blip. It's particularly amusing to see Ant-Man given a place of prominence, because the MCU's Phase 4 films and TV shows have suggested Scott Lang has established himself as a celebrity superhero thanks to podcasts and an autobiography. The characters are rich, the visuals are stunning, and the blending the technology . Bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. It features several hidden messages, MCU references, and even a bit of in-franchise foreshadowing. With Love and Thunder, Waititi didn't just make one decent follow-up film, but three mediocre ones: Guardians of the Galaxy 2.5 with Thor as their de fact0 leader, a zany rom-com that pulled in . Marvel pulled the same trick with Peter's Celestial dad, and while the studio isn't immune to revisiting certain themes and even giving into some tropes, doing theexact same thing twice to one character feels like it'd be a cheap shot. James Gunn "Reveals" Final Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Egg - Movies Speaking of, this trailer gives fans the first look at the villain of this movie. Here's our video of both Easter Eggs! ", "Partially correctly and partially incorrectly," reads Gunn's cryptic 2019 tweet. 3 EASTER Eggs REVEALED.. "I just posted the bigGuardiansEaster egg for everyone to see," Gunn tweeted. RELATED: More Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Easter Eggs Interacting with fans via his official Twitter account as he always does, Gunn shared that there is still one more undiscovered Easter egg left in Guardians 2. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is absolutely packed with MCU Easter eggs and Marvel references - and a lot of setup for Volume 3! April 28, 2020 It was with the release of filmmaker James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy that the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe really started to come together. Kevin Bacon was delighted when he was referenced in the first Guardians of the Galaxy. 2also, so start making your YouTube videos about that one now! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Guardians of the Galaxy, Goat Simulator, Zero Escape, entre otros It's reasonable to assume that Cosmo, like Rocket, will have been experimented on by a villain named the High Evolutionary, who will be played by Chukwudi Iwuji. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: 56 Easter eggs you might - Polygon Another big reveal in the series is Mantis being Star-Lord's sister. Director James Gunn claimed in November that there's one final Easter egg in 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy that no one had spotted. ), and as far as I can tell James Gunn hasnt explicitly debunked it. The Greek pantheon is officially part of the MCU after Thor: Love & Thunder, and Ares may well have come to Earth - inspiring a cosplayer. Drax is less than impressed to see someone pretending to be a robot, for a very personal reason. The Twitter account forNew Rockstars promoted that YouTube videotagging Gunn's personal Twitter in the tweet and mentioning that the video provides "an update on that infamous still-missing Easter egg." It was at this point that we began to do some digging to see if this complete message had been found, or posed before, and couldn't find it online. Drax and Mantis arrive at Hollywood, seeking Kevin Bacon; they stroll past a movie poster advertising Kingo's latest film. According to the Celestial Brain-turned-Planet-turned-Man, he did it because he truly loved Meredith, having visited her three times on Earth - and knowing that he might give up his conquest of the universe out of his love for her. Peter Quill's mom being a cosmic entity who had a hand in creating the Infinity Stones would serve as a huge retroactive bombshell on the Marvel Cinematic Universe connecting her to theAvengers franchise in particular in a major way, given that the finalAvengers flick was focused on the heroes obtaining the Stones from points in the past to power an Infinity Gauntlet in the present and would probably have significant impacts on where the MCU is headed next. There's even a mention of Bruce Wayne and his superhero persona of Batman. Gunn's "amazing work" comment could have been in reference to any number of the topics discussed in the video, or could have been a blanket statement about the quality of the video as a whole. As a graduate of the University of Manitoba with a degree in English Literature, Andrew has grown from analyzing incredible stories to finding, appreciating, and raising awareness of the very best (or just the weirdest) of them in every medium imaginable. Chukwudi Iwuji's High Evolutionary has been teased to be a sociopathic and eerie villain to counterbalance the usually charismatic and energetic Guardians squad. This likely reflected Peter Quill's faulty memories, and his difficulty differentiating between fact and (science-)fiction. No es un juego que podamos meterle una duracin concreta, pero no es muy largo. We've rounded up a slew of them you might have missed on PC, PS4 . The greatest sign of success for this franchise is the sheer amount of times a CGI Racoon has brought tears to the eyes of audiences across the world. Be warned, there will beSPOILERS ahead. It's a text and number string thatlooks like astronomical coordinates, but deciphered into something far more shocking. Mythical Final Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Egg Has Been - MovieWeb New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Gunn Confirms: The Final GotG Easter Egg Has Been Partially Discovered, Guardians of the Galaxy Finally Makes a Major MCU Romance Canon, image of Man-Thing has cropped up in another MCU film, David Bowie's Estate Approves of the Guardians of the Galaxy's New Ship, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Breaks MCU Canon 5 Times Get the latest articles, videos, and news about Guardians of the Galaxy on Flipboard. DC fans should be very excited with what he is about to do with that universe. In the comics, Cosmo is a dog sent to space by the Russian government, but he's also experimented on so that he gains the ability to speak and a few other powers. Eventually he dies and his Quantum Bands get passed on to Phyla-Vell, another major Guardian of the Galaxy, and Moondragon's girlfriend. In Volume 1, the original squad made a mid-movie wardrobe change to dawn Ravager red in a heroic walk-up scene. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special features many Easter eggs. Their theory comes by carefully examining the post-credit scene. Might Morphin Guardians are an entire vibe! "I went to the theater opening weekend, having worked with [director] James Gunn," he recalled in one interview. He makes his official MCU debut in the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, with references to several of his famous movies. After the release of the teaser trailer, those sentiments are all but confirmed. Seems to me that this film will focus on Rocket's origin and siblings. With Quill being stuck in the '80s for the entirety of his MCU career (shoutout Kevin Bacon), it is jarring to see him with an earbud in. James Gunn directed The Suicide Squad and currently heads the DC Studios, so it's understandable that there's no conflict there. James Gunn Snuck His Pooch In. Somewhere out there in the deepest darkest recesses of the galaxy, there is aGuardians of the GalaxyEaster egg so hidden and obscure that supposedly no one has found it. Celebrating the fifth anniversary of Guardians Vol 1, James responded to a fan's amazement that its last remaining Easter egg had not yet been found, writing on Twitter: "It's been PARTIALLY discovered. Where are Rocket's holographic space suits? Guardians Of The Galaxy: Mission Breakout Easter Eggs - SlashFilm.com Also, Rocket's comic book love interest makes her MCU debut as Lylla bursts onto the scene! Since the firstGuardians opened in 2014, James Gunn has touted the existence of this hidden Easter egg on social media, and even offered up a $100,000 bounty to anyone who could prove it didnt exist. The part that would recognize its own sentience, and build a body for itself in its former image - without knowing it was even doing it. By Rianne Houghton 02/08/2019 Marvel Studios Five whole years after. There have been some wild theories about this Easter egg (including one that thought it found a secret code buried in some of the films intergalactic title cards), but this one, from ScreenCrushs Ryan Arey, puts forward a theory thats pretty plausible. Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Eggs: All Easter eggs in Star-Lord's This villain choice points to Rocket Racoon being a focal point of the movie as he is a product of The High Evolutionary. Has anyone ever found the Guardians Of The Galaxy Easter egg that James The other part aims to offer another possible reason for Peter's ability to hold the Power Stone, explain the further significance of seeing his mother in visions, and detail how that connects to a quartet of cosmic entities. It seems appropriate from an out-of-universe perspective, however, given Black Widow was the first film in Phase 4. (Guardians of the Galaxy Final Easter Egg) It was an Aster egg all This almost certainly breaks Disney+'s MCU timeline, because there's surely no way Groot could have grown up so much between Thor: Love & Thunder and the Holiday Special if they were set just a few months apart. While the codes did reveal information that is made common knowledge in the second film, and the image of Man-Thing has cropped up in another MCU film, Gunn has not confirmed exactly what the last Easter egg is. . Enter Ego. He can talk and has telekinetic abilities. The first is that when Peter grabs hold of the Power Stone at the end ofGuardians Vol. Note that you may have to disable adblockers to watch the video below. These comic-accurate suits have fans very excited for this movie, and it also lays some groundwork for the future of this franchise. When the team break out of the Kyln and intend to sell the Power Stone to the Collector, they make a trip to his base on the space station called Knowhere. The animated flashback ends with Yondu taking his ship into what looks like hyperspace - a very different form of interstellar travel to the one typically seen in the MCU. So, not only will Vol. Seems like a major coincidence that he created a humanoid form based on no exposure to life, whatsoever, doesn't it? READ MORE:Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Down: Outage Has Users Seeking Answers on Twitter. And we fully accept that this may be a cosmic coincidence, and the deciphered meaning of the opening text is simply a year. In some cases, they're hand-picked by Gunn as real places in the Andromeda Galaxy, while others are created out of thin air. Its certainly not one Id heard before (who ever thought to look at that one dudes face that closely? They have a while: Gunn is working on The Suicide Squad before returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Gunn has been teasing the existence of a final Easter egg in the film for years now, and a dedicated fanbase has attempted to solve the problem through close viewings of the film. Is This the Final 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Easter Egg? - ScreenCrush Let's discuss. Finally, we see Rocket Raccoon getting Bucky's arm, which he tries to buy off the Winter Soldier during Infinity War. The heroes of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. The first is that when Peter grabs hold of the Power Stone at the end of Guardians Vol. 3, with James Gunn confirming it is four stories tall and will play a major role in the threequel. In the comics, Cosmo was a test animal for the Soviet Space Program who was mutated by cosmic rays. While Nova Prime identified Meredith as a human a "Terran" Voss posits that Peter's deceased mother is a cosmic being, and that the big Easter egg is actually a web of them "proving" Meredith's cosmic identity. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Not pictured are Kraglin and Cosmo the dog. This is obviously a reference to Kratos in the God of War franchise, and all the more reason for the mention since God of War: Ragnarok just came out. Will MCU's Fantastic Four Replace The Guardians Of The Galaxy? The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special confirms both Transformers and the Pirates of the Caribbean films exist in the MCU, with one cosplayer dressed as a transforming robot and another as Jack Sparrow. I had no idea, and I sat there and all of a sudden they're talking about me and my jaw just dropped." Por su parte, . The Easter egg: During the space jump sequence where Rocket, Yondu, and Kraglin are trying to make their way to Ego's system, there's a super quick shot of what looks like two Kronan doing. (Were chainingRyan to his edit desk and not letting him up until he finds it. An ex we now know to be Ego in human form, who confirmed that he gave her cancer. Below we've included some of our favourite Easter eggs and other references from the new film, along with the odd interjection from the Russos themselves, but beware - from hereon out we're in serious spoiler territory, so if you haven't seen Infinity War yet you'd best call a Quinjet and scoot on out of here. Peter Quill is once again set to play a central role in the third Guardians of . At the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Jon Favreau Releases An Easter Egg For All Marvel Fans From Iron Man Find the latest and breaking news on the actor Bradley Cooper on NewsNow's dedicated feed, covering news on upcoming roles, film announcements, red carpet interviews and anything Bradley Cooper related from 1000s of global publications. Will Poulter makes his MCU debut and he's a number one contender to leave this movie with a major future in the comics of this universe. And for James Gunn and the Guardians of the Galaxy team, the end is drawing near. Well, part of it has, anyway. As another vintage James Gunn needle drop, this song was released in 1996, making it the newest Guardians song in the MCU to date. This article contains spoilers for the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is absolutely packed with MCU Easter eggs and Marvel references. 2 that Ego caused the cancer that killed Star-Lord's mother Meredith. The story serves as something of a lightweight epilogue to the MCU's Phase 4, and it's an enjoyable watch, even if it doesn't exactly have galaxy-wide ramifications. In slightly more straightforward Guardians news, Zoe Saldana recently revealed that she would love to reprise her role of Gamora specifically, the Vol 1 version. As mentioned above, some of the planets or locations and their coordinates correspond to real or hypothetical spots in our known universe, like Morag (M31V J00443799+4129236) and Xandar (M31V J00442326+4127082). Gunn's latest word on the mystery is that it's been "partially discovered. Partially correctly and partially incorrectly. In the comics, The High Evolutionary is a scientist that is fond of living experimentation to combine biology and technology. This means three things: MT is vindicated, MT's theories should be the logical starting point for any feasible theory, and the easter egg is comprised of multiple parts, since it has been "partially found". Voss argues that theGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. However, we see a few non-Marvel cosplay outfits as well, such as a GoBot and a Jack Sparrow cosplay. Marvel It looks like a Marvel Cinematic Universe super fan may have finally uncovered James. Gunn is set to return for the third volume ofGuardians of the Galaxy as writer and director, and will likely be joined by the rest of the cast. According to Kraglin, he still hasn't got the hang of it. 'The Last of Us' episode 7: All the Easter eggs in Ellie's room 3. When Drax and Mantis visited Earth to get a hold of Kevin Bacon, they spotted several Avengers cosplayers during their walk through Hollywood, including Ant-Man, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and many more. Then, in a final stand for the ages, the most epic battle scene unfolds as portals open up to all our Blipped heroes. In essence, a god (small 'g'). The Children of. Ooooh I used to watch reruns of that show all the time lol. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special features a major change in MCU lore, revealing Mantis is one of Ego's children. remembertosmileplz 3 yr. ago. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is finally out, opening up to a good reception. James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Down: Outage Has Users Seeking Answers on Twitter, James Gunn "Reveals" Final Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Egg On Facebook, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, Quantumania Exclusive Interview | Phase Zero ft. Jeff Loveness, Scream VI First Reactions Call It Best Since Original, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Streaming Date Announced, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Returning to Theaters, Stealing Pulp Fiction: Tarantino-Inspired Heist Comedy Unveils Cast, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Social Media Accounts Adopt Mutant Mayhem Logo Ahead KCAs, Godzilla Vs. Kong Parody to Receive Hilarious Sequel, We Have a Ghost: Anthony Mackie Recalls Most Viral Moment on Wendy Williams Show. James Gunn Trolls Guardians Of The Galaxy Fans By Poking Fun - Koimoi It took six years, but someone may have discovered the final and most elaborate Easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. When asked on Twitter to confirm or deny whether that was indeed the final Easter egg, the filmmaker replied, "I can deny (sorry)".