Sassmannshausen, 1999, p. 413, n. 22). The fall of the First Sealand dynasty in 1460 BC created a power vacuum which the Kassites filled. Babylonia under the Kassites 2, edited by Alexa Bartelmus and Katja Sternitzke, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017, pp. What kind of government did the Kassites have? 49, no. Abraham was born in 1912bce, or 1948 from Adam, when Noah was 58 years old His son Shem was Malchitzedek, and Shems daughter was Tamar who became the mother Judahs twin sons (Peretz and Zarach). 65, no. Therefore it is clear that the King List includes ancestors of the Kassite kings (cf. Updates? MOSAIC GLASS FROM HASANLU, MARLIK, AND TELL AL-RIMAH. Journal of Glass Studies, vol. 925, Yaln, Serdar. Babylonia and the Bible, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Vol 3. 6, no. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. B. of Balkan, Kassitenstudien, JNES 15, 1956, pp. M. Stol, Studies in Old Babylonian History, Publications de lInstitut historique-archologique nerlandais de Stamboul 40, Leiden, 1975. While the period of enslavement by the Egyptians meant that the Israelites would certainly not be writing anything down, it did not prevent the Egyptians from documenting certain things. After the invasion of Tukulti-Ninurta I the Kassite rulers of Babylonia bore a mixture of Akkadian and Kassite names. According to the accounts in Genesis, and the dates that follow throughout the entirety of the era of Kings and Judges, the Exodus occurred in 1312bce, which is 2448 years from the creation of Adam. Speiser View PDF Biblical history proper begins with the call to Abraham to leave his native country and set out for a destination that is to become the Promised Land. Les Kassites, un peuple antique qui n'tait ni indo-europen, ni smite, tait originaire du Lorestan. But Babylonia remained a world power: the Hittite king Hattuili III contacted Kadaman-Enlil II (1258-50 BCE) when the latter became king, in order to continue their good relations. Katiliau of Terqa was probably a contemporary of Abi-euh (1711-1684 BCE; see Podany, 2002, pp. The city was built by Kurigalzu I (probably in the first quarter of the 15th century BCE). 210 f.). 177-189, Krebernik, M., and Seidl, U. After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, two new empires rose to power. [19], The ancient city of Nippur was a major focus for the Kassites. [26] Idem, Beitrge zur Verwaltung und Gesellschaft Babyloniens in der Kassitenzeit, Baghdader Forschungen 21, Mainz, 2001. On the Seal Impressions on Some Old Babylonian Tablets Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. [34] Being in close proximity the Assyrians and Kassites often came into political and military conflict over the next few centuries. This discovery was made by the same archaeologist (Ludwig Borchardt) that discovered the Nefertiti bust and helped excavate the Amarna region. Through their efforts, Babylon had become a recognized world power. BIBL 410 W EEKLY S TUDY Q UESTION 4 One Blood/Introduction to Abraham Answer thoroughly the following questions based on this module/week's Reading & Study material: 1. Volume 2 Kardunia. "16. Their capital city was Dur-Kurigalzu. His body was never found and also coincidentally there was no chariots available for other wars for quite a while after that. The foreign inhabitants of the fortresses, who were mercenaries (rather than foreign invaders) forming a garrison system, gradually controlled the countryside of northern Babylonia. They are well represented among the great landowners. What are the Kassites known for? - All Famous Faqs It's . The Assyrians were great warriors. 76, no. (Optional) Enter email address if you would like feedback about your tag. Toronto, Buffalo, and London, 1990. 470 f.; Sassmannshausen, 1999, pp. 233234, Levine, Louis D. The Second Campaign of Sennacherib. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. After these role models are gone, Israel has 15 Judges in this historical account. The world of the Bible is knowable. Kassites Govern Babylon - Amazing Bible Timeline with World History Their religion revolved around worship of three major gods, one for . v. The attempt of A. Ancillotti (1981) to demonstrate that Kassite is originally an Indo-Aryan language is not convincing. Ahmose ruled in the 6th century BCE. The Middle Babylonian / Kassite Period (ca. 1595-1155 B.C.) in Kassites: the Main Mesopotamian Power After the First Babylonian Empire Babylonia was divided into two kingdoms, that of the Kassites in the north and the Sealand in the south, including Uruk, Ur, and Larsa. 850-98. 287-90. What does the Bible say about the Kassites? - Remnants of two Kassite glass beakers were found during the 1964 excavation in a (c. 800 BC) destruction layer of Hasanlu, in northwest Iran. Idem, Peoples from the Iranian Plateau in Babylonia during the Second Millennium B.C., Iran 25, 1987, pp. Donbaz, Veysel. The Babylonian Kudurru Inscriptions and their Legal and Sociohistorical Implications". Where did the Kassite people originally come from? 2, 2006, pp. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that this may be just an accident of documentation. Zamua, which was originally Lullubian (see LULUBI), had only one pertinent toponym, namely,Ban-ba-la, which may be the Kassite form of Babylon. If one judges by the onomasticon, the individuals bearing Kassite names were 7.72-5.31 percent of the general sample from Greater Media, i.e., the second group after the Iranians, whose percentage was 45.37-32.36 percent (see Zadok, 2002, pp. 1499 BCE. Who Were the Cushites in the Bible? - Synonym Kassites. Thank you for your help! The Kassites, a tribe from the Zagros mountains in present-day Iran, arrived in Babylonia and filled a vacuum left by the Hittite invasion. 6, no. A. 88-124, Clayden, Tim. A Kassite Cylinder Seal from the Arabian Gulf. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. West of Edin: Tell al-Deylam and the Babylonian City of Dilbat The Biblical Archaeologist , Vol. They were divided into three main tribes, the Bit-Dakkuri, the Bit-Amukani, and the Bit-Jakin, against whom the Assyrians waged war in the ninth century B.C. (paternal name) seem to be the only ones which resemble names with relevance to Kassites (cf. See also IRAN vii. kassites in the bible - HAZ Rental Center The third people group is thought be Israel. A. Ancillotti, La lingua dei Cassiti, Milan, 1981. The Bible is not specific as to the exact date. Tukulti-Ninurta I, who pursued an Assyrian expansionist policy, invaded Babylonia and deposed Katilia IV (1227-20 BCE), whom he took as prisoner to Assur. 9, pp. Its about events 700-1000 years later. Kassites held important positions in the state sector as late as Nab-mukn-aplis reign (978-943 BCE). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Historians and scholars claim that their rule was the longest in the history of ancient Babylon. Recall that in the first five books of the Bible idolatry was a major issue. 41, no. This temple was probably one of the most important institutions of Kassite Babylonia. 137 f.), namely, that Kassite is related to Elamite, is unlikely. Since they had chariots, they were not nomadic, but were fully settled in segregated rural encampments. 17385, Schneider, Bernhard. smite in English - smite English translation - smite meaning in 221-223, Marcus, Michelle I. Kraus on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Studia Francisci Scholten memoriae dicata 5, Leiden, 1982, pp. the Kassites, take over this region, and you can see them . The Kassite kings were called, by themselves and their colleagues in other Near Eastern states, kings of the land of Kar(an)dunia, the latter being a term for Babylonia that may have been Kassite in origin (del Monte and Tischler, 1978, pp. Ira Spar, Michael Jursa: Cuneiform Texts from the Metropolitan Museum of Art IV: The Ebabbar Temple Archive and Other Texts from the Fourth to the First Millennium BC. 1-8. 471-589. Jt. The administration was directed from the palaces of various cities. 535-545, Taha Baqir, "Iraq Government Excavations at 'Aqar Qf. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. MacGinnis, J. Babylonia and Assyria - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help American Journal of Archaeology, vol. It has also been suggested that the first element in Kudur-Enlil's name is derived from Elamite but that is disputed.[49][50]. 04 Mar 2023. Idem, Kossaioi, in Pauly-Wissowa, RE 22, 1922, pp. They slowly then began to make their way southward toward Babylon. [22] After the Kassite dynasty was overthrown in 1155 BC, the system of provincial administration continued and the country remained united under the succeeding rule, the Second Dynasty of Isin.[23]. [58] The seals were generally made of stone, glass, or clay. ; Pientka, 1998, pp. Very little is known of their language because of the lack of texts (only a few incomplete sentences have survived). Since the word Hebrew is a poor transliteration of the word Ivri (pronounced ihv`ree) it is a stretch to say that the word Apiru or Habiru is from the same source. Bibliography 257 Environment, Series II, Memoirs IV. Cushan-Rishathaim is mentioned in Judges 3:8 and God had used this ruler to punish his people for eight years before he releases them from his rule. Other ceramic goods, such as traps for small animals and vessels commonly thought to be fruit stands were found also. [6] As was typical in the region, there was some cross pollination with other religions. 412-18. The area they used to inhabit is located. Unlike conquerors who preceded them, the Kassites do not seem to have been considered a foreign and intrusive element by the Babylonians in the post-Kassite period and later. [7], Documentation of the Kassite period depends heavily on the scattered and disarticulated tablets from Nippur, where thousands of tablets and fragments have been excavated. The Amarna letters show marriage contracts between Egypt's 18th dynasty and the Kassites. Volume 2 Kardunia. 45-92, Pinches, T. G. The Question of the Kassite Language. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1907, pp. Van De Mieroop, 2003, pp. For less than $1 a week, you'll get devotionals, Bible study guides, thematic studies, and much more! 174-190, Bass, George F., et al. They introduced war chariots, The Kassites were defeated by the Elamites in 1157 B.C. Brinkman, 1986). M. Bloomfield, On Some Alleged Indo-European Languages in Cuneiform Characters, AJSLL 25, 1904, pp. Idem, Materials and Studies for Kassite History, 1: A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty, Chicago, 1986. Amarna a-an-har-ra, a-an-ha-ar (from Mitanni and Alashia), Hittite a-an-ha-ra(-az), Egyptian ngr, Old Testament nr < *amara (Old Babylonian gentilic Samhar), presumably a Kassite tribe, gave its name to Babylonia while it was occupied by the Kassites (see Zadok, 1984; cf. Katiliau and the Sumundar Canal: A New Middle Babylonian Royal Inscription. 55 f., 231, 325 ff., 336 ff.). ). [27] An International System came into place between these parties connected by widespread trade, treaties, and intermarriage between the ruling classes (especially between the Kassites and Elamites). Adding the years given by the King List to that date would place the beginning of the dynasty in the 18th century BCE, when rulers of the Hammurabi dynasty controlled Babylon. J. 11, No. Coss(a)ei, Cossiaei, etc., i.e., Kassites (along with he Kissa as the name of the Kassites country; see Weissbach, 1921, 1922; Eilers, 1957-58, p. 135; Brinkman, 1976-80, p. 471b). A. For a time in the early reign of Tukulti-Ninurta I Assyria gained ascendancy, until the Elamites under Kidin-Hutran III intervened. )], Buga[u?] 59, no. K. Jaritz, Die kassitische Sprachreste, Anthropos 52, 1957, pp. Babylon | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Thus Rameses means to come from Ra and Mosa would be incomplete, and as it says in Exodus he was drawn from the water. Gasche et al. 112 f.). A. Brinkman, Kassiten (Kass), RLA, vol. Another ancient Middle Eastern people known as the Elam finally defeated the last Kassite ruler in 12 B.C. The Kassites were a warlike people that invaded Babylon during the 16th century B.C. 17 ff. J. Boese, Burnaburia II, Meliipak und die mittelbabylonische Chronologie, Ugarit Forschungen 14, 1982, pp. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. "Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. The inscription is believed to be between 1400 1200 BCE, right around the time where Israel was in captivity or shortly after leaving captivity. Who Were the Hittites? - Biblical Archaeology Society The Kassites - Bible History The Kassites You are here: Home Ancient Babylonia Old Babylonian Period (2000 - 1595 BC) The Kassites Just exactly who The Kassites were, and anything about their origins and history, is very obscure. These monuments, which were once thought to be boundary stones erected in fields . Saarbrcken: Saarlndische Druckerei und Verlag, Sternitzke, Katja. Babylonian wealth and influence at this time is reflected in the use of the cuneiform script and the Babylonian language as the main form of diplomatic communication. 2134, 1953, T. Clayden. However, Huber (1999-2000, p. 289b) doubts the mere three-year interval. The first Jewish king, King Saul, defeated the Ammonites and made them his servants. 55, pp. The office of the governor was secular, but he could also serve as the high priest of the Enlil temple (Ekur) of Nippur. Nearing the end of the letter, the king states that if no archers are sent, then Jerusalem will fall to the Hapiru (same as Apiru). The anonymity of most of the Kassites in late Old Babylonian sources is not greatly remedied by the new occurrences from the unpublished texts evaluated by Richardson (2002, pp. For a time I said I was an atheist. 469 f.; Dosch and Deller, 1981), as well as in Middle Assyrian documents (see Brinkman, 1976-80, p. 470; cf. 163-69). As is clear from this material, the Kassites spoke a language without a genetic relationship to any other known tongue (cf. The Kassite penetration into Mesopotamia. Temples were granted whole villages with the tillers, who stood in dependency and an exploitation relationship (see Oelsner, 1982a, 1982b). What Really Happened Between Ruth and Boaz On The Threshing Floor. Archaeologists divide it into three periods, Early Kassite (pre c. 1415 BC), Middle Kassite (c 1415 BC - 1225 BC), and Late Kassite (c. 1225 BC - 1155 BC). Stone Records From The Kassite Dynasty In Babylonia - Ancient Pages There are also a number of building inscriptions, all but one written in Sumerian unlike the Akkadian typically used by the Kassites. A Harmony of the Life of Jesus - Four gospel accounts in harmony. Fourteen letters were exchanged between the pharaohs and two successive Kassite kings, Kadaman-Enlil I (1369-55 BCE) and Burnaburia II (1354-28 BCE). (2011, August 03). (2012). 19-38. No, King David Never Danced Naked Before The Lord, Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing. Kassites - Crystalinks And I realized all my beliefs like what Edison believed came from the Bible. ; Cancik-Kirschbaum, 1996, no. 17793, Roaf, Michael. Kassites. Gezer has been captured; Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have originated in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. The Kassites of Babylonia: A Re-examination of an Ethnic Identity This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 2, 1971, Ferrara, A. J. Mesopotamia - HISTORY 437-478, Malko, Helen. They later regained power yet would be defeated along with many other nations under King Nebuchadnezzar in the seventh century BC. They are recorded as weavers and other textile workers, but are underrepresented in most of the other handicrafts (Sassmannshausen, 2001, p. xv). 3, 1982, pp. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. In the period . The governor of Nippur was in charge of an economic organization, which collected numerous agricultural deliveries and imposts from broad parts of Babylonia. After the destruction of the Mittani by the Hittites in the early 14th century BC Assyria rose in power creating a three way power structure in the region between the Kassites, Hittites, and Assyrians with Elam exerting influence from the east and Egypt from the south. The emergence of Assyria as a world power under Aur-uballi caused Burnaburia II to marry Aur-uballis daughter as his main wife. The Kassites retained power for about four hundred years (until 1155 BC). 144 ff.). The Kassites seem to be relatively new to the region, in view of the fact that they do not appear among the peoples who inhabited the central and southern Zagros according to Sargonic and Ur III sources. This was followed by Dynasty II of Isin (1169-1039 b.c. 1, 1989, pp. First mentioned in Elamite texts of the late 3rd millennium bc, they penetrated into Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium, The dependents employed in these sectors received rations, the quantities of which were determined according to the recipients rank in the hierarchy. 8, line 46; 9, 41). Raphael Kutscher memorial volume, Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, Occasional Publications 1, Tel Aviv, 1993, pp. Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have originated in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. Books Brill, pp. Ghent, 1998. 42-122, 2022, Buchanan, Briggs. In addition to their original members and dependents, both sectors absorbed prisoners of war, fugitive foreigners. Astour, Michael C. The Name of the Ninth Kassite Ruler. Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. Please support World History Encyclopedia. A. 159-70. Volume 1 Kardunia. Weekly_Study_Questions_4.docx - BIBL 410 WEEKLY STUDY - Course Hero G. del Monte and J. Tischler, Die Orts- und Gewssernamen der hethitischen Texte, Rpertoire Gographique des Textes Cuniformes 6, Wiesbaden, 1978. M. Heinz, Migration und Assimilation im 2. [55] Other similar glass dated 1500 BC was found at Tell al-Rimah. 147, Lambert, W. G. The Warwick Kudurru. Syria, vol. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. When did the kassite exist? - It is believed that in the ancient city existed the legendary "Hanging Gardens of Babylon," which were terraced gardens of celestial beauty that were maintained by an automated watering mechanism. Is The NIV Purposefully Removing References To Fasting? 4.1: The Bronze Age States - Humanities LibreTexts [52] Many small pottery kilns, generally no bigger than 2 meters in diameter with domed tops, were found in the Babylonian city of Dilbat. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". (1998, p. 83) advocate a lower chronology, thereby narrowing the gap between the end of the Old Babylonian period and, ca. By the 14th century BCE, the Kassites controlled the whole of Babylonia, including the Diyala region. This governor seems to have enjoyed a special, apparently privileged, status among the other provincial governors (Sassmannshausen tends to compare his role to that of a chief minister of the state: Kanzler). Moses birth was 80 years before the Exodus in 1392bce or 2528 from Adam. The genealogies of the Bible reveal that intermarriage of the ruler-priests lines continued to the time of Jesus. P. Huber, P. Review of Gasche et al., Fall of Babylon, Archiv fr Orientforschung 46-47, 1999-2000, pp. These grants were recorded on stone stelae (sing. Biblical Archaeology - Significant Discoveries from Ancient Empires. Press, 1997, Kjaerum, F. SEALS OF DILMUN-TYPE FROM FAILAKA, KUWAIT. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol. After this point, the Kassites had faded into obscurity. J. Oelsner, Landvergabe im kassitischen Babylonien, in M. A. Dandamayev, I. Gershevitch, H. Klengel, G. Komorczy, M. T. Larsen, and J. N. Postgate, eds., Societies and Languages in the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of I.M. J. Eidem, The Shemshra Tablets 2: The Administrative Texts, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 15, Copenhagen, 1982. Their leaders came to power in Babylon following the collapse of the ruling dynasty of the Old Babylonian Period in 1595 BC. 464-73. 27181. (1969): 310-348, Kaniuth, Kai. There is not a single connected text in the Kassite language. This document includes a graphic timeline (imagemap) and a hypertexted text timeline ("Year in which Samsu-iluna the king (defeated) the totality of the strength of the army / the troops of the Kassites"). Timeline of Events in Ancient Babylonia - ThoughtCo THE OLD TO MIDDLE BABYLONIAN TRANSITION: HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY OF THE MESOPOTAMIAN DARK AGE. gypten Und Levante / Egypt and the Levant, vol. 160 f.; also > Kunu-; cf. "10. Around 1500 BC. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archologie, Daniel A. Nevez, 'Provincial administration at Kassite Nippur', Military history of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Muslim conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia,, States and territories established in the 16th century BC, States and territories disestablished in the 12th century BC, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Son of Burnaburiash I, Grandson of Agum-Kakrime, Possible campaigns against "The Sealand" and "in Dilmun". They had encountered many different kingdoms and tribes before they reached their destination. Ancient Babylon, the iconic Mesopotamian city that survived for 2,000 It is thought that the Kassites originated as tribal groups in the Zagros Mountains to the north-east of Babylonia. I; Chronicles conserning early babylonian Studies in Eastern History, II. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History,,, Idem, Prelude to Empire: Babylonian Society and Politics, 747-626 B.C., Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund 7, Philadelphia, 1984. Over the centuries, however, the Kassites were absorbed into the Babylonian population. What do we know about the Ammonites? - "17. 6969, Albrecht Goetze, "The Kassites and Near Eastern Chronology,", This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 22:04. [44][45], Note that the relative order of Kadashman-Turgu and Kadashman-Enlil II have been questioned. Mu-s-Sa Dates in the Kassite Period. Die Welt Des Orients, vol. K. Balkan (1986, pp. Phone Toll Free: 877-966-7300 or 816-584-3077, [This article continues after a message from the authors], These Articles are Written by the Publishers of, Amazing Bible Timeline with World History 2023. The most advanced Bible dictionary as a part of Biblia Plus, which includes everything you need to take your Bible study to the next level. Several members of the ruling family of Ellipi (< Middle Babylonian Ullipi, with attenuation of the initial vowel, according to A. Fuchs apud Sassmannshausen, 2001, p. 151b) bore Kassite names. The work at Isin was initated by Kurigalzu I and continued by Kadashman-Enlil I, and after a lapse, by Adad-shuma-usur and Meli-Shipak II. 44 f., 59). I. M. Diakonoff and S. M. Kashkai, Geographical Names According to Urartian Texts, Rpertoire Gographique des Textes Cuniformes 9, Wiesbaden, 1979. The Kassites produced a substantial amount of pottery. This relief shows 3 different peoples essentially having Egyptian rule placed over them. In the 207th letter Ipte praises Baal of the sun, for delivering him in battle against the Apiru. First mentioned in Elamite texts of the late 3rd millennium bc, they penetrated into Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium, were repulsed by Hammurabis son, but secured holdings within the Tigris-Euphrates valley on the northern frontiers of Babylonia and later established the second Babylonian dynasty. 55, No. Babylon under Kassite rulers, who renamed the city Karanduniash, re-emerged as a political and military power in Mesopotamia. 131 f.). ), whose kings were native Babylonians. Most of the Kassite kings ruled on an average of 17 to 20 years. Required fields are marked *. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). One of its many anthropological and theological implications is that Genesis 10 and 11 are historically accurate. The Babylonians were the first to form an empire that would encompass all of Mesopotamia. The images were made by stamping or rolling the seals into wet clay. The findings of those digs can be found HERE. [32][33] The Kassites also extended their power into the Persian Gulf, including at Qal'at al-Bahrain. They were the Babylonians in the south and the Assyrians to the north. 1496 BCE, i.e., just three years after its fall, if to rely upon the evidence of the texts from Tall Muammad (for their onomasticon, see Zadok, 1994, p. 48a; Sassmannshausen, 1999, pp. They eventually detached themselves from the Babylonian state and its urban centers, probably because they were unpaid or unprovisioned. This period is marked by a building hiatus at Babylon, similar to the one after the fall of the First Babylonian dynasty. During the time of the Canaanite conquest the most profound source of extra-biblical evidence is from a cache of letters called the Amarna letters. 411 f.) is of the opinion that they penetrated from the central Zagros via the lower Diyala region into northern Babylonia, notably the Sippar region during the late Old Babylonian period. 2, 2021, pp. Kassite deities - Wikipedia 23. A culture that rules babylonia from the 16th and 12th centuries BC. Buried History, 51, 57-60. how much did lawrence welk band members make; walmart distribution center pedricktown, nj 08067; smoked coffee beans on pellet smoker; power xl air fryer turn off beeping This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. R. Zadok, The Origin of the Name Shinar, ZA 74, 1984, pp. Originally Published in 1962 Mesopotamian Motifs in the Early Chapters of Genesis By: E.A.