Social Service Program Planner III Natural Resources Site Manager II Opt 2 Rental Subsidy Program Technician March 4 (2023) Investigative Officer 1 (Public Work Wage) April 22 (2023) Secretary to Dean March 4 (2023) Public Service Administrator Opt SS6, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Repairer Stationary Engineer Dispatcher (*) February 25 (2023) Email Veterans Service Counselor April 22 (2023), Assistant Director of School Safety and Security March 4 (2023) Scores for local civil service examinations are maintained by each respective municipal civil service agency.. For eligible list information resulting from examinations conducted by another state agency (decentralized examinations), please contact the state agency to which you submitted your examination application. Public Safety Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Coordinator Of Maintenance Services TECHNOLOGY, ASSISTANT WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR, ASSISTANT WORKERS' COMPENSATION SUPERVISOR, ASSOCIATE PUBLIC HEALTH SANITARIAN (HEARING OFFICER), CHIEF - PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH LABORATORY, CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY LEGISLATURE, CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND If you would like to use your abilities and get involved with the important work of providing service for the expanding Suffolk community, County Civil Service may be for you. Custodian April 22 (2023) Custodian 2 Supervising Emergency Services Dispatcher February 25 (2023), Emergency and Police Dispatcher February 25 (2023) SERVICES, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH SERVICES (ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Hospital Safety Officer March 4 (2023) Senior Asset Manager March 4 (2023), Emergency Services Dispatcher February 25 (2023) The Illinois Department of Central Management Services provides state residents with the opportunity to compete for open positions through testing. Investigations Assistant April 22 (2023) Investigative Officer Trainee April 22 (2023) For a complete list of state jobs filled by competitive testing in Louisiana, refer to the State Civil Service website. Communications Systems Technician Code Enforcement Officer Trainee April 22 (2023) Maryann Miller - Senior Office Assistant - Suffolk County - LinkedIn Data Entry Operator April 15 (2023) Quality Assurance Coordinator March 4 (2023), Account Clerk Keyboard Specialist March 25 (2023) Veterinarian Licensed Addiction Counselor (Social Service Counselor 4-B) Quality Assurance Coordinator March 4 (2023) Deputy Executive Secretary March 4 (2023) Water Treatment Plant Operator/Trainee April 15 (2023), Public Safety Dispatcher February 25 (2023), Communications Officer/Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Veterans Specialist April 22 (2023), Assistant Police Chief March 25 (2023) Superintendent of Heating and Ventilation March 4 (2023) SERVICES, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF TRAFFIC AND PARKING VIOLATIONS Site Technician II Assistant Director of Investigations April 22 (2023) Veterans Service Officer April 22 (2023), Assistant Chief Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Employment applications and all documentation requested in this announcement must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on the cut-off date. Clerk Typist April 15 (2023) Emergency Services Dispatcher I Trainee February 25 (2023) Assistant Inspector Office Assistant INTERPRETIVE RANGER 3 Housing Coordinator March 4 (2023) Senior Public Service Administrator Opt 1 Director of Facilities, Maintenance and Transportation March 25 (2023) Sign up for the exam and our prep course today. Maintenance Supervisor 1 (Building) March 25 (2023) Civil Service Success 173 North Main Street #180, Sayville, New York 11782, USA. ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Assistant Fire Chief March 4 (2023) Account Clerk II For a complete list of exams currently available in Connecticut, refer to the DAS website. Clerk Typist 2. Typist March 18 (2023), Caseworker February 25 (2023) Welfare Fraud Investigator April 22 (2023), Account Clerk March 4 (2023) Secretary I March 4 (2023) Investigator, Juvenile Justice Specialist Apply Here - Suffolk County, New York Family Services Investigator April 22 (2023) Police Officer/Deputy Sheriff March 4 (2023) SERVICES), DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, RECREATION AND Building Maintenance Mechanic March 25 (2023) Social Services Investigator April 22 (2023) Lieutenant of Campus Safety/Investigator April 22 (2023) Monday to Friday +1. Human Services Assistant Facilities and Maintenance Manager March 25 (2023) School Safety Officer March 4 (2023), Deputy Fire Chief March 3 (2023) REGISTERED NURSE SUPERVISOR A Carpenter (NYC H&H) March 13 (2022) Public Safety Dispatcher II February 25 (2023) Carpenter March 13 (2022) Assistant Planner Upcoming Exams - Passbooks Senior Social Services Investigator April 22 (2023) Police Chief March 25 (2023) Communications Officer February 25 (2023) Senior Campus Safety Officer March 4 (2023), Caseworker May 27 (2023) Account Clerk Typist April 22 (2023) MEDICAID DIRECTOR Environmental Services Trainee Plant Utilities Engineer 4 March 4 (2023) Tax Commission Specialist 1,2 Assistant Food Service Supervisor Court Reporter Spring 2023 SHEET METAL MASTER Youth Worker CORRECTIONS CADET PSYCHOLOGIST 1, 2 OR 3 Support Service Worker SPECIALIST, ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY (SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT), ASSISTANT DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, RECREATION & Sort by: relevance - date. Emergency Services Dispatcher / Police Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Public Safety Dispatcher I April 29 (2023) Success on these exams can help candidates gain employment with state, city or local government. Social Services Career Trainee Opt SS Success on these exams gives candidates the opportunity to gain employment with state, city or local government. Occupancy Specialist March 4 (2023) Communications Specialist II February 25 (2023) Quality Assurance Coordinator March 4 (2023) Customer Service Specialist Senior Telecommunicator February 25 (2023) Secretary II March 4 (2023) Housing Program Specialist March 4 (2023) Guard March 4 (2023) Salary: Senior Office Assistant (February, 2023) | Glassdoor Housing Assistance Administrator March 4 (2023) Fire Protection Inspector Housing Assistance Representative March 4 (2023), Administrative Secretary March 4 (2023) Executive II Opt N1 Office Coordinator Opt 2 Test Practice Book for 100 Civil Service Jobs, Accounting Assistant Join to apply for the Office Assistant and Senior Office Assistant role at County of San Joaquin. What is A Senior Office Assistant? - Zippia PILEDRIVER (MARINE/HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, DECKHAND, HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, CRANE OPERATOR) In New York State, hundreds of civil service exams are administered each year by the state and by individual counties, as well as New York City, smaller municipalities (towns, villages, etc.) Listed below are civil service exams scheduled to be given throughout New York State in the coming months, separated by jurisdiction. Please call (914) 995-2388, if you have any questions. Dispatcher-Sheriff February 25 (2023) SOCIAL SERVICE COUNSELOR 4-B Supervising Public Health Adviser April 27 (2023) Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor March 25 (2023) Accountant Supervisor 1 High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) Control Room Supervisor (District Heating and Cooling) March 4 (2023) Office Assistant 2 (Calculations), (Open to current NYS Employees only), Box OHE-901/04240: 09: 02/28/22: . 700 H Street, Room 4667. Law Enforcement and Protective Services Test (Series 9500) Consumer Affairs Specialist I April 22 (2023) Assistant Director of Buildings, Operations and Maintenance March 25 (2023) Civil Service Successhas been helping candidates achieve high scores on their exams for the past 45 years! Building Maintenance Mechanic March 25 (2023) Electrical Craft Helper PSYCHIATRIC AIDE 1 or 2 Housing Assistance Administrator I (Existing Housing) March 4 (2023) Senior Cost Estimator Property Improvement Clerk March 25 (2023) MAINTENANCE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF CUSTODIAL AND SECURITY SERVICES, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST 1, WAE Public Safety Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Inter-Office Mail Code: 09-4667. Deputy Commissioner of Public Works (Buildings and Grounds) March 25 (2023) Social Work Specialist Management Assistant Traffic Enforcement Agent May 11 (2023) Special Patrol Officer March 4 (2023) Public Works Supervisor March 25 (2023), Office Assistant I April 22 (2023) Dispatcher (*) February 25 (2023) UNEMPLOYMENT TAX AGENT 1/2/3 suffolk county department of civil service. Prepare for the 2023 New York State Civil Service Exam - JobTestPrep For more information on preparation classes on other Suffolk County Civil Service Exams, get in touch with ushere. The job of an office assistant involves a significant number of obligations and requires its employees to possess a diverse set of skills to perform optimally at the workplace. Coordinator of Quality Assurance & Improvement March 4 (2023) General Superintendent (Sanitation) Date TBD Corrections Supply Supervisor I Boiler Operator/Maintenance Worker March 4 (2023) Medical Administrator I Option D Opt 06 . At Civil Service Success, we provide you with all the resources you need to ace the exams, but there are some things you can do to improve your preparation with us: You may encounter a fitness test if youre registered for the Suffolk County Police Exam. Environmental Educator & Sustainability Coordinator April 22 (2023) 11/30/2022 4:49 PM. PROBATION AND PAROLE OFFICER 1, 2 or 3-ADULT Here are some functions of an office assistant you may find in a typical job announcement: Regardless of your educational and professional background, you still have to go through civil service testing before you can be considered as a job candidate for the position of office assistant. For over 40 years, the Aging office has administered federal, state and county programs for persons 60 years of age and older. Telecommunicator Lead Specialist Technology Coordinator May 13 (2023), Building Maintenance Mechanic March 25 (2023) NURSING ASSISTANT 2 You could not and no-one else going similar to ebook store or Correctional Officer Trainee ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 3 Utilities Plant Supervisor March 4 (2023) Management Test Battery Technician Management Information Systems Attorney 1, 2, 3 Clerk February 25 (2023), Emergency Services Dispatcher February 25 (2023), Admissions Coordinator March 4 (2023) PLANNING, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF FIRE, RESCUE AND EMERGENCY Public Works Building & Grounds Supervisor March 25 (2023) Human Resources Associate 2 Assistant Resident Buildings Superintendent April 6 / May 9 (2023) Natural Resources Specialist Opt 3 For any questions regarding Building Subcode Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) Housing Project Manager March 4 (2023), Asset Manager March 4 (2023) approved by the New York State Department of Civil Service for use only in School Safety Command and Control Center Technician March 4 (2023) Staff Assistant Library May 13 (2023) Public Safety Dispatcher February 25 (2023), Assistant Fire Chief March 4 (2023) Telecommunications Shift Supervisor February 25 (2023) Assistant Special Investigator April 22 (2023) Program Development Specialist Candidates who pass their New York Civil Service Exam have their names placed on the eligibility list . CONSUMER AFFAIRS, CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, RECREATION AND Police Communications Technician May 1 (2023) Director of School Safety and Security March 4 (2023) specification available. Hospital Safety Officer II March 4 (2023) Superintendent of Building Operations and Maintenance March 25 (2023) Senior Building Maintenance Mechanic March 25 (2023) Human Rights Assistant April 22 (2023) Environmental Education Administrator April 22 (2023) It's one of the biggest employers of civil servants in the region, having appointed nearly 40,000 candidates across the expanse of its civil service commission. Social Services Investigator April 22 (2023), Assistant Director of School Facilities and Operations March 25 (2023) Emergency Services Call Taker/Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Supervising Campus Public Safety Officer March 4 (2023) Phone (916) 874-5593; 7-1-1 California Relay Service. Maintenance Worker (NYC H&H) Date TBD ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR OF LABOR, LICENSING AND CONSUMER Building Maintenance Supervisor March 25 (2023) CONSERVATION), ASSISTANT TO COMMISSIONER (SOCIAL SERVICES), ASSISTANT TO COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, LICENSING AND Senior Stock Clerk Administrative Analyst Grounds Worker Police Service Representative Corrections Treatment Officer PROJECT CONSULTANT . Investigative Specialist 1 (Beverage Control) April 22 (2023) College Public Safety Officer III March 4 (2023) Office Assistant jobs in Suffolk County, NY. Classes filling up quickly, seating is limited! Emergency Services Dispatcher February 25 (2023) Project Manager NONCODE Automotive Mechanic 1 & 2, Budget Analyst I School Safety Officer March 4 (2023) JUVENILE JUSTICE SPECIALIST 1/2/3 Chief of Fire March 4 (2023) CORRECTIONS JUVENILE FOOD PRODUCTION WORKER Security Guard March 4 (2023), Confidential Secretary March 4 (2023) Social Services Career Trainee Opt MC Investigative Officer 2 (Public Work Wage) April 22 (2023) K-9 Administrative Director March 4 (2023) SOCIAL SERVICE COUNSELOR 1 ELMS Online does not contain all eligible list information. Click on your states tab to view upcoming civil services exams. Senior Social Services Investigator April 22 (2023) Practical Nurse As a result, pre-employment screening procedures are a common part of the hiring process for the position of a civil service office assistant. Security Services Assistant 2 (*) March 4 (2023) Public Service Administrator Opt 3 Public Service Administrator Opt 6 Merit Comp/Non-Union TO APPLY ON-LINE VISIT: WWW.WESTCHESTERGOV.COM/HR. Executive Secretary to the Vice President MCC March 4 (2023) Buildings and Grounds Administrator March 25 (2023) MEDICAID AREA MANAGER 2 Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee February 25 (2023), Assistant Director of Public Facilities March 25 (2023) Assistant Park Naturalist April 22 (2023) Brianne Minden is a Senior Office Assistant at Suffolk County Government based in Hauppauge, New York.