The professor believed that these many megalithic chambers were built by the Celts who welcomedPhoenician mariners from the Mediterranean Sea. Severalarchaeological digs have been done in the area and thousands of artifacts have been found, all of which were Native American or 18th and 19thcenturyinorigin, Featured on the HistoryChannel and other television programs, Americas Stonehenge remains controversial. aspects of the natural world that are sensed but not understood. This description is consistent with the way the early inhabitants of this continent regarded their surroundings. It includes a tunnel that connects to a roundish beehive room. In its later years, the Queens Fort supposedly sheltered hermits and bandits. The Lincoln Covered Bridge is a single span of only 14 feet wide, located on the south end of town. We use the information you supply us in different ways. It was constructed without mortar and contains lintels weighing as much a 3 to 4 tons. In 1989, two archao-astronomists concludedthat people used the chamber between 700-750 A.D. to study the Pleiades. Thanks for watching.Music: Majestic by LesFM. The most elaborate structures, called beehive chambers were built in a conical shape and sometimes featuresmoke holes for ventilation, as well as shelves and benches incorporated into the walls. Most are freestanding. Calendar II in central Vermont is perhaps the most famous of the Vermont chambers. 975 people like this. Hours 802.457.1213 70 Amsden Way, Woodstock, Vermont 05091 Winter Solstice Sunrise as seen from the back of the chamber of Calendar II. The chamber and the nearby stone cairns on Pratt Hill are both listed on the National Historic Register. Standing atthe crest of a wooded hill, the structure consisted of dry-laid stone wallsset between groups of glacial boulders. In his capacity as a field investigator, he hosts travel adventures to archaeological sites worldwide. Woodstock is the shire town, and capital, (county seat) of Windsor County, Vermont, in the United States. ancient voyagers frequently traveled the Merrimack, the Thames and the Connecticut rivers. ARPA Survey. Upton Chamber, Massachusetts by Malcolm Pearson, 1944. I will be returning to the Stone Chambers with further blog updates in the near future, and I am also currently working on a short film describing my experiences visiting and entering the chambers. [] Some speculate that perhaps ancient voyagers frequently traveled the Merrimack, the Thames and the Connecticut rivers. The volume of the energy in this place was too high for my tastes and sensitivity. House 8 guests 4 bedrooms. So in 1977, the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation studied the stone chambers in the state. By . Eastern Vermont has some of the densest concentrations of ancient stone structures in North America, most of which are located in Orange and Windsor Counties. This is evidence of its use as a ceremonial centre. The season is also packed with fun events, including the best of them all, Woodstock's popular Wassail Weekend. You can visit the restored chamber at the Nashoba Brook Conservation Area in North Acton on the easterly side of Main Street (Route 27), toward Westford and Carlisle. Creating a . Additional Community Calendars - website links can also be found below Village Trustees: Agenda Items Due Wednesday Before Meeting at 12:00 Noon 1.3.23 Trustees Meeting Agenda 1.10.23 Trustees Meeting Agenda 2.14.23 Trustees Packet 2.16.23 Trustees Packet 2.23.23 Trustees Packet Select Board: Agenda Items Due Wednesday Before Meeting at 12:00 Noon 1.3.23 Select Board Meeting Agenda 1.10.23 . But far fewer people know about the regions hundreds of mysterious stone structures. For years these formations were assumed to be colonial root cellars, but in the late 1800s, a few archaeologists began speculating that the megalithic structures, similar to some types found in Europe, were the work of ancient European settlers. These sacred places have a very spiritual vibration, facilitating deep meditation and contemplation. Be aware that choosing a non-stop flight can sometimes be more expensive while saving you time. Didmedieval Irish monks, American Indians or Vikings build them? And the door aligns with the solstice sunrise. Teacher In-Service Day (No classes) . Our display advertising partner, Ad Agency, then enables us to present you with retargeting advertising on other sites based on your previous interaction with The 2023 Vermont high school winter playoffs are underway. We use cookies on this website to enhance your experience of the site and help us understand how the site can be improved. The Queen was one of those who managed to escape but was later killed by Connecticut soldiers when she tried to escape north inJuly 1676. In India, such spots are called tantrapieds, places for liberation and enlightenment. This year's Wassail Weekend happens December 9 - 11, 2022. There isapproximately 800 stonebuilt chambers scattered across the New England States that are of a design and form that have been found nowhere else in North America. Further, he asserted that these structures, built along rivers in secluded valleysand on hilltops were erected by the priests (or Druids) for use as temples. From the stand-out features of the Woodstock school system, to success stories of residents working for and building businesses near and far, this blog will show how living in Woodstock can be not just a dream, but an achievable reality. They looked for three things: Is there evidence of archaeo-astronomical alignment of the chambers to the Sun or Moon on significant days of the year? There, he found a tabletinside one of the chambers, which he said was carved with Ogam characters, a Celtic alphabetic system. The Red Paint people of Maine once settled in the Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, a wetland preserve. $375 per night. Though hundreds were killed, someescaped into the frozen swamp where more died from wounds or the harsh winter conditions. One example is a site called Balanced Rock, a giant boulder that rests on six conical rocks located on Route 116 in North Salem, weighing as much as 80 tons. The large interior of a stone chamber at the Calendar II site in South Woodstock Vermont. In 1956 the property was bought by Robert Stone, who renamed it Americas Stonehenge, turned it into a tourist attraction, and began charging admission to see the monoliths. I couldnt stay in the chamber for more than five minutes. ). Eastern Vermont hassome of the densest concentrations of ancient stone structures in North America, most of which are located inOrange and Windsor Counties. Some accounts say thatQuaiapen and Stonewall John were lovers. +1 800-734-9435 | Website. An investigation of one of New England's most important megalithic chambers. Radiocarbon dating confirms that the structures were built as many as 4,000 years ago. We also use your contact information to interact with you (if that was your intention). One of the biggest and best known stone chambers is called Calendar II in South Woodstock, Vt. Calendar II measures 10 feet by 20 feet on the inside, the same geometrical ratio as the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Right: Interior of Stone Chamber on Route 6 in New York State. Americas Stonehenge by Stan Shebs, courtesy Wikipedia. A pre-wedding Picnic Party at Glenmorgan House. Some believe that the acreage was used bylocal farmers in the 18th and 19th centuries and that more structures were built byowner William Goodwin in the 1930s. Surrounding these chambers are often foundcairns, standing stones, enclosures, ceremonial walls, pedestal boulders, and balanced rocks. Take Exit 1 to Route 4 West. Some are aligned along north-south and east-west axes. I couldnt stay in the chamber for more than five minutes. They suggest that the site may have been more of a complex than a single stone chamber.I hope you enjoy the video that was taken on a lovely fall day in Vermont and hope people are willing to share their thoughts and ideas about the chamber. No artifacts have been found inside any of the Stone Chambers. Standing to the left of the mouth of Calendar II is Betty Sincerbeaux, perhaps more than anyone else, was responsible for waking the rest of us see the reality of this lithic culture in Vermont. Many had roof openings that allowed a little light to illuminate the interiors. You can learn more about who I am and my research in my books: Richard Cassaros new book, The Missing Link, explores the meaning, transformations and propagation of the ancient worlds most important religious icon. Home Size. The Equinox sun rise from a lower angle, within the same chamber. Characteristically, they are expertly constructed with fitted masonry stone and capped withmegalithic slabs. Sleigh Rides leave from the Green Mountain Horse Assn.5491 South Road, South Woodstock VT, 05071. The largest underground chamber at Gungywamp is called the calendar chamber because it features an astronomical alignment. She supposedly hid out at the site during King Phililps War before moving somewhere else, where she died. For example, colonial settlers described in their writings the existence of strange Indian forts in and around New England; these descriptions seem to match the Stone Chambers. The floor of Upton is currently comprised of rotted wood planking covering flagstones. In fact, for several decades researchers have been asking a variety of questions challenging the mainstream interpretation. Calendar II in central Vermont is perhaps the most famous of the Vermont chambers. It is the perfect place to experience the best of Vermont: architecture, spectacular natural scenery, a world heritage farm, great restaurants, eclectic boutiques and down-to-earth Vermont Hospitality. On March 11, President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law, awarding millions of dollars directly to cities, towns, and villages. The winner will be notified within 24 hours of the drawing by email to confirm their prize, and to provide . Images: Gungywamp By Randal J. As more fertile and less rocky pastures were discovered during the Westward expansion, New England was abandoned and reverted back to forest, leaving only the root cellars and stone walls as evidence of any past human habitation. We need volunteers to continue this community service! But no one found any such evidence. The Queens Fort and Queens Bed Chamber in Exeter, R.I., have colorful legends about them. The overhead lintel stones weigh approximately three tons each. Researchers have identified the Celts and Native Americans as possible builders who would use it as a ceremonial site. Further, this cultural ignorance wasperpetrated by English land speculators andby some Christian ministers whose goal, as worded by Reverend John Eliot was to to convince, bridle, restrain and civilize the Indians and also to humble them. However, this does not explain that early records of New England colonists make mention of stone chambers preexisting before they settled the land and also described in their writings, theexistence of strange Indian forts. Nor does it explain thatsometimes the age of the chamber could be authenticated by trees that predated settlement, that passageways were often too low and narrow to wheel a cart into, and the chambers having soil floors that would rot vegetables. Woodstock, Vermont is a quintessential New England town. The South Woodstock Volunteer Fire Department has been serving the local community for 50 years. What I found was as amazing as it was baffling. Hmm. Generally, they are in circular and rectangular forms that range from 15-30 feet long, are about 10 feet wide, and have a 10 feet tall central chamber. NATIVE AMERICAN SHRINES The village of South Woodstock consists of an inn, a general store and a post office. New England colonists found many stone buildings, when they arrived. To date, most archaeologists feel that the prehistoric European temple explanation for the Stone Chambers lacks archaeological context. Like other New England stone chambers, its builders remain a mystery. Richard Cassaro is a Madrid-based author, lecturer, filmmaker, and tour guide from New York City. Page 401 - We believe that there is one God, whose nature is Love, revealed in one Lord Jesus Christ, by one Holy Spirit of Grace, who will finally restore the whole family of mankind to holiness and happiness. The Equinox Sunrise as seen from the Calendar 1 chamber occurs in a saddle in that ridge. It is standing with one's foot wedged against this stone that the Winter Solstice Sunrise can be seen (see next image). However, that number has since been doubled. (Photo courtesy of Bill Vieira.) Gungywamp Stone Circle by Randal J, courtesy Wikipedia. Interestingly, virtually no artifacts have been found inside theUpton Chamber. A retired insurance executive named William Goodwin bought the site in 1937. Vermont - Calendar II. On this hill,several cairns are located near the summit. Amazingly, the chambers are all made of dry masonry stones, irregularly shaped. Many of the activities center around nature: skiing, hiking, fishing, biking, and . From intimate, farm-to-table parties to winter festivals, come discover what makes the Woodstock area such an inspiring place to visit. They then built their stone structures along those routes. The corbeling technique is used to support arches, parapets andfloors, and it is one of the reasons why the Stone Chambers have survived this longfar outlasting the actual farmhouses of the colonial settlers who are credited with having constructed them. As a result, early mercenaries to the Northeast wrote about Indian stone castles. Furthermore, John Winthrop the Youngerin 1654 received a letter from John Pynchon of Springfield, Mass. In the summer of 1974, Byron Dix discovered in Vermont the first of many areas in New England that he believed to be ancient Native American ritual sites. In recent years, the North Salem Historical Society changed the description of Balanced Rock to include the possibility that the rock may be a Celtic memorial. Overall it is a very nice facility. The stones fit together precisely, with no mortar gluing them together, clearly indicating the incredibly high level of skill and craftsmanship of the chamber builders. Many of these ritual sites connect with other sitestoformnetworks that stretch for hundreds of miles. All Rights Reserved. COLONIAL ROOT CELLARS If you continue using this site, well assume youre happy with this. Events Calendar . In the decades that followed, people began to wonder about the regions hundreds ofstone chambers. We will not send you mailings or e-mails unless you approve it. He may have built the stone fort to protect King Philip during King Philips War (1675-78). Further, the Native Americans of the area were known to limittheir use of upland areas where the vast majority of the chambersare located, to hunting and other short-term activities, and lived more permanently onriver or lakeside environments. A North/South ridge rises sharply to the East of Calendar 1. On Yahoo, Yelp, SuperPages, AmericanTowns and 25 other directories! 6. Back History & Mission . This chamber, like most other such chambers, is located over an underground water spring and a ley-line power centre. Phone +1 802-457-1757. *Home value over the past month. (This is what they are looking for here.). They can be added to the pool of ideas that already out there and still there will be no consensus. . Some features of the site suggest they were originally built as fortifications. Here several of the members are working on Calendar 1 during the time of the excavation. One of the biggest and best known stone chambers is called Calendar II in South Woodstock, Vt. Calendar II measures 10 feet by 20 feet on the inside, the same geometrical ratio as the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
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